认识中国系列丛书 从*本《你好,中国》开始,就友好地邀请您加入 认识中国 的阅读体验。她将带着你一起去探索这个或许对你来说陌生,甚至有些神秘的国家。 在第三本《中国有56个民族》里,你将拜访生活在中国各地的不同民族,欣赏哈尼族人花费上千年修筑的梯田;倾听维吾尔族人演唱全世界*长的歌曲;辨认世界上* 活着 的象形文字 纳西族人的东巴文 在丰富而有趣的体验中,或许能解答你的疑问:为什么中国有56个民族呢? 认识中国系列丛书 包括中文版和英文版,本书为中文版,适合具有一定汉语水平的人阅读。若无汉语阅读能力者,可选择英文版。
The statement that China is passing through an unprecedent-edrevolution has almost become a platitude, but its very obviousnessin no way diminishes its truth. The changes which this huge andvenerable country experienced in the past are negligible whencompared with the developments of the last decade. The reason forthis difference in degree-which amounts to a qualitative change-isthat developments in the past hardly influenced fundamentals, ifthey ever did so at all, whereas the present transformation deeplyaffects them. It is even consciously aimed at changing the socialstructure and all that this entails.
汉字由人而生,是人的见识和智慧的外在表达。中国人的情感,大抵都逃不过汉字的表述。阐释汉字的目的,就是为了满足好学深思的人进一步深入认识汉字的文化需求。 但脱离文字学材料与理论,根据各自知识背景和表达需求加以解释,带有随意性,甚至有些是错误的汉字说解。 本书通过开放性设问引导读者进一步思考汉字阐释理论实践的可能性和误区。在传统文化热的当下,本书不失为一部出色的大众了解、理解和实践汉字阐释方法的基础读物。
Vivid memories from a contemporary Tibetan childhood interwoven with custom and culture... The author begins with his first memory of childhood – a broken collarbone. Ghosts, a visit to a nomad village community, apprehending a thief, making sausages, starting school, mountain deities, first love… all combine to provide an unforgettable journey through space and time, giving the reader an extraordinary insight into Tibetan childhood.
All the things carried in our bags.pile up far beyond our limited memories,fret they often become cultural signs or markers of social, economic and historical changes. Bags and their contents in different periods depict the living standards as well as spiritual vision of the people. Revealing the economic and cultural development of society they servt to create a fascinating mirror of historical and living Changes in this vast country.Bags, entangled with the complex threads of recent history, produce a stream of apt images and anecdotes reflecting a dynamically changing China.
在北京,人们都习惯称他为”老穆”。 “老穆”是中国的老朋友,他不仅有较深厚的中文功底,而且在中国前后生活了近四十年。 他有机会和中国人民一起目睹了中国大地多年来发生的一切,他对中国所发生的重大事情有过困惑,也有思考:他为中国的发展进步欢呼雀跃,拍手称快。 不夸张地说,他已融入了中国人的情感之中,对中国、对中国人民有着深厚的情谊。他在中国娶妻生子,生活、工作、成长、发展,正像他在书中所说的:“一直把中国当威我的第二故乡”,”我由衷地热爱中国这片土地 ”。 中国人常说“眼见为实”,本书的可读之处在于,“老穆”以一个外国人的视角,以他在中国的亲身经历讲述了中国的发展、变迁。
《 通用语言学用口袋书·应急交际》主要面向民族地区和农村地区的 通用语言文字学习者,采取“语言交流+应急知识”有机融合的学习形式,重在提高广大人民群众、救援人员、基层干部等群体在应急场景下的 通用语言应用能力,使其在面对各类突发公共事件时,能够以顺畅的语言沟通,提升应急处置效率,助力防灾减灾,从而 好地守护人民群众生命财产安全。 本册共20个单元,以《中华人民共和国突发事件应对法》界定的突发事件种类为总体框架,以《 突发公共事件总体应急预案》界定的事件场景为划分单元的基本依据,主要包括洪水、干旱、暴雨、雷电、台风、寒潮、暴雪、冰雹、高温、地震、泥石流、滑坡、海啸、森林草原火灾、麦田火灾、家庭火灾、生产事故、交通事故、踩踏事故、食物中毒等。我们主要参考了应急管理部、 林业和草原局、 应急
The origin and primary aim of this work is to offer a textbook covering the basic information aboutChinese intellectual property to foreign students with or without a legal background. With thesupport of Tongji University, we, the three authors of this textbook, have had the opportunity overthe past four years to offer a course named Chinese Intellectual Property Protection . It is oneof the nine General Courses Given in English , which are open to all the international studentsat Tongji University, and seeks to present a general knowledge on the topic in China. During theteaching, we found it necessary to write a textbook which can meet the requirements of this courseand help foreign students to get a better understanding of the landscape of Chinese intellectualproperty.
