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    • 绿野仙踪 立体书 英文原版 The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz 原装进口 名家Robert Sabud
    •   ( 322 条评论 )
    • L. Frank Baum /2001-01-31/ Little Simon
    • The Wonderful Wizard Of OZ 绿野仙踪 英文原版3D 立体书 手工制作的立体造型 烫金彩印 实在太惊艳了 小编展厅实物拍摄 自己收藏、送给大小朋友都是极好的! 爱好立体书的朋友一定不能错过这本精美、华丽、超越想象的立体书,它采用闪闪发光的彩色箔。 这本充满奇思妙想的立体书出自Robert Sabuda之手,*是每个家庭书架上立体图书之一。 出版社: Little Simon; 2001-01-31 (2001年1月31日) 外文书名: 绿野仙踪-纪念版立体折叠书 丛书名: The Childhood of Famous Americans Series 精装: 16页 读者对象: 4 - 8 岁 语种: 英语 开本: 16开 ISBN: 0689817517 条形码: 9780689817519 商品尺寸: 20.3 x 4.3 x 25.4 cm 商品重量: 726 g Robert Sabuda是Pop-up book创作领域成就巨大的

    • ¥212 折扣:7.3折
    • 父母效能训练手册:让你和孩子更贴心 英文原版 Parent Effectiveness Training
    •   ( 61 条评论 )
    • Dr. Thomas Gordon /2010-10-31/ Three Rivers Press
    • Parent Effectiveness Training: The Proven Program for Raising Responsible Children (英语) 平装 内容简介 P.E.T., or Parent Effectiveness Training, began almost forty years ago as the first national parent-training program to teach parents how to communicate more effectively with kids and offer step-by-step advice to resolving family conflicts so everybody wins. This beloved classic is the most studied, highly praised, and proven parenting program in the world -- and it will work for you. Now revised for the first time since its initial publication, this groundbreaking guide will show you: How to avoid being a permissive parent How to listen so kids will talk to you and talk so kids will listen to you How to teach your children to "own" their problems and to solve them How to use the "No-Lose" method to resolve conflicts Using the timeless methods of P.E.T. will have immediate results: less fighting, fewer tantrums and lies, no need for punishment. Whethe

    • ¥78 折扣:7折
    • Letters to My Son(ISBN=9781577310310)
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Kent Nerburn 著 /1999-01-01/ Perseus
    • div In an attempt to gather what wisdom he could toguide his son into adulthood, Kent Nerburn published a powerfulcollection of essays that touched the hearts of parents andchildren everywhere. In this beautiful revised edition, Nerburnrefines his advice and expands his thoughts. /div

    • ¥83.9 折扣:6.5折
    • What Mothers Do B
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    • Naomi Stadlen 著 /2005-08-01/ little brown
    • Have you ever spent all day looking after your baby or youngchild - and ended up feeling that you have 'done nothing all day'?Do you sometimes find it hard to feel pleased with what you aredoing, and tell yourself you should achieve more with your time?Maybe it's because you can't see how much you are doing already. Inthis unique and perceptive look at mothering, Naomi Stadlen drawson many years' work with hundreds of other mothers of a widevariety of ages and backgrounds. She explores mothers' experiencesto reveal what they - and you - are doing when it may look, toeveryone else, like nothing. If you are a mother, and have everfelt: that nobody understands what you do all day; overwhelmed byyour feelings for your baby; tired all the time; that nothingprepared you for motherhood; uncertain what your baby seems towant; short-tempered with your partner - you will find this themost reassuring book you have ever picked up.

    • ¥78.6 折扣:6.5折
    • 心灵鸡汤.高中生对话CSS TEENS TALK HS
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    • Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Amy Newmark, Madeline Clapps 著 /2008-11-01/
    • Stories in this book cover topics important to the 14 to 18-year-old range, including regrets and lessons learned, dating and sex, family relationships, applying to college, and preparing for life after high school. The first Chicken Soup for the Soul book was published in 1993, and became a publishing industry sensation, ultimately selling eight million copies. Since then, more than 150 Chicken Soup titles have been published, selling more than 100 million copies. Chicken Soup for the Soul has won dozens of awards over the past 15 years, and its founders, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen have become celebrity motivational speakers and authors. 作者简介:Jack Canfield is the cocreator of The Chicken Soup for the Soul series, developing 40 New York Times bestsellers including 11 that went to #1. He is America's leading expert in creating peak performances for entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, managers, sales professionals, employees, and educators, who has helped hundreds of thou

