To Unschoolers, Learning Is As Natural AsBreathing Did you know that a growing percentage ofhome schoolers are becoming unschoolers? The unschooling movementis founded on the principle that children learn best when theypursue their own natural curiosities and interests. Without bells,schedules, and rules about what to do and when, the knowledge theygain through mindful living and exploration is absorbed more easilyand enthusiastically. Learning is a natural, inborn impulse, andthe world is rich with lessons to be learned and puzzles to besolved. Successful unschooling parents know how to stimulate and directtheir children's learning impulse. Once you read this book, so willyou!
Potty Training Boys the Easy Way is a pediatricians guide fornavigating the challenges unique to toilet training boys. Boys tendto take longer to be trained, learn this skill at later ages, andhave different challenges from girls. Parents will find anaccessible plan for getting their son trained quickly, clever gamesto make learning to use the toilet fun, as well as important tipsfor handling accidents and setbacks. The book includes advice onboy-specific problems, such as whether to teach him to sit or standand how to aim, dealing with distractions, handling refusals, andstaying dry through the night. Practical and reassuring, PottyTraining Boys the Easy Way is packed with all the information afamily needs to achieve this important milestone calmly andconfidently.
In Raising Cain, Dan Kindlon, Ph.D., and Michael Thompson,Ph.D., two of the country's leading child psychologists, share whatthey have learned in more than thirty-five years of combinedexperience working with boys and their families. They reveal anation of boys who are hurting--sad, afraid, angry, and silent.Kindlon and Thompson set out to answer this basic, crucialquestion: What do boys need that they're not getting? Theyilluminate the forces that threaten our boys, teaching them tobelieve that "cool" equals macho strength and stoicism. Cuttingthrough outdated theories of "mother blame," "boy biology," and"testosterone," the authors shed light on the destructive emotionaltraining our boys receive--the emotional miseducation ofboys. Kindlon and Thompson make a compelling case that emotionalliteracy is the most valuable gift we can offer our sons, urgingparents to recognize the price boys pay when we hold them to animpossible standard of manhood. They identify the social andemotional challenges th
Bringing a baby into the family is undeniably one of lifesmost momentous experiences, marked by expectation, joy, andhundreds of tasks and questions. Which baby gear essentials do youneed to buy and when? How can you reorganize your home to make roomfor your baby? When should you start looking for a daycare centeror nanny? One Year to an Organized Life with Baby prioritizeseverything that parents-to-be need to know in order to get theirhome and life ready for a new baby, as well as strategies forkeeping it all together once the baby is born. Packed withtimelines, checklists, and tips, this unique week-by-week,month-by-month program eliminates stress and refocuses prospectiveparents so that they can fully enjoy the changing landscape oftheir lives.
In perhaps the most important parenting book of the decade,Dr. Harvey Karp reveals an extraordinary treasure sought by parentsfor centuries—an automatic “off-switch” for their baby’scrying.
Fifteen thousand children under the age of fifteen passedthrough the Terezin Concentration Camp. Fewer than 100 survived. Inthese poems and pictures drawn by the young inmates, we see thedaily misery of these uprooted children, as well as their hopes andfears, their courage and optimism. 60 color illustrations.