Parent Effectiveness Training: The Proven Program for Raising Responsible Children (英语) 平装 内容简介 P.E.T., or Parent Effectiveness Training, began almost forty years ago as the first national parent-training program to teach parents how to communicate more effectively with kids and offer step-by-step advice to resolving family conflicts so everybody wins. This beloved classic is the most studied, highly praised, and proven parenting program in the world -- and it will work for you. Now revised for the first time since its initial publication, this groundbreaking guide will show you: How to avoid being a permissive parent How to listen so kids will talk to you and talk so kids will listen to you How to teach your children to "own" their problems and to solve them How to use the "No-Lose" method to resolve conflicts Using the timeless methods of P.E.T. will have immediate results: less fighting, fewer tantrums and lies, no need for punishment. Whethe
Over the past thirty-five years, Between Parent and Child hashelped millions of parents around the world strengthen theirrelationships with their children. Written by renowned psychologistDr. Haim Ginott, this revolutionary book offered a straightforwardpre*ion for empathetic yet disciplined child rearing andintroduced new communication techniques that would change the wayparents spoke with, and listened to, their children. Dr. Ginott'sinnovative approach to parenting has influenced an entiregeneration of experts in the field, and now his methods can workfor you, too. In this revised edition, Dr. Alice Ginott, clinicalpsychologist and wife of the late Haim Ginott, and familyrelationship specialist Dr. H. Wallace Goddard usher thisbestselling classic into the new century while retaining the book'spositive message and Haim Ginott's warm, accessible voice. Based onthe theory that parenting is a skill that can be learned, thisindispensable handbook will show you how to: - Discipline withoutthreats, bribes,
畅销美国400多万册,被翻译成16种语言畅销全球; 让数百万孩子、父母和老师受益终身的经典之作; 自1981年本书第一版出版以来,《正面管教》已经成为管教孩子的 黄金准则 简 尼尔森 教育学博士、杰出的心理学家 在本书中告诉21世纪的父母和老师们: 惩罚和娇纵为什么对孩子都不好,并且不管用? 怎样用既不惩罚又不娇纵的正面管教方法培养孩子受益终生的良好品质? 如何用正面管教方法自动消除孩子的不良行为? 如何赢得孩子与父母和老师的合作? 如何消解大人与孩子之间的权力之争? 超级父母 对孩子会有什么危害? 各种性格的父母对孩子会有什么正反两方面的影响?父母如何发挥自己性格中的优点,避免缺点给孩子造成的不良影响? 老师们如何避免对孩子造成管教问题? 从3岁到青春期的十几岁的孩子以及孩子的父母和老师,都将
Designed for parents to use with their children, and co-editedby the author of Cultural Literacy, a primer incorporates thecontributions of two thousand parents and teachers into anaccessible introduction to the world of knowledge. Reprint."
All parents share the same goal—to give their kids the best ofeverything. But despite our good intentions, the life-enhancingabundance we heap on our children is often more than they need orcan handle, and we cross the line into overindulgence. In How MuchIs Enough?, parenting experts Jean Illsley Clarke, Connie Dawson,and David Bredehoft explain for the first time how giving childrentoo much, over-nurturing them, and providing them with softstructure will prevent them from learning many of the importantlife skills they need to become happy, healthy adults. Filled withsmart advice, real-life stories, and effective strategies, How MuchIs Enough? tells you everything you need to know to avoid—orrepair—the damage overindulgence causes, including: ? How to figure out if you’re being overindulgent and ways toact differently ? How to teach your child what "enough" means ? Tips on establishing firm rules and structure ? How to instill responsibility and independence in yourkids ? What to do w
No Parent or Educator Can Afford to Ignore This GroundbreakingWork! Bestselling authors H. Stephen Glenn and Jane Nelsen have helpedhundreds of thousands of parents raise capable, independentchildren with Raising Self-Reliant Children in a Self-IndulgentWorld. On its tenth anniversary, this parenting classic returnswith fresh, up-to-date information to offer you inspiring andworkable ideas for developing a trusting relationship withchildren, as well as the skills to implement the necessarydiscipline to help your child become a responsible adult. Those who think in terms of leniency versus strictness will besurprised. This book goes beyond these issues to teach children tobe responsible and self-reliant—not through outer-directedconcerns, such as fear and intimidation, but through inner-directedbehavior, such as feeling accountable for one's commitments.Inside, you'll discover how to instill character-building valuesand traits in your child that last a lifetime. "During these turbulent day
P.E.T., or Parent Effectiveness Training, began almost fortyyears ago as the first national parent-training program to teachparents how to communicate more effectively with kids and offerstep-by-step advice to resolving family conflicts so everybodywins. This beloved classic is the most studied, highly praised, andproven parenting program in the world -- and it will work for you.Now revised for the first time since its initial publication, thisgroundbreaking guide will show you: How to avoid being a permissive parent How to listen so kids will talk to you and talk so kids willlisten to you How to teach yourchildren to "own" their problems and to solve them How to use the "No-Lose" method to resolve conflicts Using the timeless methods of P.E.T. will have immediate results:less fighting, fewer tantrums and lies, no need for punishment.Whether you have a toddler striking out for independence or ateenager who has already started rebelling, you'll find P.E.T. acompassionate,
A prequel to our best-selling Little Big Book for Moms! The12th title in the Little Big Book series, The Little Big Book ofPregnancy is destined to become a classic literary companion forany expectant mom. Filled with the best fiction, poetry, and essayson the subject of birth and pregnancy, this heartwarming anthologyis also peppered with fascinating customs and rituals from aroundthe world, time-honored home remedies, delightful old wives' tales,nutritious recipes, and wonderful crafts and activities. The turnof each page brings something interesting and entertaining to read,to do, or to learn. Illustrated throughout with the same period artand ephemera that has become the signature of this series, theimagery is both charming and elegant. A visual and editorial feast,The Little Big Book of Pregnancy is simply the perfect gift for anymom to-be. Featuring: 8 literary excerpts and short stories,including The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck, Delusions of Granma byCarrie Fisher, and The Diary of Adam and Eve by Mar
An exceptional father-son story about the reality that testsus, the myths that sustain us, and the love that saves us. Paul Coates was an enigmatic god to his sons: a Vietnam vet whorolled with the Black Panthers, an old-school disciplinarian andnew-age believer in free love, an autodidact who launched apublishing company in his basement dedicated to telling the truehistory of African civilization. Most of all, he was a wilytactician whose mission was to carry his sons across the shoals ofinner-city adolescence—and through the collapsing civilization ofBaltimore in the Age of Crack—and into the safe arms of HowardUniversity, where he worked so his children could attend forfree. Among his brood of seven, his main challenges were Ta-Nehisi,spacey and sensitive and almost comically miscalibrated for hisenvironment, and Big Bill, charismatic and all-too-ready for thechallenges of the streets. The Beautiful Struggle follows theirdivergent paths through this turbulent period, and their father
Bringing a baby into the family is undeniably one of lifesmost momentous experiences, marked by expectation, joy, andhundreds of tasks and questions. Which baby gear essentials do youneed to buy and when? How can you reorganize your home to make roomfor your baby? When should you start looking for a daycare centeror nanny? One Year to an Organized Life with Baby prioritizeseverything that parents-to-be need to know in order to get theirhome and life ready for a new baby, as well as strategies forkeeping it all together once the baby is born. Packed withtimelines, checklists, and tips, this unique week-by-week,month-by-month program eliminates stress and refocuses prospectiveparents so that they can fully enjoy the changing landscape oftheir lives.