    • ¥112.7 折扣:9.8折
    • Knowledge Deficit(ISBN=9780618872251)
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • E. D. Hirsch Jr. 著 /2007-02-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • In The Knowledge Deficit, the esteemed education critic,activist, and best-selling author E. D. Hirsch, Jr., illuminatesthe real issue in education today: without an effective curriculum,American students are losing the global education race. This bookcorrects popular misconceptions about hot issues in education, suchas standardized testing, and takes to task educators’ claims thatthey are powerless to overcome class differences. Hirsch explainswhy schools have taken the wrong path in response to No Child LeftBehind, and shows that although schools are teaching the mechanicsof reading, they fail to convey the knowledge needed for the morecomplex and essential skill of reading comprehension. In the end,Hirsch gives parents and teachers specific tools for enhancingchildren’s abilities to fully understand what they read.

    • ¥72 折扣:6折
    • What Your Explosive Child Is Trying to Tell You(ISBN=9780618
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Douglas A. Riley 著 /2011-12-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • From the author of The Defiant Child comes the first book toconnect From the author of the groundbreaking The Defiant Childcomes the first book to connect explosive behavior--when kids gofrom Jekyll to Hyde and back in the blink of an eye--with itsunderlying causes Does your hitting, kicking, screaming childexplode with so little provocation that you can't help but wonderif he's possessed? Are his extreme tantrums becoming the stuff ofplayground legend? And are you about to lose your job because hisdaycare or school repeatedly asks you to pick him up early? Dr.Douglas Riley's ear-to-the-ground insights will give much-neededhelp to desperate parents who have one overriding question: Whydoes my child act like this? This compassionate yet no-nonsensetherapist explains that explosive behavior is the mere tip of theiceberg. Instead of using a one-size-fits-all strategy, Dr. Rileyidentifies the eleven most common causes of explosions andaccordingly tailors his treatment strategies to address theunderlying ca

    • ¥77.4 折扣:6折
    • Men Are from Mars,Women Are from Venus男人来自火星,女人来自金星
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    • John Gray 著 /2004-01-01/ 音像供货
    • Once upon a time Martians and Venusians met, fell in love, and had happy relationships together because they respected and accepted their differences. Then they came to Earth and amnesia set in: they forgot they were from different planets. Based on years of successful counseling of couples and individuals, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus has helped millions of couples transform their relationships. Now viewed as a modern classic, this phenomenal book has helped men and women realize how different they really are and how to communicate their needs in such a way that conflict doesn't arise and intimacy is given every chance to grow.

    • ¥105.6 折扣:8.8折
    • PARENTING AN ONLY CHILD(ISBN=9780767906296) 英文原版
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    • Susan, P.H.D. Newman 编 /2001-08-01/ Random House US
    • Is it possible to raisea contented only child? Can we be happy with only one child? Theanswer to both of these questions is a resounding yes. In recent years, the number of couples choosing to have one childhas risen sharply. Whether it's by choice or fate, having a singlechild presents unique considerations, opportunities, andadvantages. Social psychologist Susan Newman, who has been studyingsingle-child families since the 1980s, shatters the myths of thelonely, spoiled only child, and provides in-depth coverage of thecritical issues including: ? Making the right family size decision for you ? Withstanding the pressure to have another ? Maintaining a balance of power in a three-member household ? Single-parenting the only child ? Setting boundaries with a child who is used to having yourundivided attention ? Fostering high achievement, creativity, and independence in onlychildren ? The effects of having parents, instead of siblings, as rolemodels ? Confronting age-old only-child stereotypes ? Buil

