Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780738215068 Author 作者 Klaus, Marshall H. Pages Number 页数 249页 Publisher 出版社 Da Capo Lifelong Books Publication Date 出版日期 2012年04月03日 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 2.03x1.52x1.52 cm Shipping Weight 商品重量 430g Language 语种 ENG Book Contents 内容简介 For an entire generation of new parents, this warm, expert work has become the standard guide to the shortest, easiest, and healthiest childbirth. Now a thoroughly updated and revised edition offers new research showing how labor support reduces the rate of cesarean sections, length of labor, need for pain medicine, and number of episiotomies. New material also demonstrates the positive effects of having a doula on mother-infant bonding, how relatives or friends can be trained in labor support, and how hypnosis is used to ease and sho
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, renowned pediatrician and authoradvises parents on home treatment and diagnosis of colds and flus,childhood illnesses, vision and hearing problems, allergies, andmore. PLUS, a complete section on picking the right doctor for yourchild, step-by-step instructions for knowing when to call a doctor,and much more.
A Handy Way to Find Out What’s Really Going On in There Drawing on the results of a ground-breaking nationwide survey ofteenagers, For Parents Only revealed several key surprises aboutthe inner lives of kids. Whether your child already is a teenageror you see those years barreling at you like an express train, thiscompanion study guide will help you put that priceless knowledge towork in your home. This invaluable resource–perfect for group discussion orindividual use–includes: ?thought-provoking questions to help you apply the For ParentsOnly findings to your child ?true-to-life case studies that coach you in the skills ofreading your children’s minds (scary, we know!), understanding whatmotivates them, and connecting with them at a deeper level ?practical, insightful discussion-starters and help for commonparenting “encounters” and much more! As you gain a clearer understanding of what’s going on in yourchildren’s lives and minds, you’ll learn how