Moneyball is a quest for the secret of success in baseball.Following the low-budget Oakland Athletics, their larger-than-lifegeneral manger, Billy Beane, and the strange brotherhood of amateurbaseball enthusiasts, Michael Lewis has written not only "thesingle most influential baseball book ever" (Rob Neyer, Slate) butalso what "may be the best book ever written on business" (WeeklyStandard). I wrote this book because I fell in love with a story.The story concerned a small group of undervalued professionalbaseball players and executives, many of whom had been rejected asunfit for the big leagues, who had turned themselves into one ofthe most successful franchises in Major League Baseball. But theidea for the book came well before I had good reason to writeit-before I had a story to fall in love with. It began, really,with an innocent question: how did one of the poorest teams inbaseball, the Oakland Athletics, win so many games? With thesewords Michael Lewis launches us into the funniest, smartest, andm
Even after the ruinous financial crisis of 2008, America isstill beset by the depredations of an oligarchy that is now bigger,more profitable, and more resistant to regulation than ever.Anchored by six megabanks—Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase,Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley—whichtogether control assets amounting, astonishingly, to more than 60percent of the country’s gross domestic product, these financialinstitutions (now more emphatically “too big to fail”) continue tohold the global economy hostage, threatening yet another financialmeltdown with their excessive risk-taking and toxic “business asusual” practices. How did this come to be—and what is to be done?These are the central concerns of 13 Bankers, a brilliant,historically informed account of our troubled politicaleconomy. In 13 Bankers, Simon Johnson—one of the most prominent andfrequently cited economists in America (former chief economist ofthe International Monetary Fund, Professor of Entre
This book presents the theory of capital utilization, adiscussion of the econometrics of capital utilization, andeconometric tests of the theory using international data. Capitalutilization, defined as the proportion of time that capital isworking productively, is mainly affected by shift-working. Capitalutilization is an important economic variable that has receivedserious attention from economists only since the mid-1960s In thefirst part, the authors provide a synthesis of current knowledge,combining a consistent statement of existing theory with some majorextensions. In the second part, they turn to the econometrics,first discussing the appropriate methodology and then testing thetheory on data from several countries. This empirical work isconsiderably more sophisticated than previous studies on thistopic. Having established the theory and tested it, they move on toconsider policy, the relationship between capital utilization andeconomic growth, and the place of shift-work in the dualeconomy.
Updated for paperback publication, Aftershock is a brilliantreading of the causes of our current economic crisis, with a planfor dealing with its challenging aftermath. When the nation’s economy foundered in 2008, blame was directedalmost universally at Wall Street bankers. But Robert B. Reich, oneof our most experienced and trusted voices on public policy,suggests another reason for the meltdown. Our real problem, heargues, lies in the increasing concentration of wealth in the handsof the richest Americans, while stagnant wages and rising costshave forced the middle class to go deep into debt. Reich’sthoughtful and detailed account of where we are headed over thenext decades—and how we can fix our economic system—is a practical,humane, and much-needed blueprint for restoring America’s economyand rebuilding our society.
When it comes to investing in the stock market, investors have plenty of options: 1. They can do it themselves. Trillions of dollars areinvested this way. (Of course, the only problem here is that most people have no ideahow to analyze and choose individual stocks. Well, not reallythe only problem. Most investors have no idea how toconstruct a stock portfolio, most have no idea when to buy andsell, and most have no idea how much to invest in the firstplace.) 2. They can give it to professionals to invest. Trillions of dollars are invested this way. (Unfortunately most professionals actually underperform the market averages over time. In fact,it may be even harderto pick good professional managers than it is to pick goodindividual stocks.) 3. They can invest in traditional index funds. Trillions of dollars are also invested this way.(The problem isthat investing this way is seriously flawed--and almost a guaranteeof subpar investment returns over time.) 4. They can read The Big Secret for the
Warren Buffett is the most famous investor of all time and one of today's most admired business leaders. He became a billionaire and investment sage by looking at companies as businesses rather than prices on a stock screen. The first two editions of The Warren Buffett Way gave investors their first in-depth look at the innovative investment and business strategies behind Buffett's spectacular success. The new edition updates readers on the latest investments by Buffett. And, more importantly, it draws on the new field of behavioral finance to explain how investors can overcome the common obstacles that prevent them from investing like Buffett. New material includes: How to think like a long-term investor —— just like Buffett Why "loss aversion", the tendency of most investors to overweight the pain of losing money, is one of the biggest obstacles that investors must overcome. Why behaving rationally in the face of the ups and downs of the market has been the key to Buffett's investing success Analy
Somewhat controversially, Gad makes the point that value and growth investing are much more similar than most investors think -- value investors look for growth in the companies in which they invest. He then walks readers through the pitfalls that most investors fall victim too -- most of which involve not really understanding the margin of safety and how it is applied. Gad sets the stage by presenting the core value framework for beginning to advanced investors and money managers. With the backdrop of evaluating businesses (and not stocks), The Business of Value Investing introduces a blueprint to successful value investing with a focus on six key Buffett strategies. These essential points are presented and backed up with real-world case studies.
