Discover the Rewards of Homeschooling Your Teen ?Create unlimited learning on a limited budget ?Discover teaching methods for teens with different learningstyles ?Utilize the best resources and technology ?Prepare your teen for college, career, and adult life The teen years can be the most exciting time in your child'slife. He or she is becoming an independent young adult andbeginning to make decisions for the future. Yet growing concernabout the negative social pressures, safety, and efficiency of ourtraditional high schools has prompted many parents just like you toteach their teenagers at home. With Homeschooling: The Teen Yearsas your guide, you'll discover it's not as daunting a task asyou've been led to believe. Using real-life stories from dozens offamilies, this book reveals the secrets of making homeschoolingwork for you and your teen. You'll discover how to: ?Work with your teen to create a unique, individual learningexperience ?Make coursework intere
The Ultimate Guide to Surviving and Thriving in the Dorm Dorm life offers you a great chance to meet new people and trynew things. But leaving the comforts of home for the first time toenter the roommate-having, small-room-sharing,possibly-coed-bathroom-using world of the dorms can be overwhelmingand intimidating. The College Dorm Survival Guide offers expert advice and theinside scoop on: ? Choosing the right residence hall for you ? Getting along with your roommate (and handling conflict) ? Bathroom, laundry, and dining hall survival ? Dealing with stress, depression, and safety issues From avoiding the dreaded Freshman 15 to decorating your space,this informative and funny guide gives experts' advice oneverything you need to know to enjoy dorm living to thefullest.
“There are lives lost in this book, and there are lives saved,too, if salvation means a young man or woman begins to feeldeserving of a place on the planet. . . . What could be moresoul-satisfying? These are the most influential professionals mostof us will ever meet. The effects of their work will lastforever.” –from the foreword by Anna Quindlen Now depicted in a bestselling book and a feature film, theFreedom Writers phenomenon came about in 1994 when Erin Gruwellstepped into Room 203 and began her first teaching job out ofcollege. Long Beach, California, was still reeling from the deadlyviolence that erupted during the Rodney King riots, and the kids inErin’s classroom reflected the anger, resentment, and hopelessnessof their community. Undaunted, Erin fostered an educationalphilosophy that valued and promoted diversity, tolerance, andcommunication, and in the process, she transformed her students’lives, as well as her own. Erin Gruwell and the Freedom Writerswent on to establish t
This important book by one of our leading experts on disasterpreparedness offers a compelling narrative about our nation’sinability to properly plan for large-scale disasters and proposeschanges that can still be made to assure the safety of itscitizens. Five years after 9/11 and one year after Hurricane Katrina, it ispainfully clear that the government’s emergency response capacityis plagued by incompetence and a paralyzing bureaucracy. IrwinRedlener, who founded and directs the National Center for DisasterPreparedness, brings his years of experience with disasters andhealth care crises, national and international, to an incisiveanalysis of why our health care system, our infrastructure, and ouroverall approach to disaster readiness have left the nationvulnerable, virtually unable to respond effectively to catastrophicevents. He has had frank, and sometimes shocking, conversationsabout the failure of systems during and after disasters with abroad spectrum of people—from hospital workers an
Circle of Greed is the epic story of the rise and fall of BillLerach, once the leading class action lawyer in America and now aconvicted felon. For more than two decades, Lerach threatened,shook down and sued top Fortune 500 companies, including Disney,Apple, Time Warner, and—most famously—Enron. Now, the man whobrought corporate moguls to their knees has fallen prey to the samecorrupt impulses of his enemies, and is paying the price by servingtime in federal prison. If there was ever a modern Greek tragedy about a man and his times,about corporate arrogance and illusions and the scorched-earthtactics to not only counteract corporate America but to beat it atits own game, Bill Lerach's story is it.
