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    • HOMEOPATHY: THE GREAT RIDDLE(ISBN=9781556432903) 英文原版
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    • Richard Grossinger 著 /1998-08-01/ Random House US
    • This is a wonderfully succinct book which sets forth thehistory, essence, and methodology of homeopathy. The book is wellorganized in 5 major sections. There is a very thorough overview ofthe precepts and tenets of the practice, its historical origins, adetailed and well-covered biography of Samuel Hahnemann and areview of the politics of the allopathy v. homeopathy debate. It isfurther embellished with copious annotations, an appendix with anactual case history and a very fine reference for homeopathicresources such as organizations, suppliers and other texts coveringa variety of related topics. Call it a perfect Homeopathy 101 textif you will, the author makes a very even-handed presentation ofthe material, including the politics of medicine as they haveevolved in the USA over the past century.

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    • ALTERNATIVE CURES(ISBN=9780345505392)
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    • Bill Gottlieb 著 /2008-08-01/ Random House US
    • When your health is at risk, you want to consider everyoption. In Alternative Cures, three hundred of America’s top doctors andnatural healers–herbalists, nutritionists, homeopaths, andnaturopaths–share more than one thousand safe and effectiveremedies for many health concerns. Inside you’ll discover ? a nutrient that blocks the side effects of arthritisdrugs ? a two-nutrient combo that can help cure chronic fatigue ? an herbal “cocktail” that stops common flu symptoms intwenty-four hours ? an amino acid that works as well as Viagra ? a group of remedies that rein in high blood pressure ? a natural hormone cream that rebuilds bones ? a home remedy that stops sugar cravings immediately Plus, there are easy-to-follow illustrations of healing exercisesand pain-relieving pressure points–along with guidance on when toseek a professional. Alternative Cures provides not only healthadvice but peace of mind. “A valuable resource of alte

    • ¥34.5 折扣:5折
    • FOLK MEDICINE(ISBN=9780449208809)
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    • D. C. Jarvis 编 /1985-05-01/ Random House US
    • "A fascinating book bya distinguished Vermont physician." NEW YORK DAILY NEWS For centuries the vigorous and healthy families of Vermont havepassed down simple commonsense home remedies for all sorts ofcommon aches and pains, from one generation to the next. Dr. Jarvisspent years practicing medicine in the Green Mountains and observedthe natural wonders of Vermont folk medicine. He shares that wisdomin this helpful book in order to help you: burn body fat anddecrease body weight, improve sleep and overcome chronic fatigue,reduce high blood pressure, and much more.

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    • DOC'S COMPLETE GUIDE/VIT&MIN(ISBN=9780440236450)
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    • Mary Dan Eades 著 /2000-07-01/ Random House US
    • Now completely updated and revised, "The Doctor's CompleteGuide to Vitamins and Minerals" includes new research on calcium,vitamin B, vitamin E, zinc, and many other supplements. It alsooffers new material on nutraceuticals -- the nutritional substancesprocessed from fruits and vegetables that have proven effective inridding the body of disease-promoting "free radicals" and wardingoff the effects of aging. After five years of great success, thisinvaluable guide remains the most comprehensive, easily accessible,and inexpensive guide to the latest in natural care.

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    • MAGNESIUM MIRACLE, THE(ISBN=9780345494580) 英文原版
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    • Carolyn Dean 著 /2006-12-01/ Random House US
    • “Magnesium is indeed the unsung hero and is a keynutriceutical that everybody needs to know about. . . . This bookneeds to be read by any individual wishing to improve their qualityof life. . . . Dr Dean has the best credentials in bringingsolutions to those suffering from the hidden magnesium disordersthat affect most of us.” –DR. STEPHEN T. SINATRA, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.N. Author of Lower Your Blood Pressure in Eight Weeks More than seventy-five years ago, medical scientists declaredmagnesium to be an essential nutrient, indispensable to life. Whenthis mineral is part of your diet, you are guarding against–andhelping to alleviate–health threats such as heart disease, stroke,osteoporosis, diabetes, depression, arthritis, and asthma. Butwhile research continues to reaffirm magnesium’s irreplaceablecontribution to good health, many Americans remain dangerouslydeficient. In The Miracle of Magnesium, Dr. Carolyn Dean, an authority onthis mineral who has used it with dramatic succe

    • ¥48.7 折扣:3.5折