这是一本关于中国东西的图文书。 117个富有特色的日常中国东西是本书不分先后的主角,每一个东西都代表着中国*真实的一个细节;通过对极具中国特色的日常东西的客观描述,用纯粹的物化方式去反映、去记录中国东西与中国人、中国社会之间的关系,那些日常东西以及其背后的时代印迹的汇聚恰恰构成了中国生活*为真实的模样;这本书是逝去的和即将逝去的时代*独特的纪念。 Chinese Stuff shows the modern and conventional tools and devices people use in their everyday life. With this book, the readers can reflect on and get to know China s unique and often amusing way of life. It is through this book that we come to understand how Chinese people live and adapt to this rapidly changing world. This album contains more than 100 items, which are so common in the daily life of Chinese people that they usually call little attention. But when people observe them from a cultural perspec
本系列共包含7本书,分别是《京剧中的人物》《京剧中的脸谱》《京剧中的交通工具》《京剧中的 》《京剧中的风雷雨雪》《京剧里用的东西:切末》《京剧中的舞蹈》。作者不会刻意解释“生旦净丑”“唱念做打”等等枯燥的术语概念,而是从孩子们熟悉的日常讲起,将晦涩难懂的京剧变成了与孩子衣食住行相关的活动,让孩子真正亲近京剧的文化内涵。此外,作者手绘的大量插图,皆极富神韵,不仅能帮助孩子看见京剧的门道,还能让他们感受京剧“有声皆歌,无动不舞”的美。
Health Qigong-Mawangdui Daoyin Exercises, withthe Picturesof Daoyin Exercises unearthed from the Mawangdui Tombs of the HanDynasty (206 BC-AD220)in Changsha, Hunan Province serving as thesource for the exercises, was compiled by the Chinese Health QigongAssociation. The movements are meanl to be practiced using mentalconcentration focused along the meridians, and incorporate risingandsquatting, extending and withdrawing, bending and stretching.These simple, beautiful movements are easy to learn, benefitingpractitioners both physically and spiritually. The book may serveas a reference forpeople who wish to practice the exercises toprevent disease and prolong life.
China has an ancient civilization with a very long history. Understanding its olely through the study of documents is clearly inadequate. A wealth of objects and remains has been preserved on China's vast territory and underground; much of which has been collected and is exhibited in various kinds of museums. This raw material of history can, in a certain sense, be considered more valuable for our understanding of the past of China than documents and historical records. Among the sixty-one museums selected for this book, many have been designated as key protected cultural sites by China. Some have been included in the UNESCO List of World Cultural Heritage Sites. We hope that this volume can serve visitors as a guide to understanding these museums.
The political system covers many fields, and the political systems of different countries vary greatly. The political system of contemporary China includes the form of state structure, the electoral system, the system of people's congresses, the system of the state presidency, the system of administration, the judiciary system, the military system, the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation, and the system of grass-roots democracy
China is the homeland of tea, taking a leading position in the planting, producing and drinking of tea. Because of their different producing techniques, Chinese tea is divided into six major types-green tea, black tea, oolong tea, dark tea, yellow tea and white tea. Some people say that green tea, simple and light, stands for the scholasticity of south China; black tea, mild and reserved, is quite ladylike; oolong tea, warm and persistent, resembles the perseverance of gymnosophists; dark tea, with lingering aftertaste, symbolizes the wisdom of the elderly, and so on and so forth.
中国茶对于中国人来说,已经不仅仅是一种饮品,经过几千年的传承,茶已经演变成为具有浓郁中国风情的文化。品饮中国茶,即是体味中国文化。本系列图书图文并茂地介绍了茶与茶具、烹茶技艺、普洱茶、绿茶和乌龙茶,介绍中国名茶的基础知识,并回答与茶与茶具有关的一些常识性问题,引导外国读者认识中国茶,具有很强的实用性和可操作性。 中国茶对于中国人来说,已经不仅仅是一种饮品,经过几千年的传承,茶已经演变成为具有浓郁中国风情的文化。品饮中国茶,即是体味中国文化。对于来中国学习、工作的外国人,不了解中国茶文化,便相当于没来过中国。本系列图书图文并茂地介绍了茶与茶具、烹茶技艺、普洱茶、绿茶和乌龙茶,介绍中国名茶的基础知识,并回答与茶与茶具有关的一些常识性问题,引导外国读者认识中国茶,具有很强的实用性和
《雒诵堂蒙学大字指读本》共六册,分为《三字经》《弟子规》《千字文》《五字鉴》《千家诗》《声律启蒙》,此为第六册。中国传统蒙学是中华 传统文化中的重要组成部分,其中蕴含着的人生哲理是孩童时期重要的精神食粮,也是人一生中人文道德修养的基础。雒诵堂是作者檀作文在京开设的私塾,主讲国学,首届诗词大会亚军李子琳便是雒诵堂的得意门生。雒诵堂目前在京名气渐大,自带流量,所用国学读本经作者多年考究、积极实践,已经十分成熟。《声律启蒙》是训练儿童应对、掌握声韵格律的启蒙读物。按韵分编,包罗天文、地理、花木、鸟兽、人物、器物等的虚实应对。从单字对到双字对,三字对、五字对、七字对到十一字对,声韵协调,朗朗上口,可得到语音、词汇、修辞的训练。从单字到多字的层层属对,读起来,如唱歌般。这类读物,在
《中国陶瓷(英文版)》介绍:China is richly endowed with the raw materials needed for making ceramics. Chinese discovered and mastered the techniques of porcelain first. Ceramic products are not only an important cultural heritage of human civilization; they are still very much a part of everyone's lives, and in a very lively and colorful way. A beautifully crafted and tastefully formed ceramic piece not only is a fruit of the technology and craft of its times, it also records the bits of history and life. Sometimes, it can even carry paintings, poetry, calligraphy, sculpture all on its tiny body; or serve as a medium of information for society.
