LIttle Miss 妙小姐6册套装 纸板书 超级图书馆情商启蒙纸板书 奇先生妙小姐系列 基本信息 装 帧:纸板书 作 者:Roger Hargreaves 绘 者:Roger Hargreaves 开 本:13.2 x 13.2 CM 页 数:60页 语 言:英语 IS BN:9780603572579 出版社:Egmont 内容介绍 如果您的孩子总是:忘东忘西、粗心大意、懒懒散散、糊涂唠叨、犹疑迟到、礼貌欠佳! 如果您希望他 :彬彬有礼、乐观进取、幽默风趣、勇敢强壮、智慧过人、成绩di一! 现在 就让奇先生妙小姐来改变这一切,因为我们不仅成功的克服了孩子成长中的缺点, 也启发了孩子的生活智慧与品德修养,同时也让父母体会教育的技巧与艺术。 奇先生妙小姐将孩子成长中的脱线、无厘头、伤脑筋的过程,用孩子的语言为鼎,思考为镬;好
世界上*大的语言*威解释了英语语法的秘密和微妙之处。David Crystal探索了它的历史和变种,解释了它的规则和不合规则之处,并介绍了如何识别其圈套和陷阱。关于为不同的目的和在不同的社会环境中如何用不同的方式使用语法提供了实用的指导。在一系列具有启发性的插图中,他还认真思考了数百年来博学多识的知名人士对英语语法的评价。就像本书的三本姐妹篇一样,《讲得通》将吸引所有对英语及其使用方法感兴趣的人。 The world's greatest authority on language explains the secrets and subtleties of the grammar of English. David Crystal explores its history and varieties, explains its rules and irregularities and shows how to navigate its snares and pitfalls. He gives practical guidance on how grammar is used in different ways for different purposes and in different social settings. In a series of revealing illustrations he also considers what learned and pro
This sparkling celebration of accessories from the author of the 50 Ways to Wear series offers top-notch tips for rocking statement pieces―think earrings, bracelets, hats, belts, purses, and more―in unexpected ways. Learn how to accessorize any outfit for a snowy day, a fancy event, a job interview. With fun illustrations that show how to achieve each look, advice on different ways to wear each featured item and style, and tips on mixing and matching different items, patterns, and prints, 50 Ways to Wear Accessories is a must-have resource to optimize any wardrobe and head out the door with panache.
?慕尼黑实用且富有灵感的内幕指南及其隐藏的秘密和地址?Lustre成功且极具吸引力的城市指南系列的新版本地方Judith Lohse分享了她对访问慕尼黑时不容错过的无数可爱地点的热情。慕尼黑被评为世界上*宜居的城市之一,拥有大都市的所有优势,但仍然感觉像一个温暖,精致和热情的小镇。这个深情的导游避开了常见的旅游目的地,带您前往慕尼黑*好的秘密,例如5位当地人*喜欢的午餐,5个非常不同的啤酒花园,5个*适合呼吸的阳光点或5个迷人的建筑之旅。 ? A practical and inspirational insider's guide to Munich and its hidden secrets and addresses? A new edition in Luster's successful and attractive series of city guides Local Judith Lohse shares her enthusiasm about the countless lovely places you shouldn't miss when visiting Munich. Ranked as one of the most livable cities in the world, Munich has all the upsides of a metropolis, but still feels like a war