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    • 【中商原版】牛奶可乐经济学 英文原版 The Economic Naturalist by Robert H.Frank
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    • Robert H.Frank /2008-04-03/ Virgin Books
    • [英文原版]The Economic NaturalistbyRobertH.Frank 牛奶可乐经济学 牛奶可乐经济学-基本信息 书名:The EconomicNaturalist(牛奶可乐经济学) 出版日期:2008-04-03 ISBN:9780753513385 页码:256 装帧:平装 牛奶可乐经济学-内容提要 This book helps you discoverthesecrets behind hundreds of everyday enigmas. Why is there alightin your fridge but not in your freezer? Why do 24-hour shopsbotherhaving locks on their doors? Why did Kamikaze pilots wearhelmets?The answer is simple: economics. Economics doesn't justhappen inclassrooms or international banks. It is everywhere andinfluenceseverything we do and see, from the cinema screen to thestreets. Itcan even explain some of life's most intriguing enigmas.For years,economist Robert Frank has been encouraging his studentsto useeconomics to explain the strange situations they encounterineveryday life, from peculiar product design to the vagaries ofsexappeal. Now he shares

    • ¥86 折扣:7.5折
    • 【中商原版】小岛经济学 : 鱼、美元和经济的故事 How an Economy Grows and Why It Cra
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    • Andrew J. Schiff, Brendan Leach /2010-05-03/ JOHN WILEY & SONS INC
    • How an Economy Grows and Why It Crashes (英语) 精装 基本信息 出版社: JOHN WILEY SONS INC; 1 (2010年5月3日) 外文书名: 鱼、美元与经济学的故事 精装: 233页 语种: 英语 ISBN: 047052670X 条形码: 9780470526705 商品尺寸: 16 x 2.3 x 23.6 cm 商品重量: 422 g ASIN: 047052670X 内容简介 An engaging introduction to the fundamental elements of an economy "How an Economy Grows and Why it Doesn't" uses illustration, humor, and accessible storytelling to explain complex topics of economic growth and monetary systems. In it, economic expert and bestselling author, Peter Schiff, presents economics in two informative, yet thoroughly entertaining tales. Expanding on two tales previously published by Schiff's father, a trader and financial expert, this book takes complex economic issues and distills them into a rousing allegory. With wit and humor, Schiff explains the roots of economic growth, the uses of capital, the destructive nature of consumer credit,

    • ¥158 折扣:8.8折
    • 富爸爸,穷爸爸 Rich Dad, Poor Dad
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    • Alexandria Ripley 著 /2006-12-01/ Time Warner
    • Rich Dad, Poor Dad chronicles the story of the authors two dads, his own father, who wa the superintendent of education in Hawaii and who ended up dying penniless and his best friends father who dropped out of school at age 13 and went on to become one of the wealthiest men in Hawaii. Kiyosaki uses the story of these two men and their varying financial strategies to illustrate the need for a new financial paradigm in order to achieve financial success in the new millennium.

    • ¥65.7 折扣:9.8折
    • Rich Dad's Increase Your Financial IQ富爸爸、穷爸爸财商
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    • Robert T. Kiyosaki 著 /2009-05-01/ Hachette Book Group USA
    • Robert Kiyosaki firmly believes that the best investment one canever make is in taking the time to truly understand how one'sfinances work. Too many people are much more interested inquick-hitting schemes, or trying to find a short-cut to realwealth. Kiyosaki lays out his 5 key principles of FinancialIntelligence for all to understand and provides real insights onthese key steps to wealth: How to increase your money - how toassess what you're really worth now, what your prospects are andhow to start mapping out your financial future. How to protect yourmoney - for better or for worse, taxes are a way of life. Kiyosakishows you that 'it's not what you make...it's what you keep'. Howto budget your money - everybody wants to live well, but you haveto learn how to live within your budget. How to leverage your money- as you build your financial IQ, knowing how to put your money towork for you is a crucial step. How to improve your financialinformation - Kiyosaki shows you how to accelerate your wealth asyou learn

