Get Into Graduate School: A Strategic ApproachChoosing andgetting into the right school is crucial to getting the most out ofyour graduate school years -- and your future career. We're here tohelp. Kaplan has brought together some of the nation's topadmissions experts to create this exclusive guide to getting intograd school.This informative resource includes: LIAdvice from topadmissions officers on writing persuasive personal statements,obtaining the best recommendations, preparing your application, andmore. LIExpert guidance on financing grad school, including tips onfinancial aid, borrowing, and managing expenses. LISpecializedinformation for every student, including minority students, olderstudents, people with disabilities, and international students.LIKey resources for grad school applicants, including websites,professional associations, and more. LIFinding the Right Programfor You LIPaying for Grad School LIBecoming a Standout ApplicantLIApplication DOs and DON'Ts LIThe Role of the GRE/ULVisitka
Prover, sayings, and other expressions are commonly used every day !They're words that are so familiar, however, that their real meanings have been either lost or confused over the years. For instance, who hasn't wished to be "as free ass a bird"?However, our feathered friends are not carefree.In fact, most birds are pretty anxious creatures with a lot of responsibility. When someone says, "One bad apple spoils the barrdl," it means that no mater how good you are, if someone bad enters your group, it's going to be spoiled. While this may not hold true for all people, it does for apples. When an apple starts to rot ,it produces a chemical called ethylene that cfauses the apple to decay. The other apples in the barrdl detect this chemical reaction and begin to produce their own ethylene, causing all the apples to spoil. "All that glitters is not gold."Anyone who has even seen pyrite, or fool's gold, knows this to be true. Has it ever really rained "cats and dogs"?In 1984,during a rainstorm, part of