    • How Doctors Think(ISBN=9780547053646)
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /2011-11-01/ Houghton Mifflin
    • How Doctors Think is a window into the mind of the physician andaninsightful examination of the all-important relationship betweendoctorsand their patients. In this myth-shattering work, JeromeGroopmanexplores the forces and thought processes behind thedecisions doctorsmake. He pinpoints why doctors succeed and whythey err. Most impor-tant, Groopman shows when and how doctors can-- with our help --avoid snap iudgments, embrace uncertainty,communicate effectively, anddeploy other skills that can profoundlyimpact our health.

    • ¥62.1 折扣:4.5折
    • FRONTIER MEDICINE(ISBN=9780307455420) 英文原版
    •   ( 18 条评论 )
    • David Dary 著 /2009-10-01/ Random House US
    • In this intriguing narrative, David Dary charts how Americanmedicine has evolved since 1492, when New World settlers firstbegan combining European remedies with the traditional practices ofthe native populations. It’s a story filled with colorfulcharacters, from quacks and con artists to heroic healers andingenious medicine men, and Dary tells it with an engaging styleand an eye for the telling detail. Dary also charts the evolutionof American medicine from these trial-and-error roots to itscontemporary high-tech, high-cost pharmaceutical and medicalindustry. Packed with fascinating facts about our medical past, FrontierMedicine is an engaging and illuminating history of how our modernmedical system came into being.

    • ¥73.5 折扣:5折
    • VOICES OF QI(ISBN=9781556433269)
    •   ( 11 条评论 )
    • Alex Holland 编 /2000-01-01/ Random House US
    • We are in the middle of a cultural revolution in the healthcare industry. Nearly eight thousand people practice TraditionalChinese Medicine in the US and thirty-five states currently offersome form of legal status for its practice. Many people are seekingalternatives to the Western, medical approach to health care. Tothese seekers, Voices of Qi is an invaluable aid inexploring what Traditional Chinese Medicine has to offer. AlexHolland has done an admirable job of presenting the basic tenetsand practices to this ancient tradition in a clear, concise andaccessible manner.

    • ¥60.5 折扣:5折
    • 鉴别诊断入门,国际版(第4版) Tutorials in Differential Diagnosis, Interna
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Eric R. Beck 等编 /2003-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • This is an original and successful text which provides a series of tutorials in the problem-based approach to clinical medicine, as against the more common disease-based emphasis of most textbooks. It covers a full range of signs and symptoms as they are encountered in clinical practice and discusses them with the emphasis on those which are crucial in the differential diagnosis of the patient. Each chapter ends with an illustrated case history. Diagnostic algorithms help to summarise many of the cases and give an overview of the diagnostic pathway that has been set out in the text.

    • ¥72.5 折扣:5折
    • HORMONE SOLUTION, THE(ISBN=9781400080854) 英文原版
    •   ( 10 条评论 )
    • Dr. Thierry Hertoghe 著 /2002-08-01/ Random House US
    • America’s perceptions about the inevitable effects of aging areabout to be completely rethought, thanks to groundbreaking newinformation from an internationally known expert on hormones andantiaging medicine. Thierry Hertoghe, M.D., has an importantmessage to share: people are aging unnecessarily. Based on thirty-five years of scientific studies, The HormoneSolution: Stay Younger Longer with Natural Hormone and NutritionTherapies is the first book that offers a pre*ive programto counter memory loss, weight gain, wrinkles, shrinking musclemass, impotence, hair loss, and a host of other signs and symptomsof aging. Dr. Hertoghe offers an effective program of hormonereplacement therapy using safe, low doses of natural hormones—inconjunction with a healthy diet and vitamin and mineralsupplements—to help people maintain physical, mental, and emotionalhealth and literally restore their bodies to a state that’s threeto twelve years younger than their actual age. He identifies thefifteen main, crucial horm

