*一一本全面的德国菜谱集 从地道的传统菜肴到现代美食。 德国是由一系列独特的地区烹饪文化组成的。从北部海岸的汉堡到阿尔卑斯山南部的慕尼黑,从西部的法兰克福到东部的柏林,德国的城市和农田出产各种各样的原料和影响。 这本*威书籍用500份菜谱展示了这种多样性,通过深受喜爱的传统美食和代表德国烹饪新方向的现代菜肴 从小吃到甜点、肉类、家禽和鱼类,到土豆、饺子和面条。一篇展示这个国家烹饪文化历史的引文介绍了这些经典菜谱的起源。 这些菜谱在家庭厨房中进行过精确测试,使具备各种烹饪水准的人都能充分理解。图标把什么都标示出来了,从素菜菜谱、不含谷蛋白和不含乳制品的选项,到用五种或更少原料的菜谱和简单地一锅菜肴的菜谱。 《德国菜谱》是Phaidon出版社畅销的以全球美食为主题的*威菜谱系列
The Curious Bartender s Gin Palace is the follow-up to master mixologist Tristan Stephenson s hugely successful books, 'The Curious Bartender' and 'The Curious Bartender: An Odyssey of Malt, Bourbon Rye Whiskies'. Discover the extraordinary journey that gin has taken, from its origins in the Middle Ages as the herbal medicine genever to gin s commercialization and the dark days of the Gin Craze in mid 18th Century London, through to its partnership with tonic water creating the most palatable and enjoyable anti-malarial medication to the golden age that it is now experiencing. In the last few years, hundreds of distilleries and micro-distilleries are cropping up all over the world, producing superb craft products infused with remarkable new blends of botanicals. In this book, you ll be at the cutting-edge of the most exciting developments, uncovering the alchemy of the gin production process and the science of flavour before taking a tour through the most exciting distilleries and gins the world has