本书从语言事实出发,结合汉语史、移民史,运用认知语言学相关理论,对现代汉语方言时间词语进行多角度的研究。本书重点讨论汉语方言时间词语的共时分布与历时发展。主要包括“昨天”“ ”“明天”时间的表达系统及其来源、时点标志词、 时点时间词以及主观时量时间词的共时分布与历时发展等。本书还通过词汇化语法化理论和隐喻认知理论对汉语方言时间词语进行专题研究。
China is located in east Eurasia and on the Pacific west coast,covering 9.6 million sq.km of land and 3 million sq.km of sea.It stretches across four time zones east to west and covers 5,500 km north to south,while the elevation gap between its highest peak and lowest point reaches nearly 9,000meters.The great geographical differences and contrasts have made this land both dynamic and magnificent.There are snow-capped mountains,glaciers,evergreen rain forests,desolate gobis and deserts,vibrant lakes and coasts,spectacular valleys and waterfalls,and boundless grasslands and wetlands.In China,almost all types of natural scenery that exist in the world can be found,and this book intends to help you learn something about its beauty.
The Facts and Figures on Xinjiang,China,2013 shows theachievements of Xinjiang in the past year, use an objective anddirect way to show the new achievements and changes of Xinjiang.The facts speak, with figures witness. This book can help thereader fully understand Xinjiang's economy, culture, science,technology, education, health, livelihood and other aspects ofoutstanding achievements.
To all the contributors who have shared their wonderful experiences withChina Daily's readers. To Ji Tao, Raymond Zhou, Erik Nilsson, Patrick Whiteley, and many otherswho have written stories and helped uphold the level of the Hotpot column.
中国古老,但并不陈旧;中国深邃,但并不神秘;中国遥远,但并非不可及。认识和了解中国,是一件十分愉快而有趣的事情。中国如同浩翰无际的大海,令人浮想连翩;中国如同连绵不绝的高山,埋有无穷宝藏;中国如同陈封多年的美酒,香醇无比。 当代中国正在发生广泛而深刻的变革。随着中国改革开放的深入和进一步加入经济全球化进程,中国与世界的关系日趋紧密,认识中国日渐成为世人的一种时尚。希望本书能为那些急于了解中国的读者打开一扇阅读中国的窗口。
Discover China, a book for readers around the world,can also be a popular learning aid for people whoare interested in Chinese culture. This book is filled with100 interesting subjects, each visually demonstrated withappropriate Chinese ements, ranging from Chinese history,geography to her economy and education. From traditionalfestivals to modern living, beautiful sceneries and uniquelocal ines, the informative nature of this book presents atraditional yet modern China to its readers.
Ce livre represente le premier volume des documents Mes Impressions Sur la Chine-La Chine aux yeux des officiers etrangers, les auteurs sont tous originaires du continent africain et viennent en Chine en apportant leur amitie traditionnelle sinoafricaine et finissent leur stage en Chine avec un souvenir merveiileux et inoubliable. Les 35 textes ont bien enregistre les experiences reelles des ces officiers stagiaires. A travers ces textes, ils ont non seuiement exprime leur appreciation sur les fruits du developpement chinois, mais aussi leur preoccupation sur les difficultes eventueLles dans le futur. IIs ont egalement mene une reflexion profonde sur les differentes voies de developpement de leur pays respectif.
China cannot separate herself from the world community in her development, nor can the world segregate China for its stability and prosperity. We do welcome teachers with "China dreams" come to us from all parts of the world, and, with joint efforts, we all can realize "One dream."It took Leslie Jeanneret, a specialist in education, half a century to get her China dream realized; it was 11 years before Prof. Ruth Hayhoe, a well-known educator who began her teaching career in Hong Kong in 1967, set her foot on mainland China in 1978; And, Elissa McRae, who had never thought she would go to China, realized her dream to teach in a Chinese classroom within 6 months... Today, the way to the realization of dream is no more that long. We sincerely wish all the foreign teachers get dreams realized in a quicker, nicer and better way!
China the Beautiful is Raymond Zhou's paean to his motherland, written after returning home following a long absence, which provided him with new perspectives and new opportunities to travel to places he had previously only read about. It is anything but a guidebook for roughly half of the country's provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. Zhou takes a multifaceted approach to each place he writes about. His real interest is always in ordinary people - their joys, concerns and anxieties, the breath-taking beauty of the sceneries, and the quandaries between economic growth and ecological preservation. The book is a kaleidoscopic view of a country on the cusp of change - a country always yearning for something new, yet constantly reminded of its past glory; a country caught between the need for improving living standards for all and the hard decisions of what has to be given up in the process;a country where everything is happening so fast it's a blur and capturing it with words and images
With a lasting civilization of several thousand years.China offers the world a rich culture.which constitutes an important part of human civilization and wisdom.Chinese culture is both unique and inclusive,and consists of what is grown in this 0riental 0and as well as diverse elements from other Cultures. Chinese arts are the gems of Chinese culture.They carry the heritage of traditional Chinese culture,embody the personalities of artists and cultivate the national character.Chinese artists strive for an integration of beauty and goodness,communication between passion and reason and harmony between man and nature.For several thousand years,Chinese people have enjoyed their lives and creations through their artistic pursuits.
The countryside is the place where we have been 1iving generation after generation.China has a vaSt territory and long history with great differences in natural Conditions among difierent areas of the country.The natural resources and cuItural content of the villages are verY rich.The beautiful natural scenery of the Chinese Countryside,the ancient viltage buildi ngs,the authentic folk Customs,the longstanding farming culture,the simpie and Unsophisticated village wofkshops,and the primitive form of labor create a unique vista in the countryside.The book provides a detailed de*ion of 34 selected villages in order to show the natural and Social phenomena of the countryside in China.
《中国环保:和谐与共存(英文版)》属于第二部分,读者从中可以了解到中国某个行业、部门,某个领域的人们,为了国家的和平发展,在怎么想,在怎么做,取得了什么样的成就,积累了什么样的经验和教训。读者尤其可以看到,在不同的领域,中国人民是怎样坚毅不拔地把追求发展、幸福、和平的梦想,一步一步地变成现实。 《全景中国》部分从纵向角度,介绍了中国各地*特色的看点。第二部分,以中国不同部门、不同行业、不同领域为单元,从横向的角度介绍中国各行业、各领域的发展实践、发展理念和发展成就,以及面临的挑战和机会。这些介绍是真实鲜活的,力求图文并茂,轻松愉悦。
The charms of China,to many foreigners,liee in its rich traditional Cuotures,ethnic customs,and how they are merged into the modernization process.In consideration of its rich history,city planners have to ensure that the traditional and ancient elements of the city will not be eroded.As a resuot,the environment and the layout of the city frequently embody both the modern and the ancient elements.A number of cities,such as Lhasa,Lijiang and Beijing,have strong historical and cultural affiliation,hence,they became cultural symbols of the country.And with their rich Cultural heritages,each Unique in its own way,these Chinese cities present a more exciting scenario for one to fully appreciate them.