Stories people tell about financial confidence or panic, housing booms, or Bitcoin can go viral and powerfully affect economies, but such narratives have traditionally been ignored in economics and finance because they seem anecdotal and unscientific. In this groundbreaking book, Robert Shiller explains why we ignore these stories at our peril and how we can begin to take them seriously. Using a rich array of examples and data, Shiller argues that studying popular stories that influence individual and collective economic behavior what he calls narrative economics may vastly improve our ability to predict, prepare for, and lessen the damage of financial crises and other major economic events. The result is nothing less than a new way to think about the economy, economic change, and economics. In a new preface, Shiller reflects on some of the challenges facing narrative economics, discusses the connection between disease epidemics and economic epidemics, and suggests why epidemiology may hold lessons for fig
《我们一起去太空!》3,2,1,点火!带着宝宝一起来探索太空吧!知名童书作者为宝宝精心设计的洞洞书,透过火箭窗口领略太空的广阔。 《嘎嘎嘎!咩咩咩!》驴子的叫声是咿-哈-咿-哈;小猫的叫声是喵喵喵,你还知道其他的动物的叫声么?快来翻翻这本知名童书作者为宝宝们设计的纸板书,认识里面的动物和它们发出的声音吧。 《谁在睡觉?》什么动物睡在河水中?什么动物睡在树叶下?什么动物睡在大树里?快来打开知名童书作者为宝宝们设计的多彩翻翻书吧,书的最后藏有惊喜哦! 《我们一起去海底!》带着宝宝一起来探索海底世界吧!知名童书作者为宝宝精心设计的洞洞书,透过潜水艇窗口领略海底世界的美丽。 《谁是优选的?》什么动物身子优选?什么动物个子优选?什么动物声音最吵?快来知名童书作者为宝宝们设计的多彩翻翻书里找答案吧!
本书就维多利亚时代的用花的象征性语言表达自己的观念提供了新的想法。《快乐日》以给人令人振奋的情绪的色彩明亮、令人愉快的鲜花为特色。每张对页都包含一朵能从页面上 翻起 的花、一段对该花象征意义的简要描述,以及给收花人传递的特别信息。当所有的花朵都弹出来时,本书可以像一盆花一样放在桌子上展示。This book offers a fresh take on the Victorian notion of expressing oneself with the symbolic language of flowers. Happy Day features bright, cheery flowers with uplifting sentiments. Each spread features a flower that flips up from the page, a brief de*ion of the flower s meaning, and its special message for the recipient. When all of the blossoms are popped up, the book can be displayed on a desk just like a vase of flowers.