读物特色: 语言启蒙:每个故事围绕不同主题进行语言复现,随着阅读级别的升高,小朋友的理解和感知力逐步增强,书中的句子结构重复出現,朗朗上口,英文词汇逐渐增加,帮助小朋友实现语言能力螺旋式提升。 心智成长:随着阅读级别的升高,每册故事的情节更加丰富曲折、充分调动幼儿多项智能,给予成长中的小朋友更丰盈的心灵体验,帮助他们成为勤于思考和充满自信的小读者。 亲子互动:每册故事都附有别出心裁的立体手工、揭画、贴纸等设计,如会运动的小动物、会换衣服的小朋友、能打开门窗的小柜子等,非常适合爸爸妈妈和孩子一起做亲子互动游戏。 阅读建议: Mice Series 启蒙初级A:适合2-4岁幼儿 Mice Series 启蒙初级B:适合2-4岁幼儿 Mice Series 启蒙中级A:适合4-6岁幼儿 Mice Series 启蒙中
The Bright Readers in the Longman Reading Projecthave beenspecially designed to offer a systematic andcomprehensive series ofstorybooks for primary pupils. The storiesare carefully graded intosix levels and are developed in accordancewith the English LanguageCurriculum Guide (Primary 1 - 6)issued bythe Education and ManpowerBureau. The stories are based on themesthat are familiar andappealing to children. Each storybook uses anoriginal storyline,modern illustrations and fun surprises such as flaps,pop-ups andstickers to create a unique learning experience.
Cudweed's birthday is coming up, and, like all small boys, hehas big ideas and many lists about the presents he'd really like.Preparations for the party are in full swing at Otherhand Castleand the excitement is mounting. Sadly though for Cudweed, hisparents, Lord and Lady Otherhand are definitely not keen on himadding to his collection of pets. Will he be disappointed, or willhe get his heart's desire: a small but noisy monkey? And if he doesget what he wants, will it be by fair means or foul?
One starry night, a cow watches over her calf, a nanny goatwatches over her kid, and a pig watches over her piglet. For thisone moment, every family in the animal kingdom is peaceful, justlike Mary and Joseph watching over their own newborn nearby. Thissimple yet profound book perfectly captures the universal nighttimevigil of parents everywhere while gently alluding to the presenceof a nurturing creator who watches over all of us. Lauren Thompson is at her lyrical best, while Jonathan Bean'srich illustrations are the perfect match for this beautifullyserene story of a truly Peaceable Kingdom.
Based on the classic fairy tale. When Hansel and Gretel get left in the woods, they are captured by a witch who lives in a house made from gingerbread and sweets. How will they ever escape?Read it yourself with Ladybird is one of Ladybird's best-selling series. For over thirty-five years it has helped young children who are learning to read, develop and improve their reading skills.Each Read it yourself book is very carefully written to include many key, high-frequency words that are vital for learning to read, as well as a limited number of story words that are introduced and practised throughout. Simple sentences and frequently repeated words help to build the confidence of beginner readers and the four different levels of books support children all the way from very first reading practice through to independent, fluent reading.Each book has been carefully checked by educational consultants and can be read independently at home or used in a guided reading session at school. Further content includes co
Early Readers are stepping stones from picture books to young fiction. Anything Moody Margaret can do, Horrid Henry can do better. So when Margaret starts giving her friends makeovers, Henry decides to steal - no, borrow! - her idea. He is sure he can do it much, much better. It can't be that hard to make people look really fantastic...can it? Read by Miranda Richardson
Horrid Henry and Moody Margaret cook up trouble makingGlop!