    • ¥78 折扣:6折
    • IF YOU'VE RAISED KIDS, YOU CAN(家庭领导力:跟家长学管理 )
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    • Ann Crittenden 著 /2004-08-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Crittenden (The Price of Motherhood) offers an engaging look at working mothers and how their parenting skills make them more adept managers。 Based on interviews with 100 parents (mostly women) who were the primary caregivers in their family, the book offers an intriguing look at the changing face of American executives。 Quoting her subjects directly, Crittenden illustrates how being a parent helps someone be a more creative, if sometimes unconventional, manager。 One woman talked about a producer who shouted obscenities at her。 The woman did nothing, viewing the behavior as the equivalent of a toddler’s temper tantrum, and the producer apologized the next day。 Sometimes, parents have added knowledge that has a direct impact on their job。 Working parents in any field will readily identify with many of the scenarios discussed in this book by some visible CEOs including CNBC’s Pamela Thomas-Graham, Oxygen’s Geraldine Laybourne and actress Lindsay Crouse。 Crittenden con

    • ¥63.4 折扣:8.8折
    • Emotionally Healthy Twins(ISBN=9780738210872) 英文原版
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    • Joan Friedman 著 /2008-01-01/ Perseus
    • Most parents try to treat their twins as individuals, but most unwittingly undermine their best intentions because they lack a practical set of guidelines for raising emotionally healthy multiples. Drawing on her unique experience as a twin, the mother of twins, and as a psychotherapist, Dr. Joan A. Friedman outlines the seven key concepts for helping twins develop into self-realized, unique individuals and offers parents specific strategies for each stage in their children’s growth. From how to set up the nursery to handling playdates and extracurricular activities, from deciding on same or separate classroom education to encouraging grandparents and other family members to think beyond the pair to see individuals, Emotionally Healthy Twins will become the standard reference for parenting twins.

    • ¥89.7 折扣:6.5折
    • YOUR BABY AND CHILD(ISBN=9780375712036)
    •   ( 7 条评论 )
    • Penelope Leach 著 /2010-10-01/ Random House US
    • This newest edition of Penelope Leach’s much-loved, trusted,and comprehensive classic—an international best seller fortwenty-five years, with nearly two million copies sold in Americaalone—encompasses the latest research and thinking on childdevelopment and learning, and reflects the realities of today’schanging lifestyles. In her authoritative and practical style, Leach responds fully toparents’ every concern about the psychological, emotional, andphysical well-being of their children. She describes, ineasy-to-follow stages from birth through starting school, howchildren develop: what they are doing, experiencing, and feeling.And she tackles both the questions parents often ask—What does anew baby’s wakefulness or a toddler’s tantrum mean?—and those thatare more difficult: How should new parents time their return towork, choose day care, tell a child about a new baby or animpending divorce? Whatever the concern or question, Your Baby and Child suppliesthe information, enc

    • ¥124.2 折扣:6折
    • 我是从哪里来的:幼儿性教育 WHO AM I
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    • Dr.Ruth K.Westheimer 著 /2001-01-01/
    • Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer, the world's foremost sex therapist, uses her warmth, candor and nthusiasm to educate children on where babies come From.Lift-the-Flaps, pop-ups and Jane Massey's wonderful illustrations enhance the bold, fun and informative voice that teaches how we've all come to be.

    • ¥17.6 折扣:8.8折
    • TRAUMA-PROOFING YOUR KIDS(ISBN=9781556436994) 英文原版
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Peter Levine 著 /2008-03-01/ Random House US
    • The number of anxious, depressed, hyperactive and withdrawnchildren is staggering—and still growing! Millions have experiencedbullying, violence (real or in the media), abuse or sexualmolestation. Many other kids have been traumatized from more“ordinary” ordeals such as terrifying medical procedures,accidents, loss and divorce. Trauma-Proofing Your Kids sends alifeline to parents who wonder how they can help their worried andtroubled children now. It offers simple but powerful tools to keepchildren safe from danger and to help them “bounce back” afterfeeling scared and overwhelmed. No longer will kids have to bepassive prey to predators or the innocent victims of life’scircumstances. In addition to arming parents with priceless protectivestrategies, best-selling authors Dr. Peter A. Levine and MaggieKline offer an antidote to trauma and a recipe for creatingresilient kids no matter what misfortune has besieged them.Trauma-Proofing Your Kids is a treasure trove of simple-to-follow“st

    • ¥87.6 折扣:6折