Think Los Angeles and Southern California and you're feelinggolden warmth and a coastal breeze. This culturally vibrantand ethnically diverse area is equal parts movie makers, high-techtrailblazers, dreamy ocean drives and scorching desert.Throw in campy Palm Springs and some serious wine country and we knowyou'll be hooked. This revised edition includes special planning chapters forDisneyland, "Beaches Outdoors", "Travel with Children",and more road trips and scenic drives for touring holidays. This guidebook has been fully updated! * Intuitive layout and new text styles make it easier to read,scan and find information at a glance * New visual design and structure improves navigation withoutsacrificing depth or quality * Expanded planning section helps travellers plan by time,season, interest or region * New map desiegn improvs map legibilty for easy navigation
Take a fresh approach to Venice with this "Step by Step"guide, part of a brand new, stylishly designed series from InsightGuides. Lavishly illustrated in full colour, this book features 14irresistible self-guided walks and tours, written by a local expertand packed with great insider tips. Whether you are new to the cityor a repeat visitor, whatever your interests, and however long yourstay, this book is the perfect companion, showing you the smartestway to link the sights and taking you beyond the beaten touristtrack. All the walks and tours come with clear, easy-to-followfull-colour maps and hand-picked places to eat and drink en route.A 'Key Facts' box at the start of each tour highlights therecommended time needed to enjoy it to the full, plus the distancecovered and a start and end point; all this makes it simple to findthe perfect tour for the time you have to spare. The book alsorecommends top tours by theme and includes a special 'Only in'feature, highlighting a number of experiences or attract
Discover Amsterdam Delve into the life of a great artist at the Van GoghMuseum Find the perfect brown café, secret hang-outs of Dutch drinkersfor centuries Find out how to skip the queues at the city's topattractions Spice up your visit at one of Amsterdam's Indonesianrestaurants In This Guide: Three authors, over 700 recommendations, five neighborhoodswalks, three bike tours Color Architecture chapter on the city's buildings, old andnew Comprehensive Day Trips chapter includes Leiden, Utrecht andHaarlem
New format means loads more colour, better maps and aneasy-to-read layout.
You might be expecting to find elegant cities, spectacularpeaks and ancient cave cities in Ukraine, but were you expectingrampaging nightlife in Odesa and bathers parading around in18th-century and punk costumes on the Yalta coast? Hit the ground running with more Ukrainian * than competingother guides This guidebook has been fully updated! * Intuitive layout and new text styles make it easier to read,scan and find information at a glance * New visual design and structure improves navigation withoutsacrificing depth or quality * Expanded planning section helps travellers plan by time,season, interest or region * New map design improves map legibilty for easy navigation
Discover Washington DC Toss a Frisbeein the shadows of the founding fathers on America's frontlawn View cutting-edge art in a former munitions factory Drink beers while practicing your putt in a bar that doubles as amini-golf course Chow down on curry served from a van full of would-be circusringleaders In This Guide: Two authors, 50 days of in-city research, 15 detailed maps,innumberable half-smokes eaten Dedicated Politics chapter reveals what makes the capital citytick Expanded Eating chapter lets you taste everything from ChesapeakeBay crabs to Salvadoran pupusas
Lonely Planet Knows Ireland. Gentle mountains, rugged ridges,wild moorlands, warm hospitality and the infamous Irish weather:taking to the trail in Ireland is never dull. With routes acrossthe most spectacular landscapes of the Republic and NorthernIreland and highlights of the Waymarked Ways, this guide has hikesfor every ability level. Our resident Irish authors share the bestof their walking experience, including the rolling WicklowMountains, the spiky summits of Connemara, the sandy beaches of theDingle Peninsula and the dramatic coastal cliffs of the northwest.In This Guide: Everything you need to know to get prepared.Listings for sleeping, eating and facilities along the way. Adviceon equipment, health and safety.
