小蓝猫午睡醒来,伸个懒腰,开始在屋里跳来跳去地玩耍:扑打玩具、跳过鱼缸 忽然,它好像听到了什么。小蓝猫仔细地观察,悄悄地靠近 它发现了什么呢? 活泼的小蓝猫就是孩子的化身。这个引起孩子好奇心的故事轻松愉快,很适合学习英语、安抚情绪。
"Tickle Time!" is the twelfth in Boynton's astoundingly successful "Boynton on Board" series. Based on the wildly popular song from Boynton's wildly popular "Rhinoceros Tap" CD, "Tickle Time!" is pure irrepressible Boynton, lively in tempo, nimble in rhyme, and filled with irresistible fuzzy cats that cavort from page to page. Plus a few birds, who aren't the cavorting type. Here's a book to turn to again and again, because it's guaranteed to elicit giggles: If you're feeling blue and you don't know what to do there is nothing like a "Tickle Time" to make you feel like new. Whether you tickle high or tickle low, tickle fast or tickle slow, it's the gitchy-gitchy-goo that makes everything worthwhile.
这天早上,小女孩儿跟着爸爸妈妈开卡车去送货。一路上,他们经过高速路、立交桥、港口、工地 看到了各种样子、各种用途的卡车。小女孩儿希望自己长大后也能拥有一辆了不起的卡车,不过现在跟着爸爸妈妈去送货,也是很开心的事! 这本温馨有趣、细节丰富的绘本向我们展示了十余种卡车,还有很多其他车辆。押韵的文字非常适合孩子学习英语。