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    • Stocks, Bonds, Options, Futures(ISBN=9780735201750)
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    • Stuart R. Veale 著 /2001-01-01/ Penguin
    • The classic guide to the securities markets, revised to reflectthe realities of a new millennium. In the past decade, thecomplicated world of investing has changed--dramatically. Stocks,Bonds, Options, Futures is now thoroughly revised and updated tohelp novice financial professionals as well as individualinvestors, who want a better understanding of the securitiesmarket, navigate this daunting new financial terrain withconfidence. Stuart Veale, an investment industry veteran andrespected author, provides an insider's look at the marketrealities of today and tomorrow. This reliable resource examines the impact of recentdevelopments and current trends in the various securities markets.Among the topics Veale covers and has updated in this secondedition are: Internet-based trading and analysis The adoption ofthe Euro Changes in the way OTC orders are executed The varioustypes of securities, including money market instruments, USTreasury Securities, bonds, mortgage-backed securities, and stocksReal world applic

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    • Essential Galbraith(ISBN=9780618119639)
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    • John Kenneth Galbraith 著 /2011-12-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • THE ESSENTIAL GALBRAITH includes key selections from the mostimportant works of John Kenneth Galbraith, one of the mostdistinguished writers of our time - from THE AFFLUENT SOCIETY, thegroundbreaking book in which he conined the tern "conventionalwisdom," to THE GREAT CRASH, an unsurpassed account of the eventsthat triggered America's worst economic crisis. Galbraith's newintroductions place the works in their historical moment and makeclear their enduring relevance for the new century. THE ESSENTIALGALBRAITH will delight old admirers and introduce one of our mostbeloved writers to a new generation of readers. It is also anindispensable resource for scholars and students of economics,history, and politics, offering unparalleled access to the seminalwritings of an extraordinary thinker.

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    • Guerrilla Marketing, 4th edition(ISBN=9780618785919)
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    • Amy Levinson 著 /2011-12-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • When Guerrilla Marketing was first published in 1983, JayLevinson revolutionized marketing strategies for the small-businessowner with his take-no-prisoners approach to finding clients. Basedon hundreds of solid ideas that really work, Levinson's philosophyhas given birth to a new way of learning about market share and howto gain it. In this completely updated and expanded fourth edition,Levinson offers a new arsenal of weaponry for small-businesssuccess including * strategies for marketing on the Internet(explaining when and precisely how to use it) * tips for using newtechnology, such as podcasting and automated marketing * programsfor targeting prospects and cultivating repeat and referralbusiness * management lessons in the age of telecommuting andfreelance employees Guerrilla Marketing is the entrepreneur'smarketing bible -- and the book every small-business owner shouldhave on his or her shelf.

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    • Index Investing For Dummies(ISBN=9780470294062)
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    • Russell Wild 著 /2008-11-01/ Wiley
    • Recommended by finance experts and used extensively byinstitutional investors, index funds and exchange-traded funds(ETFs) provide unmanaged, diversified exposure to a variety ofasset classes. Index Investing For Dummies shows activeinvestors how to add index investments to their portfolios and makethe most of their money, while protecting their assets. It featuresplain-English information on the different types of index funds andtheir advantage over other funds, getting started in indexinvesting, using index funds for asset allocation, understandingreturns and risk, diversifying among fund holdings, and applyingwinning strategies for maximum profit.

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    • INVESTMENT BIKER(投资骑士)(ISBN=9780812968712)
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    • Jim Rogers 著 /2003-04-01/ Random House US
    • Legendary investor Jim Rogers gives us his view of the worldon a twenty-two-month, fifty-two-country motorcycle odyssey in hisbestselling business/adventure book, Investment Biker, which hasalready sold more than 200,000 copies. Before you invest another dollar anywhere in the world(including the United States), read this book by the man Timemagazine calls “the Indiana Jones of finance.” Jim Rogers became a Wall Street legend when he co-founded theQuantum Fund. Investment Biker is the fascinating story of Rogers’sglobal motorcycle journey/investing trip, with hardheaded advice onthe current state and future direction of international economiesthat will guide and inspire investors interested in foreignmarkets.

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