本书特色: 经典理论与现代应用相结合。通过丰富的实例和练习,将数论的应用引入了更高的境界,同时更新并扩充了对密码学这一热点论题的讨论。 内容与时俱进。不仅融合了的研究成果和新的理论,而且还补充介绍了相关的人物传记和历史背景知识。 习题安排别出心裁。书中提供两类由易到难、富有挑战的习题:一类是计算题,另一类是上机编程练习。这使得读者能够将数学理论与编程技巧实践联系起来。此外,本书在上一版的基础上对习题进行了大量更新和修订。
本书特色: 经典理论与现代应用相结合。通过丰富的实例和练习,将数论的应用引入了更高的境界,同时更新并扩充了对密码学这一热点论题的讨论。
本书通过五十三个有趣味的、典型的或具有历史渊源的问题分析、解答,着重介绍了逻辑推理、命题代数、集合计算、初等数论、图论和初等组合数学等几个数学分支,使已具备离散数学初步知识的读者更多地了解这门学科的实质和思维方法,引导读者温游奥秘的数学世界,体会灵感、思维之美,本书是一本趣味性、知识性兼备的读物。 本书可作为初中学生、高中学生、大学低年级学生的课外读物,也可用作中学教师教学时选题参考和辅导数学竞赛的参考读物,具有中学以上文化水平的干部、职工中的数学爱好者,阅读此书将是一种精神享受。
本教材是普通高等教育农业农村部“十三五”规划教材、全国高等农林院校“十三五”规划教材,主要内容包括行列式、矩阵及其运算、矩阵的初等变换与线性方程组、空间解析几何、向量组的线性相关性、矩阵的特征值与特征向量、二次型及其标准形、线性空间与线性变换。 本教材结合高等农林院校各专业对线性代数课程的不同要求,在内容、结构方面进行了精心安排,力求深入浅出,通俗易懂。本教材除可作为线性代数课程教材外,也可供科技工作者自学选用。
本书是经典的离散数学教材,为全球多所大学广为采用。本书全面而系统地介绍了离散数学的理论和方法,内容涉及数学推理、组合分析、离散结构、算法思维以及应用与建模。全书取材广泛,除包括定义、定理的严密陈述外,还配备大量的实例和图表的说明、各种练习和题目以及丰富的历史资料和网站资源。第6版在前五版的基础上做了大量的改进,使其成为更有效的数学工具。 本书可作为高等院校数学、计算机科学和计算机工程等专业的教材或参考书。
Since the first monograph titled Enumerative Theory of Maps appeared on the subject considered in 1999, many advances have been made by the author himself and those directed by him under such a theoretical foundation. Because of that book with much attention to maps on surface of genus zero, this monograph is in principle concerned with maps on surfaces of genus not zero. Via main theoretical lines, thiook is divided into four parts except Chapter 1 for preliminaries. Part one contains Chapters 2 through 10. The theory is presented for maps on general surfaces of genus not necessary to be zero. For the theory on a surface of genus zero is prehensively improved for investigating maps on all surfaces of genera not zero. Part two consists of only Chapter 11. Relationships are established for building up a bridge between super maps and embeddings of a graph via their automorphism groups. Part three consists of Chapters 12 and 13. A general theory for finding genus distribution of graph embeddings,
Many authoregin their preface by confidently describing how their book arose.We started this project so long ago, and our memories are so weak, that we could not do this truthfully.Otheregin by stating why they decided to write.Thanks to Freud, we know that unconscious reasons can be as important as conscious ones, and so this seems impossible, too.Moreover, the real question that should be addressed is why the reader should struggle with this text.
This exposition of Galois theory was originally going to be Chapter I of the continuation of my book Ferrnat's Last Theorem, but it soon outgrew any reasonable bounds for an introductory chapter, and I decided to make it a separate book. However, this decision was prompted by more than just the length. Following the precepts of my sermon "Read the Masters!" [E2], Imade the reading of Galois' original memoir a major part of my study of Galois theory, and I saw that the modern treatments of Galois theory lacked much of the simplicity and clarity of the original. Therefore I wanted to write about the theory in a way that would not only explain it, but explain it in terms close enough to Galois' own to make his memoir accessible to the reader, in the same way that I tried to make Riemann's memoir on the zeta function and Kummer's papers on Fermat's Last Theorem accessible in my earlier books, [Eli and [E3]. Clearly I could not do this within the confines of one expository chapter
本书是一本介绍代数发展历史的科学普及读物,作者以轻松诙谐的笔触将代数几千年来的重大事件和重要人物展现出来,让读者从一个侧面对整个数学的发展有总体的认识。 本书适合中学生至大学生等各层次的数学爱好者阅读,也是研究数学史极有价值的参考读物。
本书是关于编码理论的一本教材,主要介绍编码理论的基本知识。全书共十二章,可以分为两部分。部分是第二章至第四章,主要介绍编码理论中用到的代数基本知识,特别是有限域的基本知识。第二部分是第五章至第十二章,主要介绍编码理论的基本知识,包括线性码、HamHnng码、Golay码、循环码、BcH码、Reed-Muller码以及线性码的重量分布等。 本书适合高等院校的信息科学、计算机科学以及通信等的本科生作为教材使用,也可供相关领域的科研人员和工程技术人员参考。