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • PROMISE OF SLEEP, THE(ISBN=9780440509011)
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • William C. Dement 著 /2000-03-01/ Random House US
    • Sleep better, live longer with the groundbreaking informationand step-by-step program in this revolutionary book. Healthful sleep has been empirically proven to be the single mostimportant factor in predicting longevity, more influential thandiet, exercise, or heredity. And yet we are a sleep-sick society,ignorant of the facts of sleep--and the price of sleep deprivation.In this groundbreaking book, based on decades of study on thefrontiers of sleep science, Dr. William Dement, founder anddirector of the Stanford University Sleep Research Center, explainswhat happens when we sleep, when we don't, and how we can reclaimthe most powerful--and underrated--health miracle of all. Taking us on a fascinating tour of our sleeping body and mind,Dr. Dement reveals the price we have paid for ignoring sleep--anepidemic of heart disease, 33 percent of traffic-fatigue-relatedaccidents, and immeasurable mental and psychological disadvantages.And he offers a hands-on pre*ion for vibrant good health andlong

    • ¥76.4 折扣:4.9折
    • POWER OF THE FIVE ELEMENTS(ISBN=9781556438745)
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Charles A. Moss M.D. 著 /2010-04-01/ Random House US
    • “In this enlightening book, Dr. Charles Moss offers us theopportunity to heal our modern world through the wisdom of theages.” —David Simon, MD, cofounder of the Chopra Center for Wellbeingand author of Free to Love, Free to Heal “Dr. Charles Moss catapults the discipline of Five Elementacupuncture into the contemporary framework of an individual’sresponse to life’s stressors. His Five Adaptation Types each embodythe qualities of an element, and he lucidly animates them withsnapshot stories from his clinical practice. This is the inevitablenext step of integrating the classical Five Element model intomodern medicine’s understanding of mind-body dynamics.” —Joseph M. Helms, MD, president of Helms Medical Institute andfounding president of the American Academy of MedicalAcupuncture “Dr. Charles Moss, a masterful physician and acupuncturist,penetrates the mysteries of classical Chinese medical thinking togive us a truly useful guide to meeting life

    • ¥82 折扣:5折
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • Michael Reed Gach Ph.D. 著 /1990-11-01/ Random House US
    • With your hands you have potential to relieve everyday aches,pains and ailments without taking drugs, to improve your health,and to increase your vitality. Acupressure is an ancient healingart that uses the fingers to stimulate key points on the skin that,in turn, activate the body's natural self-healing processes. Withthis book, it is a skill you can learn now--and use in your ownhome. In Acupressure's Potent Points, Michael Reed Gach, founder anddirector of the Acupressure Institute of America, reveals simpletechniques that enable you to relieve headaches, arthritis, coldsand flu, insomnia, backaches, hiccups, leg pain, hot flashes,depression, and more--using the power and sensitivity of your ownhands. This practical guide covers more than forty ailments andsymptoms, from allergies to wrist pain, providing pressure-pointmaps and exercises to relieve pain and restore function.Acupressure complements conventional medical care, and enables youto take a vital role in becoming well and staying

    • ¥90.5 折扣:5折
    • GREEN MEDICINE(ISBN=9781556439025)
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • ry Malerba D.O. 著 /2010-06-01/ Random House US
    • According to Dr. Larry Malerba, modern medicine has perfectedthe short-term technical repair of the physical body at the expenseof the long-term psychological and spiritual well-being of thewhole person. In Green Medicine he examines this issue and providesa realistic blueprint for wellness and a valuable guide for thoseseeking deeper and more lasting healing. Written in an accessiblestyle, the book draws on a rich range of fields—physics,philosophy, Jungian thought, shamanism, alchemy, Eastern thought,Western esotericism, sustainability, orthodox medicine—to create agreen medical paradigm that represents a powerful integrativemedical perspective. Dr. Malerba interweaves case histories from his own practice withinnovative concepts from alternative and Western medicine in orderto address a number of crucial questions: What are the personal and environmental costs to the overuse ofpharmaceutical drugs? Is conventional medicine as scientific as it claims to be? How can conventi

    • ¥82 折扣:5折
    • Kaplan MCAT 45(MCAT 医学院升学考试深度剖析)
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Kaplan 著 /2002-05-01/
    • A comprehensive study guide for students who want to score in the 90th percentile on the MCAT and get accepted to a top medical school. Featuring hundreds of the toughest practice questions with complete answer explanations and strategies for getting the right answers on test day. Synopsis: Think a 45 is out of the question? Think again. Kaplan's MCAT? 45 provides the extra tactics and advanced practice you need to help you get the absolute maximum score. Using this book with the practice test and intensive review of Kaplan's bestselling MCAT? Comprehensive Review, you can get the perfect score. TOUGHEST QUESTIONS Practice with "high-octane" questions -- the toughest you'll see on the test -- and get comprehensive explanations, plus tips and techniques for answering them quickly and accurately. HARDEST SCIENCE Target your review with specially-designed practice sets containing the hardest science concepts you'll see on the MCAT?. STRONGEST ST

