Whether you're designing consumer electronics, medicaldevices, enterprise Web apps, or new ways to check out at thesupermarket, today's digitally-enabled products and servicesprovide both great opportunities to deliver compelling userexperiences and great risks of driving your customers crazy withcomplicated, confusing technology. Designing successful products and services in the digital agerequires a multi-disciplinary team with expertise in interactiondesign, visual design, industrial design, and other disciplines. Italso takes the ability to come up with the big ideas that make adesirable product or service, as well as the skill and perseveranceto execute on the thousand small ideas that get your design intothe hands of users. It requires expertise in project management,user research, and consensus-building. This comprehensive,full-color volume addresses all of these and more with detailedhow-to information, real-life examples, and exercises. Topicsinclude assembling a design team, planning
Large Refactorings looks at methods of establish design improvements as an important and independent activity during development of software,and will help to ensure that software continues to adapt,improve and remain easy to read and modify without altering its observable behaviour。 It provides real-world experience from real refactored projects and shows how to refactor software to ensure that it is efficient,fresh and adaptable。 作者简介: Stefan Roock works as a consultant and coach for it-agile GmbH (located in Germany)。 His areas of expertise include agile software development,refactoring techniques and agile project management and among his special interests are refactoring,incremental design and agile customer coaching。 Stefan also is frequently a speaker at technical conferences and has published a number of papers and articles。 He is co-author of the book "Extreme Programming in Action"。 You can contact him at stefan@stefanroock。de or http://www。stefanroock。d
In this day and information age, it is all about those who areable to utilize the information they have to maximize potential,and these two University of California, Berkeley, professors haveassembled the guide to do just that. The nuts-and-bolts approach tofinding ways to differentiate one's product from all the others,and a how-to guide to simplify and improve customer interface, areboth helpful, and the idea of managing intellectual properties tomaximize value is infinitely superior to just protecting them fromcompetitors. Some of the information delves into building positivefeedback for the product, and every businessperson probably needsto know some of the legal ins and outs of building alliances andthe ramifications of competition. Shapiro and Varian seem to betargeting the hard-core student of business here (not the casualbrowser); their approach is extremely thorough, and there is muchpractical information for those willing to wade through theinformation rules. Joe Collins
This exceptional, full-color Autodesk Maya Press title -- produced by Autodesk, the software's creators -- uses an award-winning movie short as the basis for the book's all-new hands-on tutorials. The book provides clear step-by-step projects to help you understand the modeling and animation stages of production. You'll learn how to build models with a variety of surface types and then make them move with a wide range of animation techniques as well as how to make sound decisions from the beginning to save unnecessary challenges further down the pipeline. As a bonus feature, this book also introduces some animation techniques using Alias MotionBuilder.
The latest edition of this classic is updated with new problemsets and material The Second Edition of this fundamental textbook maintains thebook's tradition of clear, thought-provoking instruction. Readersare provided once again with an instructive mix of mathematics,physics, statistics, and information theory. All the essential topics in information theory are covered indetail, including entropy, data compression, channel capacity, ratedistortion, network information theory, and hypothesis testing. Theauthors provide readers with a solid understanding of theunderlying theory and applications. Problem sets and a telegraphicsummary at the end of each chapter further assist readers. Thehistorical notes that follow each chapter recap the mainpoints. The Second Edition features: * Chapters reorganized to improve teaching * 200 new problems * New material on source coding, portfolio theory, and feedbackcapacity * Updated references Now current and enhanced, the Second Edition of Elements ofInformation Theory
A comprehensive guide to the language used to customizeMicrosoft Office Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is the language used forwriting macros, automating Office applications, and creating customapplications in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access. Thiscomplete guide shows both IT professionals and novice developershow to master VBA in order to customize the entire Office suite forspecific business needs. Office 2010 is the leading productivity suite, and the VBAlanguage enables customizations of all the Office programs; thiscomplete guide gives both novice and experienced programmers theknowledge they need to make maximum use of VBA for Office Supported with real-world examples in Word, Excel, PowerPoint,Outlook, and Access, this book offers clear, systematic tutorialswith both intermediate and advanced content Covers learning how to work with VBA; recording macros; usingloops and functions; using message boxes, input boxes, and dialogboxes; creating effective code; X
Most histories of the personal computer industry focus ontechnology or business. John Markoff’s landmark book is about theculture and consciousness behind the first PCs—the culture beingcounter– and the consciousness expanded, sometimes chemically. It’sa brilliant evocation of Stanford, California, in the 1960s and’70s, where a group of visionaries set out to turn computers into ameans for freeing minds and information. In these pages oneencounters Ken Kesey and the phone hacker Cap’n Crunch, est andLSD, The Whole Earth Catalog and the Homebrew Computer Lab. What the Dormouse Said is a poignant, funny, and inspiringbook by one of the smartest technology writers around.
