上海是中国四个中央直辖市之一,是中国大陆的经济、金融、贸易和航运中心。至2008年末,上海常住人口达1888.46万人,全市土地面积为6340.5平方公里,占全国总面积的0.06%,南北长约120公里,东西宽约100公里;境内辖有18个区、1个县,有崇明、长兴、横沙3个岛屿,其中崇明岛是我国的第三大岛。 上海是中国面向世界、迎接世界的窗口,同时担负着服务全国、带动长江三角洲和整个长江流域地区经济新飞跃的重任。今天的上海,正一步步坚实地向着国际经济、金融、贸易、航运中心和现代化国际大都市迈进。
TongLi is known as a museum of architecture of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911).Among the stunning structures there are the Fuji HALL, the Chongben Hart, the Former Residence of Ji Cheng and the OLd Residence of Chen Qubing, aLL wett preserved ancient houses. The Tuisi Garden epitomizes garden architecture in southeast China. The "bridge gatLery" - a bridge that spans a corridor - and the stone boat are the garden's main attrac- tions. Sitting in the stone boat, visitors can enjoy the green hilts and crystaL-dear water.
Schon im 4. Jahrhundert v. u. Z. befand sich an der Stelle des heutigen Beijing die Hauptstadt des Staates Yan. Nachdem Kublai Khan im 13. Jahrhundert ganz China erobert hatte, lielB er hier die prachtige Hauptstadt der Yuan-Dynastie errichten. Bis heute gibt es in Beijing unzahlige Tempel und Gotteshauser verschiedener Religionen. Dieser Band stellt einige grol3e und beruhmte Tempel von Beijing vor, sowie eine Reihe kleiner Tempel abseits der Touristenstrome.
My tenth journey in Ningxia will have been the longest and the one I will have completed with the most meticulous observation, as this time it was a matter of collec- ting stories and accounts to share with you, the readers. After introducing the wonderful people of China's largest region, Xinjiang, last year, I focused on the smallest one of the country's continent. How rich are the human resources and how great and moving were the stories the Ningxia people had to tell me! From the army veteran Du Licheng, who became engaged at 16 in the Liberation War, to the imam of Nanguan Mosque where, on July 1, 1997, several Hongkong Mus- lims came to celebrate their return to the motherland; from the famous writer Zhang Xianliang, who set up a "Chinese Hollywood," to the four Hui or Han university students who, even though very young, have already performed kind and memorable acts; from Bai Chunlan, an illiterate peasant who, in 28 years, planted 100,000 trees by herself, to Wang Youde who, since 1985
When he was alive my grandfather often told a storu about a friend of his who was noted scholar.Whenever the scholar went into a bookstore of libray ,he would shake his head in dissppointment,complain-ing that there no books appropriate for him to read.Such an attiude was a typical drawback often associated with noted pelple in society.I have some-times come across people with the same prejudices.they are not really higbrow scholars. In fact they may not even be mediovre scholars,but they always complain they mock are no good books to read. With strong words,they mock bookstores,libraries and all those who write,compile and edit books.
The GDP of Tibet in 2007 stood at 34.219 billion yuan, nearly three times the 11.75 billion yuan in 2000. Compared with the region’s GDP in 1959 (174 million yuan), it had increased by some 59 times if calculated at comparable prices, with an annual growth rate of 8.9 percent.
In anekdotischer Form beschreibt Das Leben der Kabervon China den Weg einer Reihe ausgew&hlter Kaiser der Ming-und Qing—Dynastie auf den Thronim Helen vonBeijing Wir erfahren interessante Details oberdie ritueIlenAufgaben der Kaiser und die Kultstatten,die sieregelmig aufzusuchen hatten AberauchiJber die Intrigen in der Umgebung des Thrones und das Afllagsleben der Kaiser und ih rer Familien werden wit in unterhaltsamer Weise informiert Die Relle von Eu ropaern am Kaiserhof.die rege Bautatigkeit der Kaiser,die sich vor allem in derAnlage von prachtvollen SommerDaiasfen ein Denkmal setzte,sind weitere Themen des Bandes Mit derSchilderung desAblebens einigerKaiserund der Beschreibung ihrer ausgedehnten G rabanlagen in der Umge bung vo rl Beijing endet das Buch ganz im Eink rang mit der antiken Erkenntnis yon derVerg&ng richkeit weltlichen Ruhmes.
Les grandes salles, temoins de I'histoire Les grandes ceremonies Les offrandes faites par I'empereur La vie de I'empereur comme un homme ordinaire La salle d'etude de I'empereur Les absurdites des empereurs Les amis etrangers des empereurs Les intrigues et les amours du palais desconcubines Les imperatrices douairieres Les jardins de la Cite interdite - lieux de divertissement pour les concubines Le Palais d'Ete - deuxieme palais de I'imperatrice douairiere Cixi Le Yuanmingyuan - le jardin des jardins- ravage par les agresseurs etrangers Les mOrts des empereurs Les tombes imperiales