Presenting a fresh approach to investment guidance, Wealth of Experience is built on real investors’ stories about what has and what hasn’t worked for them during their per-sonal investment journeys. Based on responses of 600 investors to a detailed survey, this one-of-a-kind book distills the investment wisdom of ordinary human beings–men and women, working and retired, young and old–into a simple plan that can help you enhance your prospects for long-term success and avoid major financial mistakes. Chapter by chapter, you’ll be introduced to the building blocks of a successful investing program. You’ll learn how to approach these building blocks from different angles so you can achieve your individual goals. Through the personal accounts of "What Works" investors and informative sidebars from Vanguard officers, you’ll receive a down-to-earth education on important investment issues that include developing a portfolio; managing taxes on your investments; avoiding self-destructive moves; an
From the author of the bestselling WARREN BUFFETT SPEAKS "Charlie Munger, whose reputation is deep and wide, based on an extraordinary record of brilliantly successful business strategies, sees things that others don’t. There is a method to his mastery and, through this book, we get a chance to learn about this rare individual." ——MICHAEL EISNER, Chairman and CEO, The Walt Disney Company "Janet Lowe uncovers the iconoclastic genius and subtle charm behind Charlie Munger’s curmudgeonly facade in this richly woven portrait of our era’s heir to Ben Franklin. With a biographer’s detachment, an historian’s thoroughness, and a financial writer’s common sense, Lowe produces a riveting account of the family, personal, and business life of this idiosyncratically complex and endlessly fascinating figure." ——LAWRENCE A. CUNNINGHAM, Cardozo Law School Author of The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America "For years, Berkshire Hathaway shareh
With this book, author Melinda Gerber walks you through the twenty-nine steps needed to start a mutual fund and the thirty-six steps needed to start an ETF. She provides costs and detailed explanations of how to accomplish each task from fledgling idea to the actuality of selling shares, and also takes the time to explain the importance of creating a clear vision for your fund as well as how to successfully profile customers and identify your competition.
Identify and understand the risks facing your portfolio,how to quantify them, and the best tools to hedge them This book scrutinizes the various risks confronting a portfolio,equips the reader with the tools necessary to identify andunderstand these risks, and discusses the best ways to hedgethem. The book does not require a specialized mathematical foundation,and so will appeal to both the generalist and specialist alike. Forthe generalist, who may not have a deep knowledge of mathematics,the book illustrates, through the copious use of examples, how toidentify risks that can sometimes be hidden, and provides practicalexamples of quantifying and hedging exposures. For the specialist,the authors provide a detailed discussion of the mathematicalfoundations of risk management, and draw on their experience ofhedging complex multi-asset class portfolios, providing practicaladvice and insights. Provides a clear de*ion of the risks faced by managerswith equity, fixed income, commodity, credit and foreign exc
"If you've never traded futures but would like to. this book is highly rcconmlended An excellent introduction to the futures markets and also a useful reference source for the seasoned trader" "No one explains complex financial strategies as clearly and intelligently as Todd Lotion. If you're intrigued by the possibility of making money in the lhtures markets, Getting Started in Futures is the very best place to start your education)' Kml Weber, coauthor ( with Jonathan M Tisch) of The Power of We: Succoedino Through Partnerships GeclittgStarteelin Futures explains in simple, easy to-understand terms everything you need to know to start trading futures successfully. This book explains how to forecast prices, how hedging works, and how to take advantage of new electronic trading opportunities. This updatcd Fifth Eitiom discusses the increasingly important role of futures markets ill foreign currencies, equity Jndexes, interest rates, and proper nloney management. Tbere is also a complete chapter on
The practical guide to investing the Warren Buffett way "Creating a Portfolio like Warren Buffett: A High Return Investment Strategy" highlights actual trades author Jeeva Ramaswamy has successfully executed using principles established by investment guru Warren Buffet. Clearly explaining how Buffett's principles can be used to make specific investments the book, unlike other investment guides, also clearly explains how to apply Buffett's exit strategies as they pertain to holding or selling positions. Giving readers a complete overview of Buffett's methodologies and how to apply them, the book is a step-by-step stock research checklist and comprehensive guide to investing and managing a successful stock portfolio. It includes detailed instructions to: Determine where to search for stock prospectsThoroughly research stocks using a stock research checklistConfidently make buy and sell decisionsExpertly manage your portfolio Packed with specific stock examples, real-life calculations, an
Hailed by financial professionals worldwide as the single best guide of its kind, Valuation, Fourth Edition with CD-ROM combines is thoroughly revised and expanded to reflect business conditions in today’s volatile global economy. Valuation provides up-to-date insights and practical advice on how to create, manage, and measure an organization’s value. Along with all-new case studies that illustrate how valuation techniques and principles are applied in real-world situations, this comprehensive guide has been updated to reflect the events of the Internet bubble and its effect on stock markets, new developments in academic finance, changes in accounting rules (both U. S. and IFRS), and an enhanced global perspective. This package contains a solid framework that managers at all levels, investors, and students have come to trust.
As an approach to research,technical analysis has suffered because it is a "discipline" practiced without discipline.In order for technical analysis to deliver useful knowledge that can be applied to trading,it must evolve into a rigorous observational science. Over the past two decades,numerous articles in respected academic journals have approached technical analysis in a scientifically rigorous and intellectually honest manner,and now,Evidence-Based Technical Analysis looks to continue down this path.Organized into two parts,this valuable resource first establishes the methodological,philosophical,and statistical foundations of evidenced-based technical analysis (EBTA),and then demonstrates this approach—by using twenty-five years of historical data to test 6,400 binary buy/sell rules on the S&P 500. Evidence-Based Technical Analysis examines how you can apply the scientific method,and recently developed statistical tests,to determine the true effectiveness of technical trading signals.Throughout
Bedrock Investing Principles for Profiting in Today's ShakyMarkets "If you've been wondering why you've had such a hard timeinvesting well, Think, Act, and Invest Like Warren Buffett willdiagnose your ills and treat them in this delightful short book."-- William Bernstein, Author, A Splendid Exchange and TheInvestor's Manifesto "Follow the investment strategy advocated byLarry Swedroe, and free yourself to spend your time on life'streasures--like your family and friends!" -- William Reichenstein,Professor, Baylor University "As someone who teaches a collegeinvestments course, I would not have thought it possible to do whatSwedroe has done in such a short concise book." -- Edward R. Wolfe,Professor of Finance, Western Kentucky University "It's amazing.Larry Swedroe managed to pen a magnificent book not only chock fullof actionable advice but one that's fun to read. Get a copy andtreat yourself to a better financial future." -- Harold Evensky,President, Evensky Katz "Larry Swedroe is the undisputedexpert in