This book was written to offer encouragement and basicinformation to the individual investor. Who knew it would gothrough thirty printings and sell more than one million copies? Asthis latest edition appears eleven years beyond the first, I'mconvinced that the same principles that helped me perform well atthe Fidelity Magellan Fund still apply to investing in stockstoday. It's been a remarkable stretch since One Up on Wall Street hit thebookstores in 1989. I left Magellan in May, 1990, and pundits saidit was a brilliant move. They congratulated me for getting out atthe right time -- just before the collapse of the great bullmarket. For the moment, the pessimists looked smart. The country'smajor banks flirted with insolvency, and a few went belly up. Byearly fall, war was brewing in Iraq. Stocks suffered one of theirworst declines in recent memory. But then the war was won, thebanking system survived, and stocks rebounded. Some rebound! The Dow is up more than fourfold since October, 1990,from the 2,400 lev
Before I became “Phil Town, teacher of investing principles tomore than 500,000 people a year,” I was a lot like you: someone whoviewed individual stock investing as way too hard to dosuccessfully. As a guy who barely made a living as a river guide, Iconsidered the whole process pretty impenetrable, and I wasconvinced that to do it right you had to make it a full-time job.Me, I was more interested in having full-time fun. So I was tempted to do what you’re probably doing right now:letting some mutual fund manager worry about growing your nest egg.Let me tell you why that decision could one day make you absolutelymiserable.
In 2006, hedge fund manager John Paulson realized something fewothers suspected--that the housing market and the value of subprimemortgages were grossly inflated and headed for a major fall. Paulson's background was in mergers and acquisitions, however, andhe knew little about real estate or how to wager againsthousing. He had spent a career as an also-ran on Wall Street.But Paulson was convinced this was his chance to make his mark. Hejust wasn't sure how to do it. Colleagues at investment banksscoffed at him and investors dismissed him. Even prosskeptical about housing shied away from the complicated derivativeinvestments that Paulson was just learning about. But Paulsonand a handful of renegade investors such as Jeffrey Greene andMichael Burry began to bet heavily against risky mortgages andprecarious financial companies. Timing is everything, though.Initially, Paulson and the others lost tens of millions of dollarsas real estate and stocks continued to soar. Rather than back down,however, Paulson red
Unravel the Mysteries of the Financial Markets—the Language,the Players, and the Strategies for Success Understanding money and investing has never been more importantthan it is today, as many of us are called upon to manage our ownretirement planning, college savings funds, and health-care costs.Up-to-date and expertly written, The Wall Street Journal CompleteMoney and Investing Guidebook provides investors with a simple—butnot simplistic—grounding in the world of finance. It breaks downthe basics of how money and investing work, explaining: ? What must-have information you need to invest in stocks, bonds,and mutual funds ? How to see through the inscrutable theories and arcane jargonof financial insiders and advisers ? What market players, investing strategies, and money andinvesting history you should know ? Why individual investors should pay attention to theeconomy Written in a clear, engaging style by Dave Kansas, one ofAmerica’s top business journalist
Recommended by finance experts and used extensively byinstitutional investors, index funds and exchange-traded funds(ETFs) provide unmanaged, diversified exposure to a variety ofasset classes. Index Investing For Dummies shows activeinvestors how to add index investments to their portfolios and makethe most of their money, while protecting their assets. It featuresplain-English information on the different types of index funds andtheir advantage over other funds, getting started in indexinvesting, using index funds for asset allocation, understandingreturns and risk, diversifying among fund holdings, and applyingwinning strategies for maximum profit.
INVESTING PRINCIPLES FROM THE MASTER Ignore Sound Bites ThatRattle Markets Treat Market Pessimism as Your Friend Do the LittleThings Right Protect Your Capital When the Facts Turn Upside DownRely on CEOs Who Nurture Healthy Corporate Cultures Remember ThatLarge, Unfathomable Derivatives Are Still Financial Weapons of MassDestruction Seek Simplicity and Candor Millions of people downloadWarren Buffett’s shareholder letters, searching for tips from theworld’s greatest investor. Many miss the best part of his letter:his principles. It is their loss. Following these principles
For anyone interested in the world behind the business-pageheadlines, this is the book to read. --Publishers Weekly With the same breadth of vision and narrative élan he brought tohis monumental biographies of the great financiers, Ron Chernowexamines the forces that made dynasties like the Morgans, theWarburgs, and the Rothschilds the financial arbiters of the earlytwentieth century and then rendered them virtually obsolete by thecentury's end. As he traces the shifting balance of power among investors,borrowers, and bankers, Chernow evokes both the grand theater ofcapital and the personal dramas of its most fascinatingprotagonists. Here is Siegmund Warburg, who dropped a client in theheat of a takeover deal because the man wore monogrammed shirtcuffs, as well as the imperious J. P. Morgan, who, when faced witha federal antitrust suit, admonished Theodore Roosevelt to "sendyour man to my man and they can fix it up." And here are the menwho usurped their power, from the go-getters of the 1