    • ¥90 折扣:4.5折
    • BODY IN MOTION(ISBN=9781556439704)
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Theodore Dimon Jr. Ed. D 著 /2011-01-01/ Random House US
    • In The Body in Motion, author Theodore Dimon confronts asimple yet crucial task: to make sense of our amazing design. Thiscomprehensive guide demonstrates the functions and evolution ofspecific body systems, explaining how they cooperate to form anupright, intelligent, tool-making marvel, capable of greattechnological and artistic achievement. Enhanced with 162beautifully rendered full-color illustrations, the book opens withan introduction to the origins of movement, leading the reader on ajourney through time and evolution—from fish to amphibian,quadruped to primate—showing how humans became the preeminentmoving beings on the planet. Delving deeper into our upright support system, The Body inMotion clearly describes the workings of the hands and upper limbs;the pelvic girdle; the feet and lower limbs; breathing; the larynxand throat musculature; and more. Central to the book is the ideathat it is our upright posture that makes it possible for us tomove in an infinite variety of ways, to man

    • ¥82 折扣:5折
    • Inside the Outbreaks(ISBN=9780547520308)
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Mark Pendergrast 著 /2011-11-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • Since its founding in 1951, the Epidemic Intelligence Servicehas waged war on every imaginable ailment. With suitcases keptpacked, vaccinations at the ready, the EIS's little-recognizedmedical professionals and scientists are always on call. And whenan epidemic hits, the EIS will be there to crack the case, howevermysterious or deadly. Over the years they have successfully battledpolio, cholera, and smallpox, to name a few, and in recent yearshave turned to the epidemics killing us now--smoking, obesity, andgun violence among them.These professionals have not served withoutcontroversy. But for the most part, they have performed theirtasks--difficult, dangerous, or dead end--without fanfare, savingcountless lives in the process. The successful EIS model has alsospread internationally: former EIS officers on the staff of theCenters for Disease Control have helped to establish nearly thirtysimilar programs around the world. EIS veterans have gone on tobecome leaders in the world of public health in organization

    • ¥62.1 折扣:4.5折
    • 流感快速参考Rapid Reference to Influenza
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Jan Wilschut 等著 /2005-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Second author, Janet E. McElhaney, is with the Univ. of Connecticut, Farmington. Pocket-sized reference covers all aspects of the influenza virus, including structure, replication, immune response, clinical features, and diagnosis. Also discusses the social and economic impact of influenza as well as treatment options. Softcover.

    • ¥98.5 折扣:5折
    • ANATOMY MOVING BODY(ISBN=9781556437205)
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Theodore Dimon 著 /2008-05-01/ Random House US
    • Learning anatomy requires more than pictures and labels; itrequires a way "into" the subject, a means of making sense of whatis being shown. Anatomy of the Moving Body addresses thatneed with a simple yet complete study of the body's complex systemof bones, muscles, and joints and how they function. Beautifullyillustrated with more than 100 3D images, the book contains 31lectures that guide readers through this challenging interiorlandscape. Each part of the body is explained in brief, manageablesections, with components described singly or in small groups. Theauthor doesn’t just name the muscles and bones but explains theterminology in lay language. Topics include the etymology ofanatomical terms; origins and attachments of muscles and theirrelated actions; discussion of major functional systems such as thepelvis, ankle, shoulder girdle, and hand; major landmarks and humantopography; and structures relating to breathing and vocalization.This second edition features all-new illustrations that use a 3Ddig

    • ¥95 折扣:5折
    • MEDICINE WHEEL GARDEN, THE(ISBN=9780553380897) 英文原版
    •   ( 11 条评论 )
    • E. Barrie Kavasch 著 /2002-06-01/ Random House US
    • The American Indian medicine wheel was an ancient way ofcreating sacred space and calling forth the healing energies ofnature. Now, drawing on a lifetime of study with native healers,herbalist and ethnobotanist E. Barrie Kavasch offers a step-by-stepguide to bringing this beautiful tradition into your own life--fromvibrantly colorful outdoor circle designs to miniature dish,windowsill, or home altar adaptations. Inside you’ll find: ? Planting guides for medicine wheel gardens in every zone, fromdesert Southwest to northern woodlands ? A beautifully illustrated encyclopedia of 50 key healing herbs,including propagation needs, traditional and modern uses, andcautions ? Easy-to-follow herbal recipes, from teas and tonics to skincreams and soaps--plus delicious healing foods ? Ideas for herbal crafts and ceremonial objects, includingsmudge sticks, wind horses, prayer ties, and spirit shields ? Seasonal rituals, offerings, and meditations to bless andempower your garden and y

