This is the ultimate guide to the history, science and cultural influence of coffee according to coffee aficionado and master storyteller Tristan Stephenson. You ll explore the origins of coffee, the rise of the coffee house and the evolution of the caf before discovering the varieties of coffee, and the alchemy responsible for transforming a humble bean into the world s most popular drink. You ll learn how to roast coffee at home in the fascinating Roasting section before delving into the Science and Flavour of Coffee and finding out how sweetness, bitterness, acidity and aroma all come together. You ll then get to grips with grinding before learning about the history of the espresso machine and how to make the perfect espresso in the Espresso chapter. Discover how espresso and milk are a match made in heaven, yielding such treasures as the Latte, Cappuccino, Flat white and Macchiato; you ll also find out how to pour your own Latte art. Other Brewing Methods features step-by-step guides to classic brewing
肉类正以多种形式回归。无论是香肠,风干的火腿,血肠,或者是手撕猪肉,肉类真经历一场复兴。在今天,享受肉食是一种食品趋势。品质手工肉类结合传统和创新取代了有问题的的大众市场的工业产品。无论是一个采样,欣赏,或是制作,都会重视到动物是如何繁殖,喂养,发育,以及历史影响,地区特色和生产的方式。 随着创意与手工艺的正确结合,年轻的屠夫们正从优质的原料中制作出美味的产品。除了作为优质肉类传播者,他们还为客户提供:制作的知识,新的推动和周到的服务。在今天美食鉴赏家们也传播从鼻子到尾巴的运动,这是基于古老传统的饮食准备和对动物完整地食用的尊重,同时这也是一种可持续的方式。 本书的是新肉类文化引人注目的视觉盛宴。她记录了当前的发展趋势,食物,和美食家与制造者的背后故事。除了介绍牛和肉的切割
Eating with the Chefs documents the daily meal shared by chefs and front-of-house staff at eighteen top restaurants including Noma, Le Chateaubriand and The French Laundry. Captured through exquisite photography by Per-Anders Jorgensen and easy-to-follow recipes Eating with the Chefs provides a unique insight into the ordinary food behind the immaculate kitchen walls. 与厨师一起吃饭记录了由Noma,Le Chateaubriand和The French Laundry等十八家嵿级餐厅的厨师和前台员工共享的每日餐点。通过Per-Anders Jorgensen的精美摄影和易于遵循的食谱捕获与厨师一起吃饭,提供了对完美无暇的厨房墙壁背后的普通食物的独特见解。