The author believes that ancient Chinese myths and legends were gradually formed on the basis of those of the Huaxia (Han) and by absorbing from the Dongyi (ancient eastern tribes) and the Miaoman (ancient Southern tribes).The author sorted materials from various ancient Chinese books and records,and arranged the myths in order to aid readers' appreciation of the materials.In some chapters, he compares Chinese myths with western ones (especiallythe Greek). Full of fascinating material sand lucidly written, this book enables readers to enjoy the charm of Chinese myths and legends as well understand the spirit of traditional Chinese culture. In addition to the main Chinese traditions, the author includes reference to less well-known but equally fascinating stories.
Chinese literature, spanning over three thousand years, has well shaped the splendid and profound cultural identity of the Chinese people. Chinese literature is of immediate practical use from its source. It concerns human relationships and everyday life as well as political education. Moreover, it is closely related with the spiritual life of the people. The Chinese people strive for the harmony of man:with nature, firmly believing that the foundation of human relationships and everyday life is in communion with the heavenly principles. What the geniuses in the field of literature aspire to know and concern themselves with are the whole universe, history, and the bitter sorrow of the common people. All these are the great splendors in the tradition of Chinese literature.
Chinese Furniture is an outstanding representative of the Chinese arts. It has the bright feature of oriental arts and is honored as a pearl in oriental arts. As for the uniquefeature of Chinese furniture, some say it can completely give full play to the inborn nature of wood and display the beauty of the texture of wood. Some say it has perfect artistic shape. Its lines are delicate, easy and smooth and its structure reasonable and elegant. Some say its producing technique is superb, tenon and mortise precise and decorations elegant. Some say it has long historical grace, elegant artistic style and colorful charm...
本书以江南地区家风家训的传承、发展、创新为研究重点,通过全面收集江南地区的家风家训文献,对江南地区家风家训的形成、发展、特点进行全面的讨论,并对家风家训与江南区域发展变迁之间的关系进行深入研究,为进一步推进江南地区传承优良家风活动提供借鉴。本书共分为绪论、三个章节、结尾。 部分是绪论,明确家风家训的相关概念,回顾中 风家训的发展历史,对 外研究现状进行介绍,同时阐明本项目的研究重点和研究方法。 章是传统社会江南地区家风的发展情况,包括对传统社会江南地区家族、家风家训发展的历史进行阐述。第二章是传统社会江南家风的经验,对其特点及局限性进行讨论。第三章是研究近代以来江南地区家风的发展变迁,江南地区家族制度和家风家训的转型。结尾部分是总结以及对新时代长三角地区推动优良家风活动的情况提出
Confucius and Mencius are known in the Chinese history as the two greatest sages.In the two millennia that have passed since Mencius lived,his thoughts and ideas have continued to have a major influence on the Chinese people.Even today,people can be regularly heard to quote the saying of this man……
擦擦 源自梵语,专指藏传佛教脱模泥制佛像。是一种用凹型模具,捺入软泥、压制成型、脱模而出的小型佛像或佛塔。作为佛教附属物的擦擦,在西藏成为广为流传的信物。本画册可帮助国外读者了解这种被藏传佛教僧俗视为能消灾祈福的宗教圣物,感受和认识神秘的西藏文化。 Chen Dan was a graduate from the Department of Journalism of the China School of Journalism and Communication, and furtHered Her study of the Chinese culture in Tsinghua University. She went to cover the cultural activities in Tibet for a dozen times, and once stayed in Lhasa for over a year. Her experience made it possible for her to write good books or articles on Tibetan culture. Beginning in 2009, she wrote for China's Tibet magazine columns of Tibet Handicrafts and Tibctan Arr Collectors. Cashingin on her stay and work in Tibet, she has taken thousands of photos of great value,and many of these were used for her works which run to