In 1848, two young men published what would become one of the defining documents of modern history, The Communist Manifesto. It rapidly realigned political faultlines all over the world and its aftershock resonates to this day. In the many years since its publication, no other social program has inspired such divisive and violent debate. Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world s first regime to adopt the Manifesto s tenets, historians have debated its intent and its impact. In the current era of market democracy in Russia and Eastern Europe, nationalism on every continent, and an ever tightening global economy, does the specter of Communism still haunt the world? Were the seeds of Communism s ultimate destruction already planted in 1848? Is there anything to be learned from Marx s envisioned uia? 《共产党宣言》,是马克思和恩格斯为共产主义者同盟(Communist League)起草的纲领,在这个纲领性文献中,阐述了矛盾对人类历史的影
书目信息 书号:9780553212785 装 帧:平装 作 者:Niccolo Machiavelli 页 数:176 语 言:English 出版社:Bantam Books Inc 开 本: 10.46 x 0.99 x 17.4 cm 出版日期:1 Aug. 1984 以上信息均为网络信息,仅供参考,具体以实物为准
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Two essays representing a search for the balance between the rights of the individual and the power of the state discuss such issues as equality, authority, happiness, justice, and virtue. Reprint.
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Leadership expert Shel Leanne explains how to combine oratory, body language, and the fine art of persuasion into a seamless presentation that builds trust and stimulates action. You will come away with the skill to motivate individuals, teams, or an entire workforce to embrace your vision and put it to work. "Whether you're Republican or Democrat, this book provides useful information for anyone wanting to improve one's speaking isn't a political book, but rather one that focuses on that Obama Magic: just how does the man do it? There are a number of things Leanne addresses: things such as body language, mannerisms, alliteration, repetition, pacing, and most importantly, how to tie the speech into one's own life. One of the techniques Obama is known for is his ability to relate to his listeners by using his own life and struggles and then comparing such to that of the struggling American. One is also shown the ways in which controversy can be avoided, and dealt with in such a way that is bo
“Dazzling and instructive... [a] magisterial new book.” Henry Kissinger offers in World Order a deep meditation on the roots of international harmony and global disorder. Drawing on his experience as one of the foremost statesmen of the modern era—advising presidents, traveling the world, observing and shaping the central foreign policy events of recent decades—Kissinger now reveals his analysis of the ultimate challenge for the twenty-first century: how to build a shared international order in a world of divergent historical perspectives, violent conflict, proliferating technology, and ideological extremism. There has never been a true “world order,” Kissinger observes. For most of history, civilizations defined their own concepts of order. Each considered itself the center of the world and envisioned its distinct principles as universally relevant. China conceived of a global cultural hierarchy with the Emperor at its pinnacle. In Europe, Rome imagined itself surrounded by ba
First published in 1923, The Prospects of IndustrialCivilization is considered the most ambitious of BertrandRussell's works on modern society. It offers a rare glimpse intooften-ignored subtleties of his political thought and in it heargues that industrialism is a threat to human freedom, since it isfundamentally linked with nationalism. His proposal for onegovernment for the whole world as the ultimate solution, along withhis argument that the global village and prevailing politicaldemocracy should be its eventual results, is both provocative andthoroughly engaging.