“Buried as a g while tha whole world remembers me” –Tupac Shakur, from “Until the End ofTime” Tupac Shakur was larger than life. A giftedrapper, actor, and poet, he was fearless, prolific, andcontroversial–and often said that he never expected to live pastthe age of thirty. He was right. On September 13, 1996, he died ofgunshot wounds at age twenty-five. But even ten years after Tupac’stragic passing, the impact of his life and talent continues toflourish. Lauded as one of the greatest hip-hop artists of alltime, Tupac has sold more than sixty-seven million recordsworldwide, making him the top-selling rapper ever. How Long Will They Mourn Me? celebrates Tupac’sunforgettable life–his rise to fame; his tumultuous dark sidemarked by sex, drugs, and violence; and the indelible legacy heleft behind. Although Tupac’s murder remains unsolved, the spiritof this legendary artist is far from forgotten. How long will wemourn him? Fans worldwide will grieve his untimely death for a longti
modern-day classic. "Gift from the Sea is like a shell itself inits small and perfect form . . . It tells of light and life andlove and the security that lies at the heart."--New York Times BookReview.
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 978-9861202891 Author 作者 保羅?莫朗(Paul Morand) Pages Number 页数 216页 Publisher 出版社 麥田(城邦) Publication Date 出版日期 2010年09月28日 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 0x0x0 cm Language 语种 中文繁体 Book Contents 内容简介 時尚易逝,風格永存。她用黑與白改變了女人,也改變了世界──她是可可?香奈兒想了解她的時尚生命?本書內容皆由香奈兒親自口述以第一人稱方式書寫,猶如香奈兒在你面前呢喃道來犀利的語氣、傲然的態度,從本書窺見香奈兒,總算看一個明白從此,看見Chanel你懂得的,將不再只是一個雙環相扣的昂貴品牌二十世紀的法國,留給世界三個名字:戴高樂、畢卡索、香奈兒。香奈兒憑著絕對的自信、敏銳的美感,強韌的個性和對極致的追求,創造出改變世界的時尚王國,開啟二十世紀的