    • ¥61 折扣:3.5折
    • ANATOMY OF AN EPIDEMIC(ISBN=9780307452429)
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Robert Whitaker 著 /2011-08-01/ Random House US
    • In this astonishing and startling book, award-winning scienceand history writer Robert Whitaker investigates a medical mystery:Why has the number of disabled mentally ill in the United Statestripled over the past two decades? Every day, 1,100 adults andchildren are added to the government disability rolls because theyhave become newly disabled by mental illness, with this epidemicspreading most rapidly among our nation’s children. What is goingon? Anatomy of an Epidemic challenges readers to think through thatquestion themselves. First, Whitaker investigates what is knowntoday about the biological causes of mental disorders. Dopsychiatric medications fix “chemical imbalances” in the brain, ordo they, in fact, create them? Researchers spent decades studyingthat question, and by the late 1980s, they had their answer.Readers will be startled—and dismayed—to discover what was reportedin the scientific journals. Then comes the scientific query at the heart of this book: Duringthe past

    • ¥65 折扣:5折
    • 免疫学:要点图解(第4版) Immunology
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • David Male 著 /2004-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • The 4th Edition of this pocket-sized, illustrated dictionary offers a concise, evidence-based approach to the immune system. The book divides the subject into five easy-to-review sections: The Immune System, Antigen Recognition, Immune Responses, Immunopathology, and Immunological Techniques. Each of these sections is then sub-divided into short, paragraphs that define key terms and concepts. Fifty new immunological definitions in the Index of Terms, in addition to newly updated definitions and vocabulary, reflect the many advances in the field. Readers will appreciate the highly organized, cross-referenced approach that allows them to master key concepts. Lists core terms and concepts that are followed by short, straightforward definitions. Amplifies the text with simple color diagrams and illustrations and cross-referencing between definitions. Offers easy and rapid access to straightforward, easily understood definitions in the Index of Terms. Provides three updated and reorga

    • ¥87.5 折扣:5折
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Katherine Ketcham 等著 /1999-02-01/ Random House US
    • Reflecting on the connection between the rise in chronicimmune disorders and toxic environmental and lifestyle patterns,herbalist and acupuncturist Jason Elias and collaborator KatherineKetcham looked to the 5,000-year-old The Yellow Emperor's Classicof Medicine to seek clues for restoring the balance of body andmind. In Chinese Medicine for Maximum Immunity, Elias and Ketcham showhow to use the preventive strategies and gentle, supportiveremedies of traditional Chinese medicine to heal contemporarychronic illnesses and bolster immunity. The book teaches readershow to identify which element--Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, andWater--most directly influences them and how to correct imbalancesthat can lead to particular physical, emotional, and spiritualdisorders with step-by-step instruction for using stress-reductiontechniques, diet and exercise, herbs, and acupressure.

    • ¥86 折扣:5折
    • DRUGS FOR LESS(ISBN=9781578261925) 英文原版
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • Michael P. Cecil M.D. 著 /2005-04-01/
    • The first easy-to-use reference guide to saving 50% or more onthe 250 most commonly prescribed medications in the UnitedStates. Over 40 million Americans lack health insurance. Another 40 millionAmericans are insured by Medicare and do not have pre*ionmedications as a covered benefit. The 50 million covered byMedicaid are threatened by reduced benefits and limited formularycoverage. Even the 74 million Baby Boomers with health insuranceare impacted, as pharmaceutical companies pass their costs on inthe form of higher co-pays and insurance premiums. We all areaffected by the problem of rising pre*ion drug costs. Drugs for Less is the answer to the problem. Empowering consumerswith needed information, the book outlines seven simple strategiesto reduce rising pharmaceutical prices. Here, for example, are tipson how to ensure that drugs you buy online are safe, guidelines onhow to slice medications, and information on which generic drugsare more effective than the expensive brand-name versions. Mostimportantly

    • ¥60.5 折扣:5折