From an award-winning New York Times investigative reportercomes an outrageous story of greed, corruption, andconspiracy—which left the FBI and Justice Department counting onthe cooperation of one man . . . It was one of the FBI's biggest secrets: a senior executive withAmerica's most politically powerful corporation, Archer DanielsMidland, had become a confidential government witness, secretlyrecording a vast criminal conspiracy spanning five continents. MarkWhitacre, the promising golden boy of ADM, had put his career andfamily at risk to wear a wire and deceive his friends andcolleagues. Using Whitacre and a small team of agents to tap intothe secrets at ADM, the FBI discovered the company's scheme tosteal millions of dollars from its own customers. But as the FBI and federal prosecutors closed in on ADM, usingstakeouts, wiretaps, and secret recordings of illegal meetingsaround the world, they suddenly found that everything was not allthat it appeared. At the same time Whitacre was coo
Get out! No matter what your age, MaryJane Butters walks youto the door and OUT you go. Wilderness ranger turned Idaho organicfarmer, MaryJane is a woman OUTSIDE . . . the norm. Drawing fromher own diverse background, she’ll show you exactly HOW to getoutdoors—and what to do once you’re there. Think and get inspired in her OUTTHINKING chapter. Head to yourporch, yard, or rooftop, using the innovative and easy suggestionsyou’ll find in OUTBOUND. Kick up a little sass with her ideas inOUTRIGGED, joining the ranks of “reel” women who go tramping(trailer camping), or wily huntresses who take the kind of “heartshots” that knock ‘em dead and into the freezer. In OUTSTEPPING,learn to load a backpack with her unique high-protein meal planthat won’t break the bank or your back. And throughout these pages you’ll encounter the inspirationalstories of OUTSPOKEN women who’ve blazed the trail and beyond. Bythe time you turn the last page, you’ll be going flat-OUT for allthe worl
When Locke High School opened its doors in 1967, the residentsof Watts celebrated it as a sign of the changes promised by LosAngeles. But four decades later, first-year Teach for Americarecruits Rachelle, Phillip, Hrag, and Taylor are greeted by aschool that looks more like a prison, with bars, padlocks, andchains all over. With little training and experience, these four will be asked toproduce academic gains in students who are among the mostdisadvantaged in the country. Relentless Pursuit lays bare theexperiences of these four teachers to evaluate the strengths andpeculiarities of Teach for America and a social reality that hasbecome inescapable.
An electrifying memoir from the acclaimed Nicaraguan writer(“A wonderfully free and original talent”—Harold Pinter) andcentral figure in the Sandinista Revolution. Until her early twenties, Gioconda Belli inhabited an upper-classcocoon: sheltered from the poverty in Managua in a world of countryclubs and debutante balls; educated abroad; early marriage andmotherhood. But in 1970, everything changed. Her growingdissatisfaction with domestic life, and a blossoming awareness ofthe social inequities in Nicaragua, led her to join theSandinistas, then a burgeoning but still hidden organization. Shewould be involved with them over the next twenty years at thehighest, and often most dangerous, levels. Her memoir is both a revelatory insider’s account of the Revolutionand a vivid, intensely felt story about coming of age underextraordinary circumstances. Belli writes with both strikinglyricism and candor about her personal and political lives: abouther family, her children, the men in her life; about her po
Does assigning fifty math problems accomplish any more thanassigning five? Is memorizing word lists the best way to increasevocabulary—especially when it takes away from reading time? Andwhat is the real purpose behind those devilish dioramas? The time our children spend doing homework has skyrocketed inrecent years. Parents spend countless hours cajoling their kids tocomplete such assignments—often without considering whether or notthey serve any worthwhile purpose. Even many teachers are in thedark: Only one of the hundreds the authors interviewed and surveyedhad ever taken a course specifically on homework duringtraining. The truth, according to Sara Bennett and Nancy Kalish, is thatthere is almost no evidence that homework helps elementary schoolstudents achieve academic success and little evidence that it helpsolder students. Yet the nightly burden is taking a serious toll onAmerica’s families. It robs children of the sleep, play, andexercise time they need for prop
As an agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms,William Queen must tackle a number of challenging cases. In thewinter of 1985, he faces his toughest mission to date: He mustapprehend Mark Stephens, a notorious narcotics trafficker who hasbeen terrorizing the communities around Los Angeles with frequentrampages involving machine guns and hand grenades. A recluse livingin the treacherous backwoods outside the city, Stephens is a wilysurvivalist. Nobody has been able to catch him, but Queen isdetermined to take him down. Queen’s unique expertise is not taughtin any police academy or ATF training seminar–he honed hisoutdoorsman abilities as a kid. He is adept at hunting and trappingand living for weeks in the wild. Queen will use these skills–alongwith surveillance, confidential informants, and intelligencegathering–as he doggedly tracks his dangerous quarry, a chase thatculminates in a gripping showdown high in the San BernardinoMountains.
The immediate human toll of the 1994 Flight 427 disaster wasstaggering: all 132 people aboard died on a Pennsylvania hillside.The subsequent investigation was a maze of politics, bizarretheories, and shrouded answers. Bill Adair, an award-winningjournalist, was granted special access to the five-year inquiry bythe National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) while itsinvestigators tried to determine if the world's most widely usedcommercial jet, the Boeing 737, was really safe. Their findingshave had wide-ranging effects on the airline industry, pilots, andeven passangers. Adair takes readers behind the scenes to show whomakes decisions about airline safety—and why.