装 帧:精装 作 者:Jill Esbaum 开 本:约25.91 x 1.65 x 25.65 cm 页 数:约128页 语 言:英文 ISBN:9781426336935 出版时间:2020年3月24日 出版社:National Geographic Kids 以上数据仅供参考
Pip and Posy and the Christmas Tree
Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780545942201 Author 作者 Sutherland Tui T. Pages Number 页数 224页 Publisher 出版社 Scholastic US Publication Date 出版日期 20190401 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 8.9 x 6 x 0.7 cm Shipping Weight 商品重量 1050 Book Description 内容简介 The New York Times bestselling Wings of Fire series soars to new heights in this graphic novel adaptation! The lost heir to the SeaWing throne is going home at last. She can’t believe it’s finally happening. Tsunami and her fellow dragonets of destiny are journeying under the water to the great SeaWing Kingdom. Stolen as an egg from the royal hatchery, Tsunami is eager to meet her future su
Mr Panda(the 6-book shrink-wrapped set)
酮體入門:限制醣類為什麼會變健康呢? まんがケトン体入門―糖質制限をするとなぜ健康になるのか おちゃずけ 詳細資料 ISBN:9789869460866 叢書系列:LIFE 規格:平裝 / 148頁 / 14.8 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版 作者: 宗田哲男 譯者: 胡汶廷 繪者: Ochazuke 出版社:活字文化 出版日期:2018/07/04 語言:繁體中文 定價:280元 內容簡介 日本亞馬遜讀者評論5★ 日本亞馬遜暢銷排名 糖尿病第4名 日本亞馬遜暢銷排名 保健、食療第6名 讓人腦力不斷電的重要能源:酮體 生酮飲食(Ketogetic Diet)就是能產生酮體的飲食方式。 在糧食過剩的時候,我們的身體藉著將碳水化合物分解成葡萄醣,經過糖解與氧化磷酸化作用,製造出「ATP」(Adenosine triphosphate)—— 一種細胞共通的能量,來趨動組
绝境狼王5 冰川狼魂 英文原版 Wolves of the Beyond #5 Spirit Wolf 动物奇幻小说 儿童文学 纽伯瑞获奖名家凯瑟琳拉斯基作品 内容简介 Faolan, a wolf once doomed to die, struggles to fulfill his destiny as the leader of the wolves of Beyond. No one ever saw Faolan as a leader. Banished as a pup, he survived and returned as a gnaw wolf--the lowest member of the wolf pack. But Faolan wasn't meant to be a gnaw wolf. It's not just his strange, splayed paw, or his uncanny connection with the bears. There's something about Faolan that inspires certain wolves . . . and leaves others deeply suspicious. Now, with a dangerous threat on the horizon, the pack must make a choice. Will they trust the silver outsider with the task of leading? If Faolan can't fulfill his destiny, it could be the end of the wolves of the Beyond. 媒体推荐 Praise for the first book in the Wolves of the Beyond series. "This is a soulful, searching read consumed
First 100 Trucks and Things That Go
The Secret Seven Colour Young Readers - 6 Copy Slipcase
Black Beauty 作者: Cathy East Dubowski;Domenick D'Andrea ISBN13: 9780679803706 类型: 简装(简装书) 语种: 英语(English) 出版日期: 1990-08-18 出版社: Random House Books for Young Readers 页数: 96 重量(克): 72 尺寸: 19.2024 x 13.1572 x 0.7112 cm A horse in nineteenth-century England recounts his experiences with both good and bad masters.
Poppleton in Fall: An Acorn Book (Poppleton #4)
图书基本信息 Arthur and the Mystery of the Stolen Bike 作者 : Marc Brown ISBN13 : 9780316133630 类型 : 简装(简装书) 语种 : 英语(English) 出版日期 : 2012-03-05 出版社 : Little, Brown Books for Young Readers 页数 : 64 重量(克) : 22 尺寸 : 18.796 x 12.954 x 1.016 cm 商品简介 Fans of Arthur can take their reading to the next level with this illustrated chapter book perfect for gradeschool readers, featuring themes of writing, creativity and confidence. 书评与摘要 When Arthur and his friends go bike riding, Francine is embarrassed by her Father's hand-me-down bicycle. It's a real clunker. So when Francine reports that the bike is stolen, her friends rally to find the thief. Will Arthur and his friends discover the true fate of Francine's bike? ^_^:8b9df12ff2c15f943db594afb14db1d5 ^_^:aa0640a84e13a75e14bbc6726f0a0f65
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Wipe Clean Workbook Tracing and Pen Control: Includes Wipe-Clean Pen [With Wipe Clean Pen] 作者 : Roger Priddy ISBN13 : 9780312508708 类型 : 平装(简装书) 语种 : 英语(English) 出版日期 : 2010-06-08 出版社 : Priddy Books Us 页数 : 26 重量(克) : 294 尺寸 : 29.464 x 22.606 x 2.286 cm
總之就是很可愛 官方FANBOOK 結婚金言集(全)
食人魔和孤儿 英文原版小说The Ogress and the Orphans奇幻冒险喝月亮的女孩同作者 凯利·巴恩希尔纽伯瑞金奖作者Kelly Barnhill 语言 ? : ? 英语 ISBN-10 ? : ? 1800783027 ISBN-13 ? : ? 978-1800783027 阅读年龄 ? : ? 10 岁以上(顾客建议) 商品重量 ? : ? 299 g 尺寸 ? : ? 12.9 x 2.3 x 19.8 cm 峡谷中的石头,曾经是一个可爱的小镇,现在却陷入了困境。火灾、洪水和其他灾难已经导致市民失去了他们的图书馆、学校、公园,以及所有慷慨和善良的意义。人们相信市长,他是一个令人眼花缭乱的人,他承诺只有他自己才能提供帮助。毕竟,他是一个著名的屠龙者。(至少,没有人见过龙在他面前。)只有孤儿院里聪明的孤儿和镇边善良的食人魔才能看到镇上的问题有多可怕。 当一个孤儿从孤儿院失踪时,所有的目光都转向了食人