Proven strategies, practice, and review to ace the SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 2. Getting into a top college has never been more difficult. Students need to distinguish themselves from the crowd, and scoring well on a SAT Subject Test gives students a competitive edge. Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Mathematics Level 2 is the most up-to-date guide on the market with complete coverage of both the content review and strategies students need for success on test day. Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Mathematics Level 2 features: A full-length diagnostic test Full-length practice tests Focused chapter summaries, highlights, and quizzes Detailed answer explanations Proven score-raising strategies End-of-chapter quizzes Kaplan is serious about raising students’ scores—we guarantee students will get a higher score, or get their money back.
Comprehensive content review, strategies, and practice for all sections of the GED (General Education Development) from a top expert. The GED is a high school equivalency test that is recognized by educational institutions and employers throughout the United States and Canada. Every year, hundreds of thousands of individuals obtain GED diplomas or certificates as a first step toward academic or professional advancement. While other GED guides are designed for classroom use, Kaplan GED is a self-study program, fully updated for the GED 2014 test changes. This GED self-study system includes: 500+ practice questions with detailed explanations Realistic full-length online practice test In-book diagnostic test with targeted areas for score improvement Additional full-length practice test in the book In-depth review of key content areas Detailed answers with explanations for every questi
Proven strategies, practice, and review to ace the SAT Subject Test Mathematics Level 1. Getting into a top college has never been more difficult. Students need to distinguish themselves from the crowd, and scoring well on a SAT Subject Test gives students a competitive edge. Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Mathematics Level 1 is the most up-to-date guide on the market with complete coverage of both the content review and strategies students need for success on test day. Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Mathematics Level 1 features: A full-length diagnostic test Full-length practice tests Focused chapter summaries, highlights, and quizzes Detailed answer explanations Proven score-raising strategies End-of-chapter quizzes Kaplan is serious about raising students’ scores—we guarantee students will get a higher score, or get their money back.
The Advanced Placement test preparation guide that delivers 75 years of proven Kaplan experience and features exclusive strategies, practice, and review to help students ace the AP U.S. History exam! Students spend the school year preparing for the AP U.S. History test. Now it’s time to reap the rewards: money-saving college credit, advanced placement, or an admissions edge. However, achieving a top score on the AP U.S. History exam requires more than knowing the material—students need to get comfortable with the test format itself, prepare for pitfalls, and arm themselves with foolproof strategies. That’s where the Kaplan plan has the clear advantage. Kaplan AP U.S. History 2014 contains many essential and unique features to help improve test scores, including: Two full-length practice tests and a diagnostic test to target areas for score improvement Detailed answer explanations A two-page, full-color, removable study sheet packed with key dates, terms, and facts Tips and str
The groundbreaking SAT program preparation guide, from the test prep leader for 75 years, that features exclusive strategies guaranteed to raise test scores! The SAT is the most widely used college standardized admissions test. Kaplan SAT 2014 Premier is Kaplan’s latest essential SAT guide filled with all the vital tools students need to prepare for the exam this year. Kaplan is the only test preparation institution to offer a higher score guarantee, and with the new Kaplan SAT 2014 Premier, students are one step closer to achieving SAT success. With Kaplan SAT 2014 Premier, students will benefit from many innovative features, including: Six full-length practice tests Useful insider tips and expert tricks provided by high-scoring Kaplan instructors Hundreds of additional practice questions, with a detailed explanation for every answer A Quick Start Guide to streamline the test preparation experience Kaplan SAT 2014 Premier provides students with everything they need to impro
The most complete test preparation guide—delivering exclusive practice and online content guaranteed to raise scores on the PSAT/NMSQT from the leader in test prep for 75 years! Scores on the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) are used to determine eligibility for National Merit Scholarships and also provide an indicator of likely SAT scoring. The PSAT/NMSQT consists of three parts: two 25-minute critical reading sections; two 25-minute math sections; and a 30-minute writing skills section. Kaplan PSAT/NMSQT 2014 Strategies, Practice, and Review is the only test preparation guide that prepares students to score higher on all three sections of the test. It is also the only guide to provide the level of key information, exclusive strategies, and targeted practice necessary for students to learn the material and prepare them for the SAT. Not only is Kaplan PSAT/NMSQT 2014 Strategies, Practice, and Review comprehensive and complete, but it also o