由来学嘉编著的《信息安全与密码学(英文版)》是2010年10月在上海召开的第六届中国密码学与信息安全国际会议(The 6thchina International Conference on Information Securityandcryptology- Inscrypt2010)的短论文文集。lnscrypt系列国际会议是由信息安全国家重点实验室发起,与中国密码学会联合举办的高水平国际会议,每年在中国举办一次,该会议论文集由Springer出版社出版。本书收录了这次会议的短文13篇。主要内容包括公钥和椭圆曲线密码学、密码系统构造、系统安全等。 《信息安全与密码学(英文版)》可供从事密码学、信息安全、通信与信息系统、计算机应用技术等专业的科技人员和高等院校师生参考。
The bestselling, comprehensive reference on Photoshop, fully updated to CS5. Photoshop is the gold standard for image-editing programs and is used by professional photographers, graphic designers, and Web designers as well as hobbyists. More than 300,000 copies of this comprehensive reference have been sold in previous this edition is fully updated to cover Photoshop CS5's newest features and includes a 16-page full-color insert. Photoshop is the industry standard for image-editing software used in both print and digital media, with more than four million users worldwide This comprehensive guide covers beginning to advanced techniques, from learning your way around the windows and tools to working with Camera Raw images Covers retouching, color correcting, manipulating, and combining working with the File Browser, histogram palette, Lens Blur, and the color replacement customizable keyboard how to create cutting-edge special effects for digital or film-based images, and much more. Th
SAP is the world leader in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)software; of the software?s modules, the FI (Finance) and CO(Controlling) are by far the most popular and are widelyimplemented. This book has no competition?it is the only book onthe market on how to configure and implement SAP?s FI and COmodules to maximize functionality and features hands-on,step-by-step instructions and real-world examples that provideimmediate and practical solutions. Updated for SAP?s ECC 6.0, thebook covers FI enterprise structure, general ledger, substitutionsand validations, automatic account assignments, accounts payableand receivable, asset accounting, accrual engine, closing entries,credit management, lockbox, CO enterprise structure, profitabilityanalysis (CO-PA), and more. 《SAPERP财务与控制模块配置》是SAPERP中财务模块与管理模块的配置指南。书中内容流畅,配以详尽的图表,读者可以借此学习并掌握ERP中相关模块是如何集成的,如何在正确的配置
A must–have guide that covers all the new features of Visual Studio 2010Visual Studio allows you to create and manage programming projects for the Windows platform, and the new 2010 version has undergone a major overhaul comprised of significant changes. Written by an author team of veteran programmers and developers, Professional Visual Studio 2010 gets you quickly up to speed on what you can expect from the newest version of Visual Studio.This book′s first section is dedicated to familiarizing you with the core aspects of Visual Studio 2010. Everything you need is contained in the first five chapters, from the IDE structure and layout to the various options and settings you can change to make the user interface synchronize with your own way of doing things.From there, the remainder of the book is broken into 11 parts:Getting Started: In this part, you learn how to take control of your projects and organize them in ways that work with your own style.Digging Deeper: Though the many graphical compon
Working as an effective professional Java developer requires you to know Java APIs, tools, and techniques to solve a wide variety of Java problems. Building upon Ivor Horton's Beginning Java 2, this resource shows you how to use the core features of the latest JDK as well as powerful open source tools such as Ant, JUnit, and Hibernate. It will arm you with a well-rounded understanding of the professional Java development landscape. The expert author team begins by uncovering the sophisticated Java language features, the methodology for developing solutions, and steps for exploiting patterns. They then provide you with a collection of real-world examples that will become an essential part of your developer's toolkit. With this approach, you'll gain the skills to build advanced solutions by utilizing the more complex and nuanced parts of Java JDK 6. What you will learn from this book How to use tools to make your work easier and more productive Methods to develop effective user interfaces
The first edition, published in 1973, has become a classicreference in the field. Now with the second edition, readers willfind information on key new topics such as neural networks andstatistical pattern recognition, the theory of machine learning,and the theory of invariances. Also included are worked examples,comparisons between different methods, extensive graphics, expandedexercises and computer project topics. An Instructor's Manual presenting detailed solutions to all theproblems in the book is available from the Wiley editorialdepartment.