Learn how to create breathtaking bouquets from the masterflorists of Flower School New York. Trendsetting celebritydesigners, whose high-profile clients include Calvin Klein, GiorgioArmani, Anna Wintour, Gucci, and Tom Ford, join forces withentrepreneur Eileen Johnson at this famed floral arranging school.They now offer instruction and insight into the art and aestheticof flower arranging taught by a faculty of world-renowned florists.Discover the tips and techniques for handling and combining flowersand creating hand-tied bouquets, seasonal arrangements, flowers forentertaining, mixing flowers and fashion, and much more.
It is an indispensible visual resourcefor anyone looking for interior design inspiration. Although oftenseen as functional and formal, the dining room is one of the mostimportant rooms in any home - it is a space that projects yourpersonality and style more than any other. Filled with superbfull-colour photography, "Design Inside: Dining Rooms" is an idealsource of inspiration and guidance for anyone wanting to createtheir perfect dining space.
Your Seed Bead Style offers a fun and satisfying wayto enhance seed beading by focusing on the addition of unexpectedmaterials. This collection of projects features chapters oncrystals and glass, pearls, metals, gemstones, and fibers. Eacheditor-tested project includes a basics section, a list ofsupplies, how-to instructions, and clear illustrations andphotography. Techniques range from square stitch to herringbone.Crystals and glass can be employed in a Russian snake stitch or apeyote stitch necklace. Pearls can be added for a beachcomber'sbracelet or a Gothic chevron necklace. Also here are unique ideasfor expanding standard stitching.
Renowned bead embroidery artists Heidi Kummli and Sherry Serafini share their secrets for creating beautiful beadwork. This inspiring book is perfect for those who want to learn to create gorgeous jewelry and art pieces and those seeking design ideas. Discusses tools, adhesives, and materials and has an illustrated guide to favorite stitches, fringes, and finishing techniques.