本书阐述了求解微积分的技巧,详细讲解了微积分基础、极限、连续、微分、导数的应用、积分、无穷级数、泰勒级数与幂级数等内容,旨在教会读者如何思考问题从而找到解题所需的知识点,着重训练大家自己解答问题的能力。 本书适用于大学低年级学生、高中高年级学生、想学习微积分的数学爱好者以及广大数学教师,即可作为教材、习题集,也可作为学习指南,同时还有利于教师备课。
And all of the above is a basis for modeling. Modeling is what brings the subject to life and makes the ideas real for the students: Differential equations can model real-life questions,and puter calculations and graphics can then provide real-life answers. The symbiosis of the synthetic and the calculational provides a rich educational experience for students, and it prepares them for more concrete, applied work in future courses. The new Anatomy of an Application sections in this edition showcase some rich applications from engineering, physics, and applied science.