本书由美国质量协会ASQ的D.H.Stamatis博士著,是一本专门针对故障模式及影响分析(FMEA)的指南,可满足不同层次、不同专业人员的需要。书中深入地对系统、设计、工艺以及服务FMEA的使用过程进行了说明,并且指明了其实施的基本原理。通过本书,读者将会了解FMEA的概念、FMEA的类型划分、FMEA的创建以及FMEA与其他分析方法的综合运用等各个方面。 Stamatis博士在出版第2版时,增加补充了的lS0 9000:2000标准、六西格玛方法、lSO/TS 16949标准、"健壮性"的概念、TE 9000标准以及可靠性和维修性要求。本书不仅详细介绍了FMEA的相关理论还结合工程实践直接提出独到的见解,因而适合备行业领域的可靠性工程师、质量工程师和在校研究生参考使用。
This Book shows you bow to use the Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF) to write programs that run undre Micrsosft Windows. Theese programs can be dither regular stand-alon WIndows spplications (which are now often called client applications) or front ends for distributed applications.The WPFis considered to be the primary application porgramming interface(API)for Micrososft Windows Vista,but you can also run WPF applications under Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack2 or Windows Server2003 after you have installed Microsoft. NET Framework 3.0 Although you usr the WPF for writing what are sometimes called"regular type Windows apps," these are definitely not your parents'Windows programs.The WPF includes a new look, a new philosophy concerning control customization,new graphics facilities (including animation and 3D),and a new programming interface. The WPF actually has two interrelated programming intreeelated programming interfaces.You can write WPF programs entirely using