    • ¥49.5 折扣:7.5折
    • (小钱也能干大事——理财小窍门)How To Get What You Want In Life With The Mo
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Carol Keeffe 著 /1995-12-01/ 人民出版社
    • You don't need a belt-tightening budget. You don't need a second job. You don't even need a raise. What you need is the down-to-earth money strategies explained in this book. Carol Keeffe has helped thousands of people take control of their financial future and realize their fondest dreams. Her money solutions are inspiring, easy to do, and instantly practical. She explains how you can: ·get out of debt by paying the minimum on your credit cards ·save money by paying yourself first, not your creditors ·and much more... Sound too good to be true? Then listen to some of the people who have benefited from Carol's money strategies: "Before, we just barely got by month to month. We had no savings and no plan. In three years my husband and I have had two children, gone from two incomes to one, and have saved $12,375! We're not only managing on one income, we're saving to reach our next goal!" -Teresa and Peter Sparling "I went to Europe and Disneyland and paid for everything in cash. My

    • ¥30.8 折扣:8.8折
    • Creating Wealth: Retire in Ten Years Using Allen's Seven Pri
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    • Robert G. Allen 著 /2006-08-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • Popular speaker, multimillionaire, and author of the all-time bestselling real-estate book Nothing Down, Robert G. Allen knows how to bring you financial success. With his seminars sweeping the nation, Allen is at the cutting edge of strategic wealth creation now more than ever. And in this completely revised edition of his classic bestseller Creating Wealth Allen gives you the basic principles that you need to stop thinking poor and start growing rich. Moving beyond just real estate, Allen goes straight to the core of people's inner motivations and beliefs about money to give you all the fundamentals of wealth creation. By developing a wealthy mind-set, anyone can take off into financial self-reliance -- and Allen shows you how. He explains the ways in which most of us have been programmed to think that only saving is good and debt and risk are bad, so that in our efforts to gain security, we cheat ourselves out of getting rich. The key to changing that mind-set is Allen's unique integration of real es

    • ¥206.8 折扣:8.8折
    • 世界上最大的秘密 The Greatest Secret in the World
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    • Og Mandino 著 /1997-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • OVER FOUR MILLION COPIES OF OG MANDINO'S INSPIRATIONAL BESTSELLERS SOLD! One of the world's most influential writers shares one of the world's greatest secrets for your personal and financial success... in his dynamic sequel to TIlE GREATEST SALESMAN IN THE WORLD Og Mandino's Spellbinding Bestseller 作者简介: OG MANDINO is the most widely read inspirational and self-help author in the world today. His fourteen books have sold more than twenty-five million copies in eighteen languages. Thousands of people from all walks of life have openly credited Og Mandino with turning their lives around and for the miracle they have found in his words. His books of wisdom, inspiration, and love include A Better Way to Live; The Choice; The Christ Commission; The Gift of Acabar; The Greatest Miracle in the World; The Greatest Salesman in the World; The Greatest Salesman in the World, Part H: The End of the Story; The Greatest Secret in the World; The Greatest Success in the WorM; Mission: Success!; Og

    • ¥56.3 折扣:8.8折
    • Unfair Advantage(ISBN=9781612680101)
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    • Robert T. Kiyosaki 编 /2011-05-01/ Plata Publishing
    • Why do the rich get richer even in a financial crisis? In hisnew book the bestselling author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" confirmshis message and challenges readers to change their context and actin a new way. In this timely new book, Robert Kiyosaki takes a newand hard-hitting look at the factors that impact people from allwalks of life as they struggle to cope with change and challengesthat impact their financial world. In "An Unfair Advantage: ThePower of Financial Education", Robert underscores his messages andchallenges readers to change their context and act in a new way.Readers are advised to stop blindly accepting that they are"disadvantaged" people with limited options and challenge thepreconception that they will struggle financially all of theirlives. Robert's fresh approach to his time-tested messages includesclear, actionable steps that any individual or family can take,starting with education. Education becomes applied knowledge, apowerful tactic with measurable results. In true "Rich Dad" sty

    • ¥89.1 折扣:6.5折
    • Prophecy富爸爸的预言
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    • Robert T. Kiyosaki 著 /2004-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Today millions of people depend on their 401 (k) plans for their retirement income.Yet when 401(k) and similar programs first became popular over two decades ago, Robert Kiyosaki's rich dad warned that these plans will cause one of the biggest stock market crashes in history...a crash that will financially destroy the unprepared. Now in the new millennium, rich dad's. prophecy is coming true. On April 3, 2000, the U.S. NASDAQ exchange recorded its biggest ever one-day fall.Then Enron and WorldCom declared two of the largest corporate bankruptcies in U.S. history. Exposing the reasons behind the impending crash, RICH DAD'S PROPHECY reveals not only the best ways to safeguard wealth but how to actually prosper from the events to come. Learn: How the fears, dreams, and actions of millions of baby boomers will control the economic future Why the old advice "Buy, hold, and diversify" can lead to f'mancial disaster How another stock market boom is on the horizon before the big bust and when

