The Great LIFE Photographers is the mostcomprehensive anthology of LIFE photography ever published,featuring the best work of every staff photographer who worked forthe famous magazine, and that of a handful of others who shot forLIFE. It was always the photographers who made LIFE great, and thisis the most vivid and exciting portrait of those men and women thathas ever been produced. The book offers more than 100 portfolios including those ofAlfred Eisenstaedt, Margaret Bourke-White, Carl Mydans, GordonParks, W. Eugene Smith, Robert Capa, Ralph Morse, Nina Leen, HarryBenson, Philippe Halsman, and Joe McNally, whose work for LIFE inthe aftermath of September 11 was in the finest tradition of themagazine. Each portfolio includes a short biography, offering anintimate look at the people behind the lens. Here are the defining moments of the 20th century, includingMacArthur wading ashore by Mydans, Capa's D-Day landing at OmahaBeach and, of course, Eisenstaedt's sailor kissing the nurse. Here
From the camera lucida to the latest in digital image makingand computer manipulation, photographic technology has dramaticallychanged throughout its nearly 200-year history, as succinctlyexplained and powerfully illustrated in "A World History ofPhotography". Thanks to the unique immediacy with which photographycaptures perspective and history, the popularity and use of thecamera spread rapidly around the globe. Today, photography isubiquitous: from newspapers and fashion magazines to billboards andthe film industry, cultures worldwide have embraced this malleableartistic medium for a limitless variety of purposes. NaomiRosenblum's classic text investigates all aspects of photography -aesthetic, documentary, commercial, and technical - while placingphotos in their historical context. Included among the more than800 photographs by men and women are both little-known andcelebrated masterpieces, arranged in stimulating juxtapositionsthat illuminate their visual power. Authoritative and unbiased,Rosenblum's chr
Sidestepping the tragic figure presented in other books,"Marilyn Monroe: Platinum Fox" provides a light-hearted andhumorous look at a legend like no other! Sixty years after herimage first flickered on the screen, Marilyn Monroe remains theultimate Hollywood star, a face and name more recognizable thancurrent performers. What remains to be explored about 'Marilyn'?Here we celebrate what first made her a star. Profusely illustratedwith colour and black and white stills from the 20th Century Foxarchives - some of which will be seen for the first time in thisbook - "Marilyn Monroe: Platinum Fox" focuses on quintessentialMarilyn in classics like "Gentleman Prefer Blondes", "The SevenYear Itch" and her other Fox films. The text is filled withbehind-the-scenes stories, memorable movie quotes, film facts,trivia, plotlines, character profiles and highlights of the mostMarilyn moments.
In 1941 Ansel Adams was hired by the United States Departmentof the Interior to photograph America's national parks for a seriesof murals that would celebrate the country's natural heritage.Because of the escalation of World War II, the project was sus