本书是21世纪化学丛书之一。凝胶是一种特殊的分散体系,其中胶体颗粒或高聚物分子互相联结,形成空间网状结构,在网状结构的孔隙中充满了液体(在干凝胶中的分散介质也可以是气体)。本书对凝胶的定义、类型、特性、制备方法、结构和解析方法、功能及应用进行了详实的论述。 全书理论充实先进,层次清晰,理论与实用相结合。 本书适合相关专业的大专院校师生,科研院所的科研和技术人员,以及其他各领域的化学爱好者参考使用。
全书共8章,采用图解方法论述了液晶聚合物基础概念,对主链型液晶聚合物、侧链型液晶聚合物、偶氮苯侧链型液晶聚合物、香蕉型液晶聚合物、甲壳型液晶聚合物和液晶嵌段共聚物等众多品种的合成原理、方法等作了较为详细的阐述。同时对各类液晶聚合物的结构、性能及有关应用作了相应的介绍。全书从多方面展示了近年来外尤其是本研究集体在这一领域的研究成果,注重知识先进性与实用性,力求重点突出,层次分明,引导读者了解液晶聚合物的开发思想、启发心智。 全书采用图解,有利于读者对液晶聚合物科学基本概念和原理的理解,也有利于激发读者的学习热情和兴趣。 本书内容丰富,涉及高分子化学、高分子物理及其相关学科,具有较高的理论水平和较强的实用性,既有广度,又有的深度。因此本书不仅可以作为研究生、大专生参考教材,
动力系统的混沌化是一个全新的控制论问题,它在数学理论上和工程技术上都极富挑战性。它不但有助于我们加深对混沌理论的认识,而且在高新技术的应用上具有十分广阔和诱人的前景。本书系统地总结了作者近10年来在混沌化方面所做的工作,介绍其中的主导分析思想和主要理论成果,以及基本技术和有效方法。 本书适合理工科研究生、博士后和教师阅读,也可供自然科学和工程技术领域中的研究人员参考。
After pleting my dissertation in differential geometry, I returned to Maharishi University of Management to join the faculty there. The greatest need for my services was in the physics department, and the chairman, the well-known John Hagelin, pointed the finger of authority and said 'quantum field theory!' The class to start in a few weeks. I laughed, but John was serious. Fortunately, I had audited Sidney Coleman's outstanding Harvard lectures and had taken very good notes. Equally fortunate, I had Robert Brandenburger's official aolutions to all the homework sets. I rolled up my sleeves and waded in. As we battled through the material, the beautiful architecture of Coleman's coureecame apparent. It introduced the primary concepts - canonical quantization, renormalization, spin, functional integral quantization - one at a time and made each one practical before advancing to the next abstraction. It started with simple models and provided motivation for each elaboration. The students, however,
这是一本关于高温超导理论方向导引性的著作,书中提供了大量可靠的铜酸盐类超导体的实验数据和插图,反映出了近十年来在这个领域内的研究成果,并有助于读者深刻理解各种理论得到的结果。本书着重从理解相变理论出发,透视出热力学和量子涨落效应,为描述高温超导现象提出了一个全面清晰的理论框架。 目次:引论;金兹堡-朗道唯象理论;高斯热涨落;超流与N卡量模型;经典临界现象的标度理度和普适性;经典临界现象方面的实验证据;量子相变;补充解释。 读者对象:本书适合凝聚态物理专业的高年级本科生、研究生及相关专业研究人员。
The subject itself has progressed considerably in recent years, especially in relation to the theory of phase changes and various aspects of the ergodic problems. In order to include recent developments of the theory of phase changes, more than half of Chap. 4 haeen rewritten. It is hoped that the inclusionof additional material will elucidate the current point of view and the new methods employed in this fascinating branch of statistical physics. Chapter 5, which is devoted to the ergodic problems, haeen fully revised to present contemporary knowledge of the ergodic behavior of mechanical systems, which haeen actively investigated in the last few yeary means of mathematical analysis, supported by numerical putation. The authors have also taken advantage of the opportunity to correct typographical errors, and to revise some figures.
