In her introduction to this brilliant and outrageous literarylandmark, Anne Barton places Don Juan within the context of Byron'slife and reading, and offers an interpretation of the poem whichdemonstrates its underlying coherence and artistic integrity,despite Byron's mischievous protestations to the contrary. A longchapter on the reception of the poem considers some of the attemptsto imitate or continue it, using them to define what is fundamentalto Byron's own handling of the Don Juan legend.
Tony Blair is a politician who defines our times. Hisemergence as Labour Party leader in 1994 marked a seismic shift inBritish politics. Within a few short years, he had transformed hisparty and rallied the country behind him, becoming prime ministerin 1997 with the biggest victory in Labour’s history, and bringingto an end eighteen years of Conservative government. He took Labourto a historic three terms in office as Britain’s dominant politicalfigure of the last two decades. A Journey is Tony Blair’s firsthand account of his years inoffice and beyond. Here he describes for the first time his role inshaping our recent history, from the aftermath of Princess Diana’sdeath to the war on terror. He reveals the leadership decisionsthat were necessary to reinvent his party, the relationships withcolleagues including Gordon Brown, the grueling negotiations forpeace in Northern Ireland, the implementation of the biggestreforms to public services in Britain since 1945, and hisrelationships with l
The rise, and fall, and rise again of tennis sensation Maria Sharapova In the middle of the night, a father and his daughter step off a Greyhound bus in Florida and head straight to the Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy. They ring the bell, though no one is expecting them. They don?t speak English. They?ve arrived from Russia with only $700 and the conviction that this six-year-old will be the next tennis star. Surprisingly, they are right. Young Maria Sharapova went on to become one of the best, most famous, and highest-paid athletes. At seventeen, she won Wimbledon. At eighteen, she was ranked number one. To date, she has won five Grand Slams. Her stardom spills off the court to fashion, philanthropy, food. But at the peak of her popularity, Sharapova faced a new challenge, after testing positive for a banned drug. The backlash was shocking?sponsors fled, fans berated her, and she received a two-year suspension. Despite successfully appealing her sentence, she still faced the battle of maintaining her em
One of America’s finest historians shows us how Bob Dylan, oneof the country’s greatest and most enduring artists, stillsurprises and moves us after all these years. Growing up in Greenwich Village, Sean Wilentz discov??ered themusic of Bob Dylan as a young teenager; almost half a centurylater, he revisits Dylan’s work with the skills of an eminentAmerican historian as well as the passion of a fan. Drawn in partfrom Wilentz’s essays as “historian in residence” of Dylan’sofficial website, Bob Dylan in America is a unique blend of fact,interpretation, and affinity—a book that, much like its subject,shifts gears and changes shape as the occasion warrants. Beginning with his explosion onto the scene in 1961, this bookfollows Dylan as he continues to develop a body of musical andliterary work unique in our cultural history. Wilentz’s approachplaces Dylan’s music in the context of its time, including theearly influences of Popular Front ideology and Beat aesthetics, andoffers a larger critica