为给各国朋友观看比赛、游览中国提供更多便利和帮助,我们出版了这本《奥运实用词汇手册》。 本手册为中文、英文、法文三种语言对照,以国际世界语协会(Univer salaEsperanto—Asocio)出版的《运动员手册》为基础。1988年加拿大卡尔加里冬季奥运会前,当地世界语者以澳大利亚和加拿大几位世界语者为1972年和1976年夏季奥运会所编写的资料为参考,编译了世界语、英文、法文对照的《运动员手册》,为各国运动员之间的交流提供帮助。 世界语(Esperanto)是诞生于1887年的一种国际辅助语,得到了联合国、联合国教科文组织和世界各国的支持。2008年是国际世界语协会成立100周年,为支持北京奥运会的召开,国际世界语协会无偿将该书版权赠送给我们。
钟欣编写的这本《中国》小百科,以介绍中国的基本情况为主,向读者展示中国在政治、经济、文化等各领域的现状与发展变化。从中,我们可以看到中国的国际往来、经济增长、环境保护、科技与教育、文化交流和社会生活等各个方面的*动态。 本书是英文版。
Readers from all over the world, who are used to learning about China through foreign newspapers, TV and the Internet, may now open up these books to see China through the heartfelt thoughts and writings of Chinese people themselves. The many authors of these new short stories, living in this rapidly developing and changing, yet ancient nation, have strived to describe all that is happening in and around themselves, to give genuine dynamic expression to the intricate recent experiences of the Chinese people. Through the power of their words you will be able to catch glimpses of the real, complex and living China, as well as other possibilities for all humanity, including yourself. 作者简介: He Xiangyang. who graduated from Zhengzhou University with an MA in Chinese Literature, is a renowned literary critic in China. She is a renowned fellow at the Henan Academy of Social Sciences (HASS), and the director of the HASS Literature Institute. Her major works include Stories on the Pilgrimage(1996
本书分为三大部分:理论篇、工具篇与案例篇,主要介绍了语料库语言学的基本理论,运用“汉语助研”软件进行建库、检索和统计的方法,以及相应的语料库统计和分析的具体案例。全书理论与实践相结合,内容翔实,通俗易懂,能很好地满足汉语研究者对于语料库语言学的学习需求。 大数据+统计+工具,让语言研究 轻松。
Public finance is not only an important topic in the study of theories of finance, it is also closely related to the reform and development of finance in practice. When China started to reform its economic system some three decades ago, the concept of public finance was put forward to serve the establishment of a new financial operating model that could fulfill the requirements of the emerging socialist market economy. The major functions of public finance are those of fiscal revenue, financial expenditure and the regulation and control of finance.
This book author Chen Jinhua experiences richly, in the State agency, the place and the enterprise different important post has worked, has experienced many milestones, has participated in many major decisions. As the witness, he has recorded in really China reform and open policy development process in the book, a series of major decisions and some milestones, like new Chinese second, third large-scale introduction complete technical equipment, after smashing “Gang of Four”, central accredits Shanghai's work team working condition, establishes event's and so on Chinese Petroleum the Chemical industry Corporation long and short of the story. Its specialized middle school warded off one chapter to review three inchworms which the Chinese petrochemical Group grew strong, take the Chinese petrochemical's development process as the example, summarized the Chinese State-owned Extra large type Enterprise's steps to success. Manifested the Communist Party of China to explore the Chinese characteristic socialism
吴建民在外交战线上工作多年,学识渊博,温文尔雅,素质修养极高,尤其善于交流沟通。他坚持不懈地利用一切机会和方法,以外国人能够接受和理解的方式,把中国这个千年文明古国推介给国外,为中国的外交事业和现代化建设做出了重要的贡献。曾任中国驻法国大使,现任国际展览局主席、外交学院院长、全国政协外委会副主任、全国政协副秘书长兼新闻发言人等。 本书是关于介绍其大使生涯的传记,为法文版。
Our book is such a tool, presenting the major points of Chinese history along a complete timeline, with comparisons between the concurrent histories of China and the rest of the world. Covering a time span from 1,700,000 years ago up to AD 1911, the book includes influential historical events and figures in Chinese history, arranged in chronological order with pictures, illustrations, maps and charts. Distinguishing this book from other general introductory books on Chinese history, its contents have been arranged along a timeline, with the function of quick access highlighted by its innovative layout and a detailed index.