Since the publication of the first edition of thiook, both through teaching the material it covers and as a result of receiving helpful ments from colleagues, we have bee aware of the desirability of changes in a number of areas. The most important of these is that the mathematical preparation of current senior college and university entrants is now less thorough than it used to be. To match this, we decided to include a preliminary chapter covering areas such as polynomial equations, trigonometric identities, coordinate geometry, partial fractions, binomial expansions, necessary and sufficient condition and proof by induction and contradiction.
本书系统介绍了激光核聚变的物理过程和有关物理问题。全书共分9章,包括惯性约束聚变发电的基本原理、激光的传播与吸收、激光—靶耦合的晕区物理、电子热传导和电子烧蚀、激光—X射线转换物理、内爆动力学、流体力学不稳定性、输运理论概要、快点火物理基础。内容涉及激光核聚变靶物理的基础以及20多年来的研究成果和前沿课题。在附录中给出正文中引用的自型解的推导过程,还简要地介绍了量纲分析。 本书着重介绍激光—靶耦合过程中发生的物理过程和物理规律,诠释其中的物理概念;强调理论与实验相结合,数值模拟与解析研究相结合。每章末都给出一些主要参考文献可供读者查阅。 本书的对象是大学高年级学生、研究生、教师、从事有关领域研究和有兴趣了解这方面研究的科技工作者。
Since the study of normed spaces for their own sake evolved rather than arose fully formed, there is some room to disagree about who founded the field. Albert Bent came close to giving the definition of a normed space in a 1916 paper [23] on an extension of Newton's method for finding roots, and in 1918 Frederic Riesz [195] based a generalization of the Fredholm theory of integral equations on the defining axioms of a plete normed space, though he did not use these axioms to study the general theory of such spaces. According to Jean Dieudonne [64], Riesz had at this time considered developing a general theory of plete normed spaces, but never published anything in this direction. In a paper that appeared in 1921, Eduard Helly [102] proved what is now called Helly's theorem for bounded linear functionals. Along the way, he developed some of the general theory of normed spaces, but only in the context of norms on subspaces of the vector space of all sequences of plex scalars.
IThe Quantum Theory of Fields Nobel Laureate SteveWeinberg -bines his exceptional physical insight with his gift for clear expositioto provide a self-contained, prehensive, and up-to-date introductioto quantum field theory. Volume I introduces the foundations of quantum field theory. The development is fresh and logical throughout, with each step carefully motivated by what has gone before, and emphasizing the reasons why such a theory should describe nature. After a brief historical outline, the book begins anew with the principles about which we are most certain, relativity and quantum mechanics, and the properties of particles that follow from these principles. Quantum field theory theemerges from this as a natural consequence. 此书为英文版!
