这是一本关于中国东西的图文书。 117个富有特色的日常中国东西是本书不分先后的主角,每一个东西都代表着中国*真实的一个细节;通过对极具中国特色的日常东西的客观描述,用纯粹的物化方式去反映、去记录中国东西与中国人、中国社会之间的关系,那些日常东西以及其背后的时代印迹的汇聚恰恰构成了中国生活*为真实的模样;这本书是逝去的和即将逝去的时代*独特的纪念。 Chinese Stuff shows the modern and conventional tools and devices people use in their everyday life. With this book, the readers can reflect on and get to know China s unique and often amusing way of life. It is through this book that we come to understand how Chinese people live and adapt to this rapidly changing world. This album contains more than 100 items, which are so common in the daily life of Chinese people that they usually call little attention. But when people observe them from a cultural perspec
本系列共包含7本书,分别是《京剧中的人物》《京剧中的脸谱》《京剧中的交通工具》《京剧中的 》《京剧中的风雷雨雪》《京剧里用的东西:切末》《京剧中的舞蹈》。作者不会刻意解释“生旦净丑”“唱念做打”等等枯燥的术语概念,而是从孩子们熟悉的日常讲起,将晦涩难懂的京剧变成了与孩子衣食住行相关的活动,让孩子真正亲近京剧的文化内涵。此外,作者手绘的大量插图,皆极富神韵,不仅能帮助孩子看见京剧的门道,还能让他们感受京剧“有声皆歌,无动不舞”的美。
Chinese literature, spanning over three thousand years, has well shaped the splendid and profound cultural identity of the Chinese people. Chinese literature is of immediate practical use from its source. It concerns human relationships and everyday life as well as political education. Moreover, it is closely related with the spiritual life of the people. The Chinese people strive for the harmony of man:with nature, firmly believing that the foundation of human relationships and everyday life is in communion with the heavenly principles. What the geniuses in the field of literature aspire to know and concern themselves with are the whole universe, history, and the bitter sorrow of the common people. All these are the great splendors in the tradition of Chinese literature.
《讲给孩子的中国传统节日》(套装4册)是一套好看好听又好玩的中华传统文化通识绘本,由 民族学专家萧放、张晓莉倾情主编、 审定。通过 中国特色的图画和通俗精炼的文字,为孩子们讲述12个中国传统节日故事,普及与节日有关的文化、历史和民俗知识,让孩子传承中华 传统文化精神。书中还别具匠心地选取了12首小学 的节日古诗词、12首经典流传的节日童谣、12个妙趣横生的游戏,让孩子边学边听边玩,在沉浸式的学习中体会古文的魅力,提升文化涵养,助力大语文学习。套书附赠12张精美的节日书签,24段同步免费音频,既是艺术审美的熏陶也是学习的工具,让节日文化融入孩子的学习和成长。
擦擦 源自梵语,专指藏传佛教脱模泥制佛像。是一种用凹型模具,捺入软泥、压制成型、脱模而出的小型佛像或佛塔。作为佛教附属物的擦擦,在西藏成为广为流传的信物。本画册可帮助国外读者了解这种被藏传佛教僧俗视为能消灾祈福的宗教圣物,感受和认识神秘的西藏文化。 Chen Dan was a graduate from the Department of Journalism of the China School of Journalism and Communication, and furtHered Her study of the Chinese culture in Tsinghua University. She went to cover the cultural activities in Tibet for a dozen times, and once stayed in Lhasa for over a year. Her experience made it possible for her to write good books or articles on Tibetan culture. Beginning in 2009, she wrote for China's Tibet magazine columns of Tibet Handicrafts and Tibctan Arr Collectors. Cashingin on her stay and work in Tibet, she has taken thousands of photos of great value,and many of these were used for her works which run to
《团团圆圆中国节日故事》精择非物质文化遗产名录的7大节日:春节、元宵节、清明节、端午节、七夕节、中秋节、重阳节7大非物质文化遗产名录上的中国传统节日为切入点, 具代表性,将中国传统文化的魅力带向世界。 该系列绘本以爱国、友善、助人、孝顺等中华传统美德为灵魂,讲述七个既继承发扬中国传统文化,又富有思想性、趣味性和时代感的童话故事。 贯穿故事的主角是一对双胞胎,他们叫团团和圆圆。 故事将团团和圆圆的日常生活为主线,自然渗透节日的传说,让读者 有代入感与贴切感。如何让以孩子喜闻乐见的方式来表达传统内涵?故事既保留了传说中神秘悠远的意味,又格外注重童趣和想象力。本套内含手工鞭 、手工红包这样的节俗赠品,让孩子在互动游戏感受中国传统习俗,弘扬节日文化,感受浓浓亲情。通过唯美的绘本创
烤和煮,作为古老的两种烹饪方式,在中国已经延续发展了几千年。火锅,作为 煮文化 的集大成者,经过几千年的演变,早已风靡中国的大江南北,从烹饪器具到所用食材,不同地区又各有讲究。同样热气腾腾的火锅,或麻辣鲜香,或清淡滋补,人们充分利用所在地域的物产优势,开发了不同种类的火锅。不同吃法的背后,是人们 道法自然 的古朴智慧。如今,火锅已经成为中国的美食符号,像熊猫和京剧一样,为世界认识中国,打开了一扇香气四溢的窗。 Boiling and broiling represents two time-honored culinary arts that have continued in China over thousands of years. And hot pot, the epitome of boiling arts , has experienced thousands of years of evolution and enjoyed huge popularity around this country. Besides, hot pot in different regions develops distinguishing features in terms of utensils and ingredients. With a similarly steaming pot, it can be spi
本系列共包含7本书,分别是《京剧中的人物》《京剧中的脸谱》《京剧中的交通工具》《京剧中的 》《京剧中的风雷雨雪》《京剧里用的东西:切末》《京剧中的舞蹈》。作者不会刻意解释“生旦净丑”“唱念做打”等等枯燥的术语概念,而是从孩子们熟悉的日常讲起,将晦涩难懂的京剧变成了与孩子衣食住行相关的活动,让孩子真正亲近京剧的文化内涵。此外,作者手绘的大量插图,皆极富神韵,不仅能帮助孩子看见京剧的门道,还能让他们感受京剧“有声皆歌,无动不舞”的美。