In the attempt to make good one of the desiderata in Bacon'sAdvancement of Learning, a cohort of seventeenth-centuryphilosophers, scientists, schoolmasters, clergymen and virtuosiattempted to devise artificial languages that would immediatelyrepresent the order of thought. This was believed directly torepresent the order of things and to be a universal characteristicof the human mind. Language, Mind and Nature is a 2007 text whichfully reconstructs this artificial language movement. In so doing,it reveals a great deal about the beliefs and activities of thosewho sought to reform learning in seventeenth-century England.Artificial languages straddle occult, religious andproto-scientific approaches to representation and communication,and suggest that much of the so-called 'new philosophy' was notvery new at all. This study broke important ground within itsfield, and will interest anyone concerned with early modernintellectual history or with the history of linguistic thought ingeneral.
《西南联大英文课》是西南联大时期(1937 1946)大一学生的英文课本, 大一英文 这门课是面向全校一年级学生开设的必修课程,所以这本书是联大八年办学中所有学生都学习过的。原书为纯英文,中译出版社于2017年推出英汉双语读本,深受欢迎。本次出版,按照文章主题分为8个分册,邀请8位外语名师联合导读,并附赠陈福田编写的原版精读手册,设计为口袋本,方便读者阅读和自学。中译出版社联合三联中读推出配套音频课,选取其中9篇文章,邀请6所国内Top高校的8位*一线教授,讲解这门经典的英文课程。
哈利·波特英汉对照版1-7全集(中英双语)(共11册:哈利波特与密室+哈利波特与魔法石+ 哈利波特与阿兹卡班囚徒+哈利波特与火焰杯上下+哈利波特与凤凰社上下+哈利波特与混血王子上下+哈利波特与死亡圣器上下)