《跟着罗罗游中国(罗罗逛动物园)》(作者林琳) 由中国孔子学院教师与美国教师共同撰写文稿,美国 著名儿童画家作画,在多个美国学校的小朋友中进行 调研,反复修改而成。《跟着罗罗游中国(罗罗逛动 物园)》以一个美国小孩的眼睛看中国,语言纯正、 画面生动,妙趣横生,实为中英文双语教学的上佳读 物。
Traditional images of the lion are iconic cultural symbols of China. The lion is believed to be one of the most auspicious animals in Chinese folk culture. Images of the creature gradually gained popularity throughout the country as they spread from religious venues to people's homes. With their distinctive national character and regional features, rugged appearance and excellent craftsmanship, Chinese stone lions are favorites of the Chinese people.This book focuses on the development of stone lion carving, the evolution of its designs, the folk culture the creatures exemplify, the principles for stone lion carving, and the various styles and uses of stone lions. On these pages are more than 300 photographs of the carved beasts from nearly 20 regions in China.
In the long process of Chinese history a lot of symbolic designs with auspicious meanings have been created.People use these designs to exorcize evil spirits,ask for blessing of various deities,and express their high hopes for life as well. Themed on good fortune,high rank,longevity,happiness,wealth,and prosperity,which represent all desires of those living in an agricultural society,the symbolic designs have been widely used either for festival celebrations or in people'Sdaily life such as house decorating,furniture carving and painting,handicrafts making,dress and personal ad ornment,etc. All in all,the symbolic designs and human activities involved constitute the elements of an“auspicious culture-an interesting cultural phenomenon peculiar to Chinese society.
Die chinesischen Neujahrilder (Nianhua) gehen auf die uralte chinesische Tradition der Neujahrsdekoration zurück. Neujahrilder sind eine faszinierende und beliebte Kunstform und nehmen innerhalb der traditionellen chinesischen Malerei einen eigenen Platz ein. Als Neujahrilder werden in lokalen Manufakturen hergestellte Bilder bezeich, die w?hrend des chinesischen Neujahrs innerhalb und ausserhalb der Wohnungen angebracht werden. Unter dem Begriff Neujahrilder fallen alle zu diesem Zweck hergestellten Kunstwerke, die das Leben auf dem Land und in den St?dten darstellen und von volkstümlichen Künstlern geschaffen oder in lokalen Manufakturen geschnitzt oder gemalt wurden. In diesem Band werden die wichtigsten Sujets der chinesischen Neujahrilder besprochen: Türg?tter, Volksg?tter, Kleinkinder und Sch?nheiten, Brauchtum und Feiertage, Volkserz?hlungen und lokale Opern. Die dargestellten Bilder werden mit kurzen Bildunterschriften erkl?rt. Die meisten der in diesem Band zusammengestellten Neujahrilder w
Brick carving is a special genre of art extensivel2 applied in architectural decor, especially of the traditional type. Based on bricks, pottery and th art of stone carving, the form is traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period (770-221 BC). With its distinct national overtones, the art has gathered for itself a significant niche in the histo f carving and sculpture. ollected in thiook are more than 200 beautiful pictures covering a full range of topicality such as carving on screen walls, windows and doors, eaves and rooftops, as well as stucco sculpture and glazed bricks, exuding great artistic appeal. The book, prefaced by a treatise, is designed as part of the efforts to pass on and advance China's tradition, culture, and may also serve as a reference for artists and designers.
全书以一个美国小孩LOLO游历中国为线索,介绍中国的风土人情,生活场景、现代成就,其间有机融入中国经典文化。契合儿童心理与英语国家儿童的阅读习惯与阅读兴趣。根据美国儿童的年龄特点和文化背景,选择美国儿童喜欢的小浣熊卡通形象,作为来到中国的使者,向小朋友们学习了简单汉语对话,以孩子们的视野游览了中国名胜古迹,了解中国经典文化故事,和中国孩子交朋友。以美国儿童的眼睛看中国,体验中国文化的神妙。 本册为第三册:LOLO上学校。
《跟着罗罗游中国(罗罗逛市场)》(作者林琳)由 中国孔子学院教师与美国教师共同撰写文稿,美国著 名儿童画家作画,在多个美国学校的小朋友中进行调 研,反复修改而成。《跟着罗罗游中国(罗罗逛市场) 》以一个美国小孩的眼睛看中国,语言纯正、画面生 动,妙趣横生,实为中英文双语教学的上佳读物。
中国结是中国的一种古老的民间艺术,它是以柔软的五彩丝绳为材料,通过灵巧的双手把各种蕴涵吉祥的图案编成美丽的结饰。 中国结的历史悠久,它起源于中国的上古时代,作为结饰的形成是在周代,广泛使用于明清时代。在现代中国结也有广泛的应用:如装饰在服装、服饰上、家居装饰上;有的甚至于把中国结的形象用于标志设计上,例如中国联通的标志、2008年北京申奥的标志都是出自传统中国结的造型演化而来的。中国结已经成为现人共追慕中国古老文化的一种“情节”了。 本片介绍基本的七种中国结编结方法。