With their many New York Times bestsellers, the Carbohydrate Addict's experts, Drsl Rachael and Richard HeHer, changed the way we think about dieting--with smart, sensible advice that ended the "yo-yo" cycle of gaining/losing weight. Now they have created the easiest, fastest, mast user-friendly pocket diet guides, with all the information you need to know about your favorite foods, brands, and restaurants.
本书是一本介绍专业图像制作软件Photoshop CS3的完全学习手册,从基础出发,向读者介绍数码应用的设计思路和技巧,以100个设计实例的形式完成复杂的教学,内容涉及图片裁剪、调整、修饰、照片冲印前的处理、个人写真、美术作品、家庭画册、贺卡制作、请柬设计制作、个人挂历/台历/相册以及各类时尚数码印像等,使读者跟随作者的思路,逐步学习和掌握软件的实际操作应用,本书融软件使用技巧、精彩案例为一体,图文并茂,深入浅出,具有很强的可读性。