In this completely updated and expanded edition of herinternational bestseller, Jancis Robinson, one of the world's mostrespected wine authorities, offers an engaging introduction to theenjoyment of wine.
Coffee has never been better, ormore interesting, than it is today. Coffee producers have access tomore varieties and techniques than ever before and we, asconsumers, can share in that expertise to make sure the coffee wedrink is the best we can find. Where coffee comes from, how it washarvested, the roasting process and the water used to make the breware just a few of the factors that influence the taste of what wedrink. Champion barista and coffee roaster James Hoffmann examinesthese key factors, looking at varieties of coffee, the influence ofterroir, how it is harvested and processed, the roasting methodsused, through to the way in which the beans are brewed. Country bycountry - from Bolivia to Zambia - he then identifies keycharacteristics and the methods that determine the quality of thatcountry's output. Along the way we learn about everything from thedevelopment of the espresso machine, to why strength guides onsupermarket coffee are really not good news. This is the first bookto chart the coffe
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780804185592 Author 作者 Thorisson, Mimi Pages Number 页数 304页 Publisher 出版社 Clarkson Potter Publishers Publication Date 出版日期 2014年10月28日 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 16开 Shipping Weight 商品重量 566g Language 语种 ENG Book Contents 内容简介 With beguiling recipes and sumptuous photography, "A Kitchen in France" transports readers to the French countryside and marks the debut of a captivating new voice in cooking. When Mimi Thorisson and her family moved from Paris to a small town in out-of-the-way Medoc, she did not quite know what was in store for them. She found wonderful ingredients--from local farmers and the neighboring woods--and, most important, time to cook. Her cookbook chronicles the family's seasonal meals and life in an old farmhouse, all photographed by her husband, Oddur. Mimi's convivial recipes--such as Roast Chicken with Herbs and Creme Fraic
America's favorite baker, Nancy Baggett, has been on a roadtrip around the country. Now she's back, with something for everydessert lover: the best pies, cakes, puddings, crisps, cookies, icecreams, and candies in the land. Many of her discoveries werelocally famous family secretsuntil now. They include a memorablysimple blueberry buckle from a Vermont bed-and-breakfast; a coconutchiffon cake from an island off the coast of Virginia that hasbecome a "destination dessert"; a never-before-revealed recipe forchocolate-dipped caramel candies, the fund-raising specialty of thewomen of an Episcopal church in New Mexico; and a sublime peachcobbler from a cook in the Ozarks. Baggett has tested and retestedevery recipe in her home kitchen to ensure that all cooks get thesame results. She has even included a chapter on easy gifts to makewith children, from "bars in a jar" (a homemade brownie mix) tofancifully decorated graham-cracker holiday cottages. Every recipein this lavishly photographed book comes with an
Amid our ever-growing consumption of deft data vizualization, nothing makes for tastier morsels than the fine art of food and dining. Ushering the cookery book into the future, this volume gathers the best infographics of all things eating, drinking, and cuisine, from conversion charts for measurements to cookie recipes, cocktails, and stress-free party planning.A must-have for every 21st-century foodie, this is gastro-guidance at its most visually appealing as much as expert. Want to master sashimi? Know the secret to perfectly grilled steak? Wow guests with your own dry martini? Food Infographics has all the answers and more, using the best culinary graphics to answer kitchen conundrums in lively, simple, and memorable form.You'll find infographics on all the food groups, from grains and pulses to fruits and vegetables to fish, meat, and poultry. Recipe inspirations include soups, sandwiches, snacks, sweet treats, and just-right dressings. Other sections cover flavor pairings, baking, beverages, cooking to
奖特别嘉奖 '聪明,有趣,实用 - 强烈推荐'Hugh Johnson,世界葡萄酒地图集的合着者 '向Jamie和Nigella道歉 - The Wine用餐词典将成为我的新厨房圣经。它也许应该是你的'Metro '非常有用的'印度骑士 '这种天才的作品意味着你总是会知道哪种酒伴随着哪种食物'Marina O'Loughlin 想要在晚餐时挑选完美的葡萄酒?想知道用特制的瓶子吃什么?让葡萄酒用餐词典成为您的指南。另一端用食物排列AZ,另一端用葡萄酒排列AZ,这本独特的手册将帮助你做出更多消息灵通,更有创意,更美味的选择,了解吃什么和喝什么。 作为澳大利亚*受欢迎和*有影响力的葡萄酒记者之一,以及嗅觉和口味心理学方面的专家,维多利亚摩尔并不只是解释什么是什么,而是为什么以及如何组合起作用。以她的商标*威写作,温情和智慧,这本书是一本咨询和品味的书。 Drink Book Winner at the Fortnum Mason F
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780394721774 Author 作者 Child, Julia Pages Number 页数 648页 Publisher 出版社 Knopf Publishing Group Publication Date 出版日期 1983年09月12日 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 2.29x1.78x1.78 cm Shipping Weight 商品重量 1079g Language 语种 ENG Book Contents 内容简介 The sequel to the classic "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" Here, from Julia Child and Simone Beck, is the sequel to the cooking classic that has inspired a whole American generation to new standards of culinary taste and artistry. On the principle that "mastering any art is a continuing process," they continued, during the years since the publication of the now-celebrated Volume One, to search out and sample new recipes among the classic dishes and regional specialties of France--cooking, conferring, tasting, revising, perfecting. Out of their discoveries they have made, for Volume Two, a brilliant selection of p
America’s love of wine has spurred a collecting andentertaining phenomenon. Some of America’s most passionate oenophiles have re-invented thewine cellar as an inviting and beautiful part of the home. True collectors love to share their passion, and this book offersa tour of their distinctive cellars. Created with the help of someof the best designers in the field, these rooms blend luxuriousdesign aesthetics with ingenious storage solutions. The thirtystunning spaces featured include a traditional wood cellar finishedwith rich paneling and ornate lighting; a cathedral-like space thatshowcases ironwork inspired by the French Quarter of New Orleans(and has a secret entry from a library inside the house); aninviting living room lined with temperature-controlled wood alcovesbehind insulated glass; and an Old World terra-cotta cellar–withina sprawling entertainment center that includes a wet bar, abilliards table, and a tasting room. Living with Wine reveals the details that make the