Each page of the" Who Moved My Cheese? 2007 Calendar" offers readers a short slice of the book, an inspirational quotation with insightful commentary from Dr. Spencer Johnson, or once-a-week reflective questions or exercises readers can use to evaluate how well they are dealing with change. "Who Moved My Cheese?" has topped the "New York Times, Business Week," and "USA Today" lists, and, most remarkably, for more than 100 consecutive weeks captured #1 on the "Wall Street Journal" business best-seller list. Even in its seventh calendar year, the calendar offers readers new material with new questions and exercises on the weekend pages.
《書劍恩仇錄(上下)》软皮 作者: 金庸 出版社:明河社出版有限公司 出版日:1976/12 ISBN: 2100000016037 語言:中文繁體 頁數: 870頁 裝訂:平裝 內容簡介: 《書劍恩仇錄(上下)》 《書劍恩仇錄》是一部講述清乾隆年間紅花會群雄在年輕總舵主陳家洛的率領下,反清複明的故 事。清朝大臣陳世倌之子、紅花會總舵主陳家洛獲悉一個驚天秘密:當朝皇帝乾隆竟是他胞兄。乾 隆下江南,兄弟相見,陳家洛以兄弟之情、民族大義力勸乾隆恢複漢室江山,乾隆虛與委蛇,假意 答應,一張暗藏殺機的大網卻在慢慢撒開 《書劍恩仇錄》一書中描寫了仁人志士對生命的堅 忍、對使命的執著,雖屢遭失敗,卻不掩人性的光輝。 作者簡介: 金庸(1924年2月6日--),香港 大紫荊勳賢 。原名查良镛,江西省婺源縣人,出生于
This book has been deemed as a classic and has stood the test of time. The book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature. This forms a part of the knowledge base for future generations.
Kaplan's GRE Subject Test: Psychology is a fully updated edition of the top selling GRE Psychology prep book reflecting test-maker changes to align with the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), including updated vocabulary, diagnosis, treatment guidelines, and classification of mental disorders. GRE Subject Test: Psychology includes score-raising strategies, test information, and practice questions to help you score higher on Test Day. Features: 2 full-length practice tests In-depth review of key content areas: social psychology, developmental psychology, statistics, and more Essential terminology defined in context, plus extensive glossary Practice sets covering key concepts Detailed explanations to practice questions
Purchase one of 1st World Library's Classic Books and help support our free internet library of downloadable eBooks. 1st World Library-Literary Society is a non-profit educational organization. Visit us online at www.1stWorldLibrary.ORG - MY father and mother, Lord and Lady Yu Keng, and family, together with our suite consisting of the First Secretary, Second Secretary, Naval and Military Attaches, Chancellors, their families, servants, etc., - altogether fifty-five people, - arrived in Shanghai on January 2, 1903, on the S.S. "Annam" from Paris, where for four years my father had been Chinese Minister. Our arrival was anything but pleasant, as the rain came down in torrents, and we had the greatest difficulty getting our numerous retinue landed and safely housed, not to mention the tons of baggage that had to be looked after. We had found from previous experience that none of our Legation people or servants could be depended upon to do anything when travelling, in consequence of which the entire ch
2019 Reprint of 1962 Harper Row Edition. Full facsimile of the original edition, not reproduced with Optical Recognition software. What is the meaning of being?" This is the central question of Martin Heidegger's profoundly important work, in which the great philosopher seeks to explain the basic problems of existence. A central influence on later philosophy, literature, art, and criticism -- as well as existentialism and much of postmodern though. Reprint of the 1962 edition first published by Harper Row.
Our ancestors felt a sacredness in their relationship to the land and its produce. Then came the twentieth century, with packaged, processed foods, a fast-paced lifestyle, and the resulting health issues so many of us face today. Isn’t it time to reverse this situation? Healthy food can no longer be a temporary diet, eaten merely to lose weight, cleanse our bodies, or heal a sickness. Now, like exercising, healthful, nourishing foods must be integrated into our lives as a practice—a daily discipline that requires focus, innovation, quality, convenience, and consistency—one that is fueled by love and respect. Healthy meals are essential to the new way of life that is calling us home to the table. In Eating as a Spiritual Practice , Susan Campbell shares her personal story of how she came to that revelation. This book is a memoir adventure about a woman’s journey through the nightmare of raising a child through addiction, and working tirelessly to get healthier food in schools. Her jou
Taking a year off from the rat race is an idle dream for many, but the McManamy family, including their three teenagers, decided to make it happen. The Big Trip: A Family Gap Year tells how they put high school, college and work on hold while they learned Spanish in Spain and volunteered in Bolivia, Guatemala, and Kenya. Choosing home stays and local transportation over hotels and rental cars, they undertook a deeply immersive journey of "slow travel," living simply and experiencing life as the locals do. The teenagers contributed their own creative poems and stories to The Big Trip. A vivid account full of adventures and lively observations, the story also offers a template for anyone yearning to undertake an intellectual, emotional and spiritual journey of discovery. It is possible for families to take a Big Trip and enrich their lives without breaking the bank, losing a job, or falling behind in school. This compelling travel memoir motivates us all to follow even the wildest of our dreams.
《蘇菲的日記》 作者 Dora Musielak 譯者 洪萬生,洪贊天,黃俊瑋 出版社 三民書局股份有限公司 ISBN 9789571458793 分類 文學 世界文學 世界文學作品 出版日期 2014年01月 語言版本 中文(繁) 頁數 328 頁 版次 第 1 版 裝幀 平裝 內容簡介 《蘇菲的日記》是一部由法國數學家蘇菲.熱爾曼所啟發的小說作品。內容是以日記的形式,描述在法國大革命期間,一個女孩自修數學的成長故事。從故事中不僅能看到一個不平凡女孩的學習之旅,還能看到1789-1794年間,當時巴黎混亂社會的真實記述,而她後來也成為數學史上第一位且唯一一位對費馬最後定理之證明有實質貢獻的女性。 蘇菲.熱爾曼1776年出生於巴黎。有關她的童年或她如何進入數學領域,很少為人所知。最早寫她傳記的作家曾經寫道:她年輕時,冒用了工藝學院一位男生的名字,將
Whet your appetite for the most diverse nut in the culinary world and participate in the romance of a cuisine shared worldwide. The Chestnut Cook Book contains recipies, folklore, and pratical information.
If you have been frustrated by very technical statistical process control (SPC) training materials, then this is the book for you. This book focuses on how SPC works and why managers should consider using it in their operations. It provides you with a conceptual understanding of SPC so that appropriate decisions can be made about the benefits of incorporating SPC into the process management and quality improvement processes. Today, there is little need to make the necessary calculations by hand, so the author utilizes Minitab and NWA Quality Analyst-two of the most popular statistical analysis software packages on the market. Links are provided to the home pages of these software packages where trial versions may be downloaded for evaluation and trial use. The book also addresses the question of why SPC should be considered for use, the process of implementing SPC, how to incorporate SPC into problem identification, problem solving, and the management and improvement of processes, products, and serv