戈登是一个非常勇敢的孩子,他喜欢尝试惊恐乐园里所有刺激惊险的路线。 他的弟弟布莱登却相反,他害怕所有事情,吵闹声、云霄飞车,甚至是戈登买的木制人形模型他都怕! 可是,这个木制人形模型似乎有点不寻常,他恐怖的脸上似乎有什么变化,这真的很恐怖。 布莱登的胆小使得哥哥戈登一直以嘲笑他为乐,但是他的父母却让戈登保证不可以再这么做了,否则他们就不同意他举办除夕夜聚会。 但是,谁也没想到,在这个聚会上总是有那么多奇怪的事情一直缠着弟弟布莱登…… 惊险刺激的故事情节,丝丝恐怖在字里行间里渗透出来,令人感觉头皮发麻,背脊发凉的同时却依然不愿停下来。
In the tradition of The Adventures of Peter Rabbit, this is a "garden tale" of farmer versus vermin, or vice versa. The farmers in this case are a vaguely criminal team of three stooges: "Boggis and Bunce and Bean / One fat, one short, one lean. / These horrible crooks / So different in looks / Were nonetheless equally mean." Whatever their prowess as poultry farmers, within these pages their sole objective is the extermination of our hero--the noble, the clever, the Fantastic Mr. Fox. Our loyalties are defined from the start; after all, how could you cheer for a man named Bunce who eats his doughnuts stuffed with mashed goose livers? As one might expect, the farmers in this story come out smelling like ... well, what farmers occasionally do smell like. This early Roald Dahl adventure is great for reading aloud to three- to seven-year-olds, who will be delighted to hear that Mr. Fox keeps his family one step ahead of the obsessed farmers. When they try to dig him out, he digs faster; when they lay siege to hi
当布兰妮以为自己的噩梦已经结束的时候,她受邀前往游乐园。 令布兰妮没有想到的是,这个游乐园似乎透着丝丝的诡异,和它的表面截然不同,但和它的名字一致——惊恐乐园,让人感觉非常不自在。 布兰妮发现自己被困在了这个惊恐乐园中。 更糟糕的是,有越来越多和她一样的孩子不断来到这个恐怖乐园中。 布兰妮感觉到似乎有人或者说是有东西在不断召唤大家来到这里。 它究竟是什么?布兰妮必须尽快找出来,不然他们可能永远被困在这个地球上恐怖的地方了…… 惊险刺激的故事情节,丝丝恐怖在字里行间里渗透出来,令人感觉头皮发麻,背脊发凉的同时却依然不愿停下来。