《牛津阅读树》系列围绕Robinsons一家展开,讲述了他们日常生活中的点点滴滴。小儿子Kipper是捣蛋担当,宠物狗Floppy则是搞笑担当,它们俩为故事贡献了不少笑料,就连戏份少的Gran,每次出场都令人 惊艳 。之后,《牛津阅读树》逐渐生根发芽、扩张脉络,发展出了一套将自然拼读教学和牛津出版社分级体系有机结合的庞大的阅读体系。除了纵向的阶段递进,还有横向的阅读进程,即同一阶段的不同层次的类别阅读。其设计目的是为了满足严谨的教学、阅读能力及素养的培养三大方面,因此它的自然拼读教学原理和目前中国市面上自然拼读的产品有着明显的区别。
The Effigies must uncover the connection between Saul, Blackwell, and the Phantoms before it s too late in this epic conclusion to the Effigies trilogy. The world is in chaos. After Saul s strike on Oslo one seemingly led by Maia herself the Effigies reputation is in shambles. Now they re being hunted by nations across the globe, grouped in with the very terrorists they ve been trying to stop. With Maia s resurrected twin, June, carrying out vicious attacks across the world, everyone believes Maia is a killer. Belle has gone rogue, Chae Rin and Lake have disappeared, and the Sect is being dismantled and replaced by a terrifying new world order helmed by Blackwell. As for Saul, his ultimate plan still remains a mystery. And Maia? No one has seen or heard from her in weeks. It s all somehow connected Saul, Phantoms, the Effigies, everything. But if the Effigies can t put the pieces together soon, there may not be much left of the world they ve fought so desperately to save.在Effigies三部曲的这部史诗
I Can Read系列是暢銷全球的讀本品牌,品牌辯識度高,深受許多老師和家長推薦喜愛。讀本特色在字數、單字難易程度和主角設定,皆交由教學背景豐富的資深專家評估和設計。生動活潑的插圖,搭配有聲CD,讓父母在挑選讀本故事時,能按照孩子的程度及興趣,循序漸進的熟悉英文並愛上閱讀。 I Can Read Level 1系列是MY First I Can Read初級版的進階版,簡單有趣的生活故事,適合正從圖畫書過渡到橋樑書的小朋友。60年來,I Can Read系列讀本幫助上百萬名小讀者快樂的進入閱讀殿堂,更榮獲美國紐伯瑞獎和凱迪克大獎的肯定。 Splat the Cat (貓咪雷弟) 像一團毛茸茸、圓滾滾的小黑炭球,*好的朋友是一隻名叫小摩兒 (Seymour) 的寵物鼠。 貓咪雷弟正要展開新的學校生活,讓我們跟著貓咪雷弟一起學唱歌、烤蛋糕、交朋友、組樂團 等,學校生活可是充滿了各式的驚喜和樂