5 full-length practice tests with detailed explanations (3 forAB and 2 for BC) Over 400 practice questions to hone your skills Detailed answers and explanations to show you exactly how toimprove A cheat sheet of key formulas Updated strategies which reflect the AP test scoring change Engaging and comprehensive review of all topics, from derivativesto integrals to logarithmic functions
Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Spanish features: 5 full-length practice tests (4 for SAT Subject Test: Spanish and 1 for SAT Subject Test: Spanish with Listening) Comprehensive grammar review with explanations of confusing verbs and vocabulary words Effective strategies to succeed on every question type。
Kaplan GRE Exam Subject Test: Psychology features targeted review of all the concepts covered on the exam including social psychology, developmental psychology, statistics, and more. This valuable guide also includes helpful practice quizzes to reinforce key concepts, as well as Kaplan– exclusive score-raising strategies and techniques. Each book features: In-depth review of key content areas Essential terminology defined in context Practice quizzes covering key concepts Detailed answer explanations Proven score-raising strategies
Big changes are coming to the MCAT in 2015, and Kaplan is here to help you prepare for them. With four brand-new sections, 80% more questions, and the addition of new science content including biochemistry, psychology, and sociology, the 2015 MCAT will be a completely different test. In order to be prepared you need to understand the exam and start planning for it now, and this guide is the first step. MCAT 2015: What the Test Change Means for You Now is your complete guide to the new exam, with outlines of both old and new subject areas, a short-form practice test to help you get ready, and advice on choosing and prepping for the MCAT that’s right for you.
Proven strategies, practice, and review to ace the SAT Subject Test Biology E/M . Getting into a top college has never been more difficult. Students need to distinguish themselves from the crowd, and scoring well on a SAT Subject Test gives students a competitive edge. Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Biology E/M is the most up-to-date guide on the market with complete coverage of both the content review and strategies students need for success on test day. Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Biology E/M features: A full-length diagnostic test 2 full-length practice tests Focused chapter summaries, highlights, and quizzes Detailed answer explanations Proven score-raising strategies End-of-chapter quizzes Kaplan is serious about raising students’ scores—we guarantee students will get a higher score, or get their money back.
Proven strategies, practice, and review to ace the SAT Subject Test Chemistry . Getting into a top college has never been more difficult. Students need to distinguish themselves from the crowd, and scoring well on a SAT Subject Test gives students a competitive edge. Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Chemistry is the most up-to-date guide on the market with complete coverage of both the content review and strategies students need for success on test day. Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Chemistry features: A full-length diagnostic test Full-length practice tests Focused chapter summaries, highlights, and quizzes Detailed answer explanations Proven score-raising strategies End-of-chapter quizzes Kaplan is serious about raising students’ scores—we guarantee students will get a higher score, or get their money back.
Proven strategies, practice, and review to ace the SAT Subject Test Physics. Getting into a top college has never been more difficult. Students need to distinguish themselves from the crowd, and scoring well on a SAT Subject Test gives students a competitive edge. Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Physics is the most up-to-date guide on the market with complete coverage of both the content review and strategies students need for success on test day. Kaplan SAT Subject Test: Physics features: A full-length diagnostic test Full-length practice tests Focused chapter summaries, highlights, and quizzes Detailed answer explanations Proven score-raising strategies End-of-chapter quizzes Kaplan is serious about raising students’ scores—we guarantee students will get a higher score, or get their money back.
You’ve spent the year gaining advanced knowledge. Now it’s time to reap the rewards: money-saving college credit or advanced placement, and an admissions edge. Yet a top score on the AP exam requires more than knowing the material. Even if your instructor was great and you worked hard in class, you need to get comfortable with the test format itself, preparing for pitfalls and arming yourself with foolproof strategies. That’s where the Kaplan plan offers the clear advantage. With more than 70 years of proven test-prep experience, Kaplan has developed unique study guides that provide cutting-edge review while honing your test-taking skills. Kaplan’s AP exam preparation guides include everything you need to know to score higher on the test—guaranteed. Let your score soar with these Kaplan features: Tips from students who earned a perfect 5 on the AP European History exam Strategies from AP European History teachers A new group study guide, helping all group member