What Will You Bali Encounter Be? Catching the perfect wave at Ulu Watu Shopping for a boutique bargain in Seminyak Learning to prepare your very own Balinese banquet at a cookingcourse in Tanjung Benoa Getting swept up in magical Ubud, one of Asia’s most romanticdestinations Shaking it up on a dance floor in Kuta Discover Twice the City in Half the Time Detailed regional and town maps for easy navigation Our expert author recommends the best sights, restaurants, shopsand entertainment Unique itineraries and highlights help you makethe most of your short break Locals reveal Bali’s secrets: from the birth of surfing to theart of rice farming
在线阅读本书 What Will Your Vancouver Encounter Be? Rubbing elbows with Olympiads in Robson Square or takin gin theOlympic sites Gawking at breathtaking mountain-backed waterfront vistas fromStanley Park Wandering through a kaleidoscope of brightly colored street art indowntown Kayaking beneath a full moon and the twinkling lights of thecity Sampling heirloom tomatoes, duck prosciutto and organic tea at thePublic Market Dancing the night away with the beautiful people in Gastown Discover Twice the City in Half the Time Full-color pull-out map and detailed neighborhood maps for easynavigation Our resident author recommends the very best neighborhoods, sights,restaurants, shops and entertainment Unique itineraries and highlights help you make the most of a shorttrip Local experts reveal Vancouver's secrets: from a microbrewer'sfavorite local bars to an art gallery curator's take on cityculture
Packed with phrases on everything from bargaining at a rynok to hiking and eating out, this book will spice up yourUkrainian adventure. Whether bathing in culture or the Black Sea,speak the language and make your experiences unique. Our phrasebooks give you a comprehensive mix ofpractical and social words and phrases in more than 120 languages.Chat with the locals and discover their culture - a guaranteed wayto enrich your travel experience.
Insight Guides present the full breadth of each nation in alarge format suitable for a thorough introduction to the people andsights, while cities and regions are presented in a portable formatideal for the discriminating urban explorer in pursuit of the bestthe area has to offer. 埃及是诗歌和文学的摇篮,是从建筑到包装的一切西方时尚的灵感来源。长久以来,这个尼罗河畔的国家对普罗大众就有着极大的吸引力。 埃及人的生死观对西方也有相当诡异的影响力。早在中世纪,关于木乃伊的神秘传说就在西方流传。到了16世纪,来到埃及的西方人对木乃伊更是痴迷,他们挖开古老的墓地,从棺椁中取出木乃伊,运回欧洲。 1821年伦敦博物馆开辟了埃及厅,展出意大利探险家GiovanniBelzoni从阿布辛贝神庙运回英国的无数珍宝,轰动全国。 1922年HowardCarter发现图坦卡蒙陵墓,震惊世界。陵墓中出土的5000多件艺术品公开展出。当这批珍宝在
Whatever you hunger for - art, architecture,cuisine, snow - you better pack a big appetite when you come toAustria. Symphonies in a Viennese concert hall, spotting marmots onthe Alpine trails, heavenly cakes and a kitschy Sound of Music tour- you'll be popping your dirndl with pleasure. This guidebook has been fully updated! * Redesigned color highlights section and dedicated chapter onOutdoor Activities * Intuitive layout and new text styles make it easier to read,scan and find information at a glance * New visual design and structure improves navigation withoutsacrificing depth or quality * Expanded planning section helps travellers plan by time,season, interest or region * New map design improves map legibilty for easy navigation
——古老的传奇 对历史学家而言,希腊无疑是富有魅力的国度,哲学、政治、历史、语言、戏剧、体育……几乎西方文明的所有要素都可以在这里找到它们的根。深厚的历史积淀和文化传统是希腊人引以为傲的,也是他们愿意和来访者分享的。 对旅行者来说,希腊更是一个神奇的地方。不管你选择什么交通工具,一踏上希腊的土地,你都会立刻陶醉在地中海灿烂的阳光里。从那一刻起,你就成了风景的一部分。蓝天在上,白沙在下,震撼人心的文明遗迹,风味独特的美酒佳肴,热情好客的希腊人民……所有这一切都让会让你不可抗拒地爱上这个美丽的国家。 在你踏上这片神奇的土地,开始一段摄人心魄的旅程之前,本书将是一个精彩的预演。