Making persuasive presentations isn't just amatter of charisma and fancy charts: it requires concrete skillsthat are vital to keeping your audience engaged and involved. Thishandy guide contains key information on how to customize yourpresentations to keep people focused and produce the results youwant.
The devaluation of the American dollar, with the subsequentinflation, iseerily similar to the chaotic markets of the 1970s.The factors that createdthe stagflation and the gold and silverbull markets of the late seventiesand early eighties are back. AsYogi Berra said, "It's deja vu all overagain." Only this time,they're even more exaggerated-offeringonce-in-a-lifetimeopportunities for middle-class Americans, if they lookbeyond theWall Street stock-market propaganda. This book can helpyoupanic-proof your life and your finances, and reap huge profitswithrelatively small investments in gold, silver, certain ETFs,mutual funds,and mining stocks.How to Prosper During the Coming BadYears in the 21st Century is amust-have survival and moneymakingguide for people who want to profit fromthe rough economic seasthat are upon us-and come through with their shareof treasure.--This text refers to the Kindle Edition.
You've just been promoted to a managerial position for thefirst time - congratulations! But beware: the managerial rolediffers markedly from the individual contributor role. Go into thejob with mistaken assumptions about what to expect, and you justmay be blindsided by surprising realities. This book helps you laythe foundation for succeeding in your new role, explaining howto:
If starting a company is difficult, leading a company once thebusiness has caught fire is infinitely more so. Thousands ofstartups each year approach the dangerous transition that DougTatum calls No Man’s Land—when they are too big too be consideredsmall but still too small to be considered big. Tatum offers the navigational rules these companies need, andvaluable case studies of emerging growth businesses that succeededor failed during No Man’s Land.
Now in paperback: The New York Times bestselling author andstar of A E’s reality series Big Spender, Larry Winget, cleansup America’s personal finance crisis More than 40 percent of families today are feeling financialpressure: spending more than they earn, and worrying about retiringand being dependent on the government, family, or charity. LarryWinget knows. He grew up poor, then made and lost a fortune when abusiness in which he’d invested went bankrupt. But he worked hisway back from rock bottom to become a multimillionaire. In You’re Broke Because You Want to Be, Winget expands on theideas that have made his popular television show Big Spender a hitand offers straightforward talk about coming to grips with yourfinances, such as: ? Feel bad. Have remorse. You need to feel deep emotion to takeaction. So start crying and take responsibility. ? Figure out who you owe and how much you owe. It’ll be a scarynumber to face, but you need to know where you are and what youh
An essential guide for any small group that must deliver teamperformance. With the demand for project-oriented work and faster, morenimble responses, successful small-group performance is morecrucial than ever. Katzenbach and Smith, authors of theinternational bestseller The Wisdom of Teams, have again joinedforces, revealing how to implement the disciplines, frameworks,tools, and techniques required for team- and small-groupperformance. Combining their insights and practical strategies,they offer concepts and pragmatic, doable exercises for teamleaders and team members to deliver results. Hot topics coveredinclude: why small-group performance demands expertise at twodisciplines, team level and leader level, instead of one; virtualteams; and global teams. This book combines practical exerciseswith cutting-edge insights, and both authors are authorities on thesubject. Attend a featured author workshop at the 13th InternationalConference on Work Teams: Collaborating for Competitive Advantage,Sept
Wondering how the most accomplished leaders from around theglobe have tackled their toughest challenges? Now you can find out- with "Lessons Learned". Concise and engaging, each volume in thisnew series offers 12-14 insightful essays by top leaders inindustry, the public sector, and academia on the most pressingissues they've faced. The contributors share surprisingly personalanecdotes and offer authoritative and practical advice drawn fromtheir years of hard-earned experience. The series launches withthree volumes, each of which centers on a timely topic: "Leading byExample"; "Managing Your Career"; and "Managing Change". A crucialresource for today's busy executive, "Lessons Learned" gives youinstant access to the wisdom and expertise of the world's mosttalented leaders. 50 Lessons' digital library holds more than 500individual lessons from over 100 high-profile leaders fromindustry, the public sector, and academia from companies andinstitutions around the world.
The Pocket Mentor Series offers immediate solutions to commonchallenges managers face on the job every day. Each book in theseries is packed with handy tools, self-tests, and real-lifeexamples to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses andhone critical skills. Whether you’re at your desk, in a meeting, oron the road, these portable guides enable you to tackle the dailydemands of your work with greater speed, savvy, andeffectiveness.
The author of Think and Grow Rich presents motivational andinspirational passages from his earlier works that show readers howto live their own lives, use their personal magnetism, achievepeace of mind, and more. 50,000 first printing.
Jack Welch knows how to win. During his forty-year career atGeneral Electric, he led the company to year-after-year successaround the globe, in multiple markets, against brutdl competition.His honest, be-the-best style of management b ame the goldstandard in business, with his relentless focus on people,teamwork, and profits. And now he has written a book that clearlylays out the answers to the most difficult questions people faceboth on and offthe job. Winning is destined to become the bible ofbusiness for generations to come. Anyone who has a passion for success will find Welch'soptimistic, no excuses, getqt-done mind-set riveting. Packed withpersonal anecdotes and written in Jack's distinctive no b.s. voice,Winning offers deep insights, original thinking, and solutions tonuts-and-bolts problems that will change forever the way peoplethink about work. "There is a lifetime of wisdom about business, and life, packedinto Jack Welch's Winning. It is unquestionably the best managementbook to come along in
The bestselling author of Reallionaire challenges commonmisconceptions about success and lays out the road map to a richerlife Raised in the impoverished south side of Chicago, Farrah Graydefied the odds and became a millionaire by age fourteen. He wasthe youngest person to have an office on Wall Street, and theyoungest to receive an honorary doctorate. Now, at 24, he is aninspiration to millions and the bestselling author of Reallionaire,#1 Essence Bestseller. In The Truth Shall Make You Rich, Gray shares the secret to hissuccess: an emphatic rejection of the seven fallacies most peoplebelieve about money and success: the Born Lucky Lie, the CelebrityLie, the Money Lie, the Debt Lie, the Google and Gates Lie, theWall Street Lie, and the Work-Hard Lie. By revealing the truthbehind the myths, Gray empowers readers to blaze their own pathsand make their own millions.
Managing up is not political game playing. Rather, it's aconscious approach to working with your supervisor toward goalsthat are important to both of you. Through managing up, you build aproductive working relationship with your boss and create a way touse the complementary strengths of you and your boss to delivervalue to your company. This volume helps you: Understand the business results you produce by learning how tomanage up Cultivate a mutually beneficial relationship with yourmanager Communicate effectively with your boss about priorities andproblems Negotiate win-win solutions to on-the-job challenges with yoursupervisor