Sleep better, live longer with the groundbreaking informationand step-by-step program in this revolutionary book. Healthful sleep has been empirically proven to be the single mostimportant factor in predicting longevity, more influential thandiet, exercise, or heredity. And yet we are a sleep-sick society,ignorant of the facts of sleep--and the price of sleep deprivation.In this groundbreaking book, based on decades of study on thefrontiers of sleep science, Dr. William Dement, founder anddirector of the Stanford University Sleep Research Center, explainswhat happens when we sleep, when we don't, and how we can reclaimthe most powerful--and underrated--health miracle of all. Taking us on a fascinating tour of our sleeping body and mind,Dr. Dement reveals the price we have paid for ignoring sleep--anepidemic of heart disease, 33 percent of traffic-fatigue-relatedaccidents, and immeasurable mental and psychological disadvantages.And he offers a hands-on pre*ion for vibrant good health andlong
Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance is a concise and accessible guide to the field of microbiology and infection. Updated throughout, the second edition takes the reader through the underlying concepts of microbiology to the pathogenesis, transmission and clinical management of infection and disease. Following the now classic ‘At a Glance’ format, topics are discussed on double page spreads. On one page, helpful memorable diagrams illustrate vital points and on the accompanying page, the text presents key facts and fundamental information. Starting with structure and classification, section one covers the transmission, investigations, therapy and control of infections. Section two and three cover the vital details of bacteriology and virology respectively. The final three sections include essential coverage of mycology, parasitology and systemic infection. The second edition includes three new chapters, which cover the use of antibiotics and treatment guidelines; vaccination and emerging infec
Probabilistic methods are assuming greater significance in the analysis of nucleotide sequence data. This book provides the first unified, up-to-date and self-contained account of such methods, and more generally of probabilistic methods of sequence analysis, presented in a Bayesian framework.
The reading of ECGs should be relatively straightforward since cardiac conditions are characterized by regular electrical patterns Nonetheless, the ECG causes problems to student and physician alike. Romeo Vecht has assembled into one volume 350 ECGs, explaining each one in detail, together with tables depicting the latest information on drug management. This clear approach should assist the physician to familiarize himself with ECG patterns, enabling him to achieve a more precise diagnosis. The accompanying CD contains all the ECGs from the book and should prove invaluable for quick reference.
The formation of microcolonies on surfaces is an important bacterial survival strategy. These biofilms occur on both inert and living systems, making them important to a wide range of scientific disciplines. This book first provides an analysis of the chemical, ecological and physical processes involved with the development of biofilms and their interactions with surfaces. The next section deals with biofilms on non-living surfaces. Biofilms have important engineering implications, such as in mining industries, the corrosion of pipelines and pure and waste water industries. Biofilms have medical significance when associated with the mouth, urinary tract and urinogenital tract. In addition, they form in plant root systems and in animals, such as the ruminant digestive tract, and so are agriculturally important. The final section examines these interactions with living surfaces.
This is a wonderfully succinct book which sets forth thehistory, essence, and methodology of homeopathy. The book is wellorganized in 5 major sections. There is a very thorough overview ofthe precepts and tenets of the practice, its historical origins, adetailed and well-covered biography of Samuel Hahnemann and areview of the politics of the allopathy v. homeopathy debate. It isfurther embellished with copious annotations, an appendix with anactual case history and a very fine reference for homeopathicresources such as organizations, suppliers and other texts coveringa variety of related topics. Call it a perfect Homeopathy 101 textif you will, the author makes a very even-handed presentation ofthe material, including the politics of medicine as they haveevolved in the USA over the past century.
“Magnesium is indeed the unsung hero and is a keynutriceutical that everybody needs to know about. . . . This bookneeds to be read by any individual wishing to improve their qualityof life. . . . Dr Dean has the best credentials in bringingsolutions to those suffering from the hidden magnesium disordersthat affect most of us.” –DR. STEPHEN T. SINATRA, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.N. Author of Lower Your Blood Pressure in Eight Weeks More than seventy-five years ago, medical scientists declaredmagnesium to be an essential nutrient, indispensable to life. Whenthis mineral is part of your diet, you are guarding against–andhelping to alleviate–health threats such as heart disease, stroke,osteoporosis, diabetes, depression, arthritis, and asthma. Butwhile research continues to reaffirm magnesium’s irreplaceablecontribution to good health, many Americans remain dangerouslydeficient. In The Miracle of Magnesium, Dr. Carolyn Dean, an authority onthis mineral who has used it with dramatic succe