本书内容包括电磁场定律、静电场的分离变量法、静电场及其位函数、电磁场的功率与能量关系、平面电磁波及其反射和折射、电磁波的辐射等问题的分析和求解。全书共分十章,每章均由基本概念和公式、典型例题解析和习题解答等三部分组成,旨在通过对基本概念的讲述,典型例题的分析、解答,以及习题的具体解答这种学习过程的引导,提高学生分析和解决问题的能力。 本书可作为高等学校电子信息类专业本科生学习电磁场理论和研究生入学考试的学习辅导书,也可供有关专业的研究生、教师和工程技术人员参考。
《现代有机合成试剂——性质、制备和反应》依据现代有机合成试剂的学术和应用价值,精选出3弱种重要H常用的试剂进行编篡,方便读者快速全面地了解和掌握现代有机合成试剂的性质和用。 结构合理、层次清晰、内容丰富、重点突出。介绍了每一种试剂的理化性质、制备方法和安全事项。重点讨沦了365种试剂在有机合成反应中的应用。每种试剂平均精选出5个以上具有代表性和原创性的反应实例。每种试剂平均附有10条以上具有性和原始性的参考文献。本书可供大专院校化学及相关专业师生学习和参考,从事相关领域研究和工作的科研院所和企业科研技术人员也是该书的主要服务对象。
本书是剑桥大学出版社出版的Michael A.Nielsen和Isaac L.Chuang 合著的Quantum Computaion and Quantum Information的量子计算部分的中译本。 量子计算与量子信息是涉及物理学、计算机科学和数学等多学科的综合性交叉研究领域。本书首先介绍基础知识,然后着重介绍量子计算的订研究成果,包括量子路、量子Fourier 变换及其应用、量子搜索算法和量子计算机的物理实现。 本书完整系统地介绍了量子计算与量子信息的成果和基本知识。本书内容深入浅出,层次分明,参考文献丰富,它既可作一般有兴趣的读者了解该领域的入门读物,也可用作大专聍校的教材,或供大学高年级学生和研究生自学使用,对相关领域的研究人员也有很大的的参考价值。
本书系统介绍了激光核聚变的物理过程和有关物理问题。全书共分9章,包括惯性约束聚变发电的基本原理、激光的传播与吸收、激光—靶耦合的晕区物理、电子热传导和电子烧蚀、激光—X射线转换物理、内爆动力学、流体力学不稳定性、输运理论概要、快点火物理基础。内容涉及激光核聚变靶物理的基础以及20多年来的研究成果和前沿课题。在附录中给出正文中引用的自型解的推导过程,还简要地介绍了量纲分析。 本书着重介绍激光—靶耦合过程中发生的物理过程和物理规律,诠释其中的物理概念;强调理论与实验相结合,数值模拟与解析研究相结合。每章末都给出一些主要参考文献可供读者查阅。 本书的对象是大学高年级学生、研究生、教师、从事有关领域研究和有兴趣了解这方面研究的科技工作者。
本书内容包括电磁场定律、静电场的分离变量法、静电场及其位函数、电磁场的功率与能量关系、平面电磁波及其反射和折射、电磁波的辐射等问题的分析和求解。全书共分十章,每章均由基本概念和公式、典型例题解析和习题解答等三部分组成,旨在通过对基本概念的讲述,典型例题的分析、解答,以及习题的具体解答这种学习过程的引导,提高学生分析和解决问题的能力。 本书可作为高等学校电子信息类专业本科生学习电磁场理论和研究生入学考试的学习辅导书,也可供有关专业的研究生、教师和工程技术人员参考。
忽然间,流行音乐变得陌生起来。二进制音乐编制系统代替了45转唱片、密纹唱片、甚至激光造就的巨大领域。在21世纪,音乐制作技术的突飞猛进正在威胁着相形见绌的音乐本身。今天,对不同时代的人们来说,他们的意见分歧必是欣赏什么样的音乐,而是怎么收听音乐。 《声音的再现》是一部脍炙人口之作,全书首次展示了声音复制的发展历程,书中触及到深层次的社会、经济和文化的内涵,并展现了各种人物,如托马斯·爱迪生、恩里科·卡鲁索、迪克·克拉克、“闪手大师”和Nepster公司首席执行官肖恩·范宁。对于从爱迪生的圆筒留声机开始到数码音乐为止的记叙,对普遍使用终极播放机,iPOD和文件共享大战,这些演变我们或多或少都经历过。从胜利牌留声机、78转唱片、45转唱片和331/3转唱片到8音轨录音磁带、盒式磁带、激光唱片和MP3,《声音的再现》
When I first decided to write a book on string theory, more than ten years ago, my memories of my student years were much more vivid than they are today. Still, I remember that one of the greatest pleasures was finding a text that made a difficult subject accessible, and I hoped to provide the same for string theory. Thus, my first purpose was to give a coherent introduction to string theory, based on the Polyakov path integral and conformal field theory. No previous knowledge of string theory is assumed. I do assume that the reader is familiar with the central ideas of general relativity, such as metrics and curvature, and with the ideas of quantum field theory through non- Abelian gauge symmetry. Originally a full course of quantum field theory was assumed as a prerequisite, but it became clear that many students were eager to learn string theory as soon as possible, and that others had taken courses on quantum field theory that did not emphasize the tools needed for string theory. I have therefore tri