铁托南斯拉夫共chan主义极简主义狂野世界指南 Spomenik-- Serbo-Croat /斯洛文尼亚语中的纪念碑 - 指的是20世纪60年代至80年代在铁托的南斯拉夫共和国建造的纪念碑,标志着第二次世界大战期间占领的恐怖和轴心国的失败。全国各地都有数百座建筑,从沿海度假胜地到偏远山区。通过这些富有想象力的混凝土和钢铁形式,设想了一个没有种族紧张局势的无阶级,前瞻性的社会主义社会。而不是寻求意识形态一致的苏联的艺术灵感,铁托转向西方和抽象表现主义和极简主义的作品。这使得南斯拉夫能够通过纪念碑发展自己独特的身份,将它们变成政治工具,阐明铁托对新明天的个人愿景。 今天,在该国解体和随后的1990年代南斯拉夫战争之后,一些人被摧毁或被遗弃。许多人遭受了种族紧张局势的后果:一旦被视为希望的象征,他们现在成为怨恨和愤怒的焦点。 本
Cass Neary made her name in the seventies as a photographerembedded in the burgeoning punk movement in New York City. Herpictures of the musicians and the hangers-on, the infamous, thedamned, and the dead, earned her a brief moment of fame. Thirtyyears later she is adrift, on her way down, and almost out when anold acquaintance sends her on a mercy gig to interview a famouslyreclusive photographer who lives on an island in Maine. When shearrives Down East, Cass stumbles across a decades-old mystery thatis still claiming victims, and she finds one final shot atredemption. Patricia Highsmith meets Patti Smith in thismesmerizing literary thriller.
Tuiga, Mariquita, Cambria, Shamrock, Eleonora, Zaca, Moonbeam, Lulworth, Sunshine, Partridge, Altair, Nan, Marilee, and Bona Fide: these are the majestic sailing yachts of legend presented in this lavishly illustrated volume.Featuring dazzling photographs by the renowned yachtsman and photojournalist Gilles Martin-Raget, this stunning tribute captures the original splendor of these fourteen recently restored boats. Readers feel as though they are traversing the globe with the crew as great action photography depicts the palpable excitement on board. From Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts to the Great Barrier Reef, Martin-Raget's striking scenes range from leisurely cruises past the villages of St. Tropez to close encounters between racing yachts during international regattas. Below deck, his images of the boats' impressive interiors offer a peak at the luxury accommodations. Complimenting the photographs, detailed architectural drawings reveal the structures of these fabled vessels.In this unprecedented docu