Featuring examiner-reviewed Study Texts and Practice Revision Kits, this title includes interactive study tools thatprovide you with the material you need for exam success.
Foundations in Accountancy (FIA) awards are entry-level,core-skill focused qualifications from ACCA. They provide flexibleoptions for students and employers. This title provides ACCA studymaterials that are tailored to the exams students may take.
Engaging topics, motivating role-plays, and a variety of exercises provide a framework for each specialist subject Tip boxes in each unit include key language points, useful phrases, and strategies STARTER section at the beginning of each unit has warm-up and awareness-raising activities OUTPUT sections at the end of each unit encourage discussion and reflection Answers, tran*s, and a glossary of useful phrases at the back of each book Self-study material on the interactive MultiROM includes realistic listening extracts and interactive exercises for extra practice
Chapter Openers Chapter Openers provide a motivating photo and application toshow students an example of the relevance of what they'll belearning in the chapter. Chapter Overviews A Chapter Overview begins each chapter to give students a senseof what they are going to learn. This overview provides a roadmapof the chapter as well as telling how the different topics in thechapter are connected under one big idea. It is always helpful forstudents to remember that mathematics isn't modular, butinterconnected, and that the different skills they are learningthroughout the course build on one another to help them understandmore complex concepts.
本书是专门为幼儿园儿童进行数学练习N-K2级别,有些家长困惑于小朋友从小学之前就开始做练习册,会不会产生厌学心理?新加坡数学比中国数学灵活,教辅也是一样。 Mastering Maths N 对应学龄前的孩子 Mastering Maths K1对应幼儿园小班的孩子 Mastering Maths K2 对应幼儿园大班的孩子 (当然也可以根据孩子的年龄和学习情况自行调节,但是总的来说,这套书适合于3-6岁的孩子) 这三本都是一些基础的数学题,适合没有接触过数学的孩子进行理解和学习。在题目的类型上也很多样。N到K1、K2呈现循序渐进的原则,从简单到难。
新加坡32年教龄资深数学老师编写,新加坡专业权威的新加坡少儿出版社出版,原版引进,这套书以新加坡小学数学大纲为基准,精心编写。本系列属于新加坡数学应用题专属版,将新加坡数学CPA模块思维的精髓完美融入书中,用模块画图的方式精讲例题,让学生举一反三,然后配套课后练习强化单元知识。本系列图书体系合理,由浅入深,设计科学。各个章节后是challengs挑战题型,是小奥数拔高题型。 做题同时详解小学数学中出现的常见英语词汇与句型。提高对数字的听力敏感度,学习数学公式及概念的地道英文表述。
新加坡32年教龄资深数学老师编写,新加坡专业权威的新加坡少儿出版社出版,原版引进,这套书以新加坡小学数学大纲为基准,精心编写。本系列属于新加坡数学应用题专属版,将新加坡数学CPA模块思维的精髓完美融入书中,用模块画图的方式精讲例题,让学生举一反三,然后配套课后练习强化单元知识。本系列图书体系合理,由浅入深,设计科学。各个章节后是challengs挑战题型,是小奥数拔高题型。 做题同时详解小学数学中出现的常见英语词汇与句型。提高对数字的听力敏感度,学习数学公式及概念的地道英文表述。
帮助5年级学生提升数学思维能力的同时提升英语词汇、英语语法和句子的逻辑理解能力,用英语做数学题,实现英语和数学的双双提高,为小朋友小升初衔接夯实基础。 新加坡数学注重建模教学,数学科目的学习和练习真正地让孩子形成数感,逻辑思维和抽象思维,是解决问题的方法,而非纯粹的记忆。
教程:本书是专门为1年级小朋友运用原版英语做数学练习的,为小朋友中高年级阶段数学做准备。 本书亮点: 1、先学后练 通过新加坡学习法训练思维 方式,系统学习基础知识。 2、基础练习 课程配套同步基础练习题,巩固 知识点,了解孩子的薄弱项。 3、建模数学 新加坡数学注重建模教学,化抽象为具体,让孩子轻松理解题目的含义记忆牢固,理解深刻。 4、答案详解 配备详细解题答案,让孩子更加清晰知道解题思路。 练习册:learn master系列专门用来巩固提高知识点,以简答题为主,单项训练配合。没有压力感的刷题模式,提高小朋友解题效率。 每个主题有3个练习部分: 1、认知概念 让小朋友认识数学概念,并对数学概念逐步理解。 2、理解问题 通过考试式的习题,强化所学的概念并深化它们。 3、拓展思维 拓展分析能力,思考能力解决更具有挑战性的问题
本书是专门为一年级小朋友运用原版英语做数学练习的,为小朋友中高年级阶段数学做准备。 本书亮点: 1、先学后练 通过新加坡学习法训练思维 方式,系统学习基础知识。 2、基础练习 课程配套同步基础练习题,巩固 知识点,了解孩子的薄弱项。 3、建模数学 新加坡数学注重建模教学,化抽象为具体,让孩子轻松理解题目的含义记忆牢固,理解深刻。 4、答案详解 配备详细解题答案,让孩子更加清晰知道解题思路。
A new series of short, specialist English courses for professions such as human resources, or marketing and advertising, and work skills such as telephoning, meetings, and presentations.
An expanding series of short, specialist English courses for different professions, work skills, and industries.
Designed with the beginning journalism student in mind, this undergraduate textbook for fledgling reporters is a reference guide and an instructive text full of real-world examples and writing exercises. Conrad C. Fink, a longtime reporter and bureau chief with the Associated Press, leads intro journalism students through the basics of news writing, followed by analytical, interpretive, and opinion writing, including specialty coverage-sports, science, business, technology, and profiles. This text makes use of a wide range of real-world examples and uses a direct, minimalist writing style developed by the author in 45 years of experience in journalism and teaching. Chapters include exercises that introduce students to a writing opportunity or problem, reproduce a real-life example of how a seasoned journalist handled it, then discuss the point made. In this wise and highly usable text, Fink will ease the path toward becoming a better writer-giving students the tools they need to communicate clearly and effect