GMAT句子改错以英语句子的语法结构变化作为依托,希望考生通过语法结构的差异准确体会出语义差异,并且利用逻辑推理能力选择出正确的答案。本书正是以句子改错题型所考查的逻辑推理能力作为基础编写的:全书共十章,内容包括英语语法基础知识、句子改错涉及的逻辑学考点,以及综合练习。书中利用简练的语言帮助读者复习英语基本的语法知识,进而阐述句子改错涉及的所有考点,详细地分析如何从语法结构中识别出考点,并且给出详实的解题方法。作者在书中揭示了GMAT真正的考查重点,避免了市场同类书籍基于现象总结的弊端,具有强大的可推广性和适应性,力求做到内容专而不广,叙述简洁,通俗易懂。 本书适用于所有已经参加过或者准备参加GMAT考试的考生,也适用于喜好研究GMAT考试的同仁。
Barron's Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is designed to assist students planning to take the official Graduate Management Admission Test governed by the Graduate Manage-ment Admission Council, headquartered in Virginia, and administered by Pearson VIDE, an elec-tronic testing company operating more than 5,000 computer centers in over 145 countries. Since the results of the GMAT are used by many graduate schools of business as a means for measuring the qualifications of their applicants, it is important that the prospective student do as well as pos-sible on this exam. Admission to business school may well depend on it. A study guide, although not able to guarantee a perfect score, can provide a good deal of assis-tance in test preparation by enabling students 'to become familiar with the material they will encounter on the exam and supplying them with ample opportunity for practice and review. With this in mind, we have developed a study guide that goes further than the simple simulation of th
GMAT批判性推理是以非形式逻辑作为依托,希望 考生正确识别一个论证的结构,继而准确找到当前论 证结构的评估方式,*终选出正确的答案。毕出编著 的《GMAT批判性推理(逻辑分类精讲)/ ChaseDreamGMAT备考系列丛书》正是以批判性推理题 所考查的非形式逻辑作为基础编写的。全书共九章, 内容涉及批判性推理的基础知识、论证的常见结构、 不同结构的评估方法,以及*后的综合练习。书中利 用简练的语言帮助读者从了解批判性推理的含义开始 ,进而掌握这种题型所有的考法及变化,*后快速而 准确地答对考题。作者在书中揭示了GMAT批判性推理 考题真正的考查重点,避免了现存书籍基于现象总结 的弊端,具有强大的可推广性和适应性,力求做到内 容专而不广,叙述简洁,通俗易懂。 《GMAT批判性推理:逻辑分类精讲》适用于所有 已经参加过或者准备参加GMAT