    • ¥159.1 折扣:8.8折
    • Rich Dad's Conspiracy of the Rich: The 8 New Rules of Money
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    • Robert T. Kiyosaki /2009-09-01/ Hachete Book Group
    • In late January, 2009, Robert Kiyosaki launched CONSPIRACY OF THE RICH - a free online book which was written in serial basis to help people understand how the current recession came about, and what they need to learn on how to survive through the coming rough years. An unprecedented publishing event for Kiyosaki and The Rich Dad Company, CONSPIRACY OF THE RICH is an interactive, "Wiki-style" project in which Kiyosaki has invited feedback, commentary, and questions from readers across the globe. The response so far has been totally fantastic. Millions and millions of readers have flocked to the website (www.conspiracyoftherich.com) to read what Robert has to say about the recession, and the readers have posted thousands of comments. Some of those reader comments will even be included in the final tradepaper version.

    • ¥93.3 折扣:9.3折
    • OPM 富爸爸顾问:其他人的钱
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    • Michael A. Lechter 著 /2004-02-01/ 艺洲
    • Cash flow is the foundation of every successful business, but investors do not have to start with their own money to build a business. Money can be made by acquiring an asset, turning an idea into a fortune, or building a business, using other peoples moneyOPM. This book will discuss different forms of OPM, how to find OPM, the consequences of using OPM, and the legal aspects and pitfalls of trying to access OPM.

    • ¥188.9 折扣:8.8折
    • 富爸爸成功的故事 Rich dad's success stories
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    • Robert T. Kiyosaki 著 /2003-10-01/ 艺洲
    • The Rich Dad series, begun in 1997, is based on Kiyosaki's childhood observations of the lessons passed down by his father, a well-educated wage slave, versus those of his closest friend's father, an eighth-grade dropout and multimillionaire. The difference, he determined, is that the poor and middle class work for money, but the rich let money work for them. The wisdom passed on by the rich dad is a type of financial literacy that is never taught in schools. Kiyosaki also developed a board game, Cashflow 101, which is used in his seminars to generate ideas on how to achieve financial independence. This book, the seventh in the series, contains real-life stories of people who applied the Rich Dad principles to their lives and are moving from the rat race of employment to the role of business owner and investor. In their own words, regular folks show how they went from financial struggle and crisis to taking control of their financial education and future. 作者简介: Born and raised in Hawaii

    • ¥169 折扣:8.8折
    • Rich Dad Poor Dad 富爸爸、穷爸爸
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    • Robert T.KiyosakiSbaron L.Lecbter 编 /2001-09-01/ Hachette Book Group USA
    • RICH DAD POOR DAD will... Exploding the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich Challenging the belief that your house is an asset Showing parents why they can't rely on the school system to teach their kids about money Defining once and for all an asset versus a liability ·teach you what to teach your kids about money for their future financial success

    • ¥49.3 折扣:8.8折
    • Rich Dad,Poor Dad
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    • Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter 编 /2000-04-01/ 艺洲
    • lso available as a Time Warner AudioBook and eBook An overnight, word-of-mouth bestselling personal finance book phenomenon for millions of readers hoping to become masters of their money and create sustaining wealth for themselves and their families. Personal-finance author and lecturer Robert T. Kiyosaki developed his unique economic perspective from two very different influences—his two fathers. One father (Robert's real father) was a highly educated man but fiscally poor. The other father was the father of Robert's best friend—that Dad was an eighth-grade dropout who became a self-made multimillionaire. The lifelong monetary problems experienced by his "poor dad" pounded home the counterpoint communicated by his "rich dad." Taking that message to heart, Kiyosaki was able to retire at 47. RICH DAD, POOR DAD, written with consultant and CPA Sharon L. Lechter, lays out his philosophy behind Kiyosaki's relationship with money. RICH DAD, POOR DAD opens readers eyes by: Exploding the myth that

    • ¥65.7 折扣:9.8折