The book is a continuation of development of" Boundary value problems for nonlinear elliptic equations and systems" and "Linear and quasilinear equations of hyperbolic and mixed types ".A large portion of the work is devoted to boundary value problems for general elliptic plex equations of first,second and fourth order,initial-boundary value problems for nonlinear parabolic plex equations of first and second order.Moreover,some results about first and second order plex equations of mixed (elliptic-hyperbolic) type are investigated .Applications of nonlinear plex analysis to continuum mechanics are also introduced.
泛欧几何是屏幕几通过纵横像素段显示直线和曲线,一段数点,自然快捷。 泛欧几何是键盘几何,通过数码串输入图形和汉字,一图一串,一字一码,准确简捷。 在泛欧几何中,直线为n,n 1交错数列,曲线为分段交错数列,图(graphs)为交错路段,这些非极限和矩阵基础上的整数表达式,为普及计算机图形开拓了新路子(中国版的Logo)。 直线、曲线的八卦定理和中文八族周所揭示的拓扑相似性,引发了几何语言化和语言几何化的探索,为汉字本体(ontology)与中文语义网的发展拓宽了理论基础。 “几何是数学思考的核心。它是一个富于直观的领域,而且(可以说)新发现是非专家的能力范围之内。”(《计算机几何导论》,科学出版社,1992) 通过图文泛模的发现和编码,泛欧几何展示了数学语言与自然语言相互融合、与时俱进的新途径,本书立论
本书是中山大学数学力学系常微分方程组编《常微分方程》1978年版的修订本(第二版),这次修订除了对原书进行了一些修改以及充实了各章、节的习题外,还考虑了师范院校常微分方程教学大纲的要求,增加了一章线性偏微分方程的内容。 全书主要内容有:绪论;一阶微分方程的初等解法;一阶微分方程的角的存在定理;高阶微分方程;线性微分方程组;非线性微分方程和稳定性;一阶线性偏微分方程。此外还有两个附录:拉普拉斯变换;边值问题。 本书可作综合大学和师范院校数学专业,以及师范专科学校数学科常微分方程课程的教材。 本书第二版由丁同仁副教授审阅。
The book is a continuation of development of" Boundary value problems for nonlinear elliptic equations and systems" and "Linear and quasilinear equations of hyperbolic and mixed types ".A large portion of the work is devoted to boundary value problems for general elliptic complex equations of first,second and fourth order,initial-boundary value problems for nonlinear parabolic complex equations of first and second order.Moreover,some results about first and second order complex equations of mixed (elliptic-hyperbolic) type are investigated .Applications of nonlinear complex analysis to continuum mechanics are also introduced.