The day D Foster enters Neeka and her best friend’s lives, the world opens up for them. Suddenly they’re keenly aware of things beyond their block in Queens, things that are happening in the world—like the shooting of Tupac Shakur—and in search of their Big Purpose in life. When—all too soon—D’s mom swoops in to reclaim her, and Tupac dies, they are left with a sense of how quickly things can change and how even all-too-brief connections can touch deeply.
纽约男孩山姆在五月的一天离开了家,他要到克斯奇山寻找曾祖父遗留下来的葛博礼农场。一把小刀、一捆绳索、一把斧头、一些打火石和钢片是他为这次出走准备的所有东西。对山姆而言,这不是一次短暂的旅行或露营,他是要像树一样在森林中长久地、独立地生存。 跟随着山姆深入森林的脚步,“野外生存”这四个字渐渐地不再是一种抽象的符号和虚幻的想象,它的真实、艰辛和迷人如同磁石一般吸引着所有没有勇气和机会进入的我们。 山姆是否能适应野人般的探险生活呢?在这段山居岁月里,他有了哪些危险经历,又积累了哪些野外求生经验呢?让读者感到意外的,还是本书的精彩结局! Terribly unhappy in his family’s crowded New York Cityapartment, Sam Gribley runs away to the solitude—and danger—of themountains